Chapter 900 Save Ou Tian

Chapter 900 saving Ou Tian

Time passed slowly on the plane.

Although Wan had left the family, his phone was no longer under the clan leader's surveillance.

However, the cell phone was in the air and there was no signal at all.

She didn't know if Ou Tian had left or not.

If he really didn't leave, it was because of his text message.

In fact, Ou Tian could have left very early, but he stayed because he was worried about himself.

Ou Yi and Wan had been chatting, mainly because the country was returning to china. Wan was very excited and did not feel sleepy at all.

Finally, at night, it was time.

The plane landed in a small town. Wan had never been here before.

She had never even been to the county where the town belonged.

The plane landed in an open space, and Ou Yi pulled xiao wan off the plane.

The bodyguards took down their luggage.

"Where are we going now?" Wan asked Ou Yi.

"Let's go eat first." Ou Yi said to Wan.

On the plane, they had some prepared plane meals, but it was so long ago that everyone was a little hungry.

A dozen of them walked together to a restaurant in town that looked decent.

Wan found that Ou Yi's psychological barrier was much better now.

For example, Ou Yi did not resist the bodyguards following him.

Wan and Ou Yi sat at the same table, and the bodyguards sat at three.

Order your own food.

Xiao wan ordered some food, then asked Ou Yi, "What else do you want to eat?"

Ou Yi smiled and said, "I'll eat whatever you eat."

Wan gave the menu to the waiter.

Before, while packing, Wan took advantage of Ou Yi's carelessness and put a bottle of medicine in his bag.

On the plane, she took a pill while she was in the bathroom.

It's evening, time to eat again.

She picked up her bag and said to Ou Yi, "Ou Yi, I'm going to the bathroom."

Ou Yi quickly got up and wanted to follow.

Wan looked at him doubtfully, "Are you going too?"

"This place is unfamiliar. I'll wait for you outside the bathroom." Ou Yi didn't trust her to go alone.

Knowing that he was worried about her, Wan smiled and nodded, "Okay! You're getting more and more cautious now!"

Ou Yi also smiled, "That's not because I'm nervous about you!"

Wan took his hand and went to the bathroom together.

Ou Yi was waiting for her outside.

Wan went in, went to the bathroom, took out the medicine and water from his bag, and took the medicine.

When he came out, Wan said to Ou Yi, "Let me call my brother!"

Ou Yi said, "Let me fight!"

Wan watched as Ou Yi took out his phone and called Ou Tian.

But Ou Tian's phone was turned off.

"Is he already on the plane?" Wan speculated.

Ou Yi looked at Wan and said, "I'll call the old patriarch and tell him that we've arrived. By the way, check to see if your brother was on the plane or was stopped by the old clan leader."

Wan nodded, "Then you should hurry up and fight. I hope my brother is not trapped by the old patriarch. I hope he's already here."

When Ou Yi called the old patriarch, the old patriarch knew they had arrived.

On the phone, Ou Yi tried to ask the old patriarch about Ou Tian, but the old patriarch didn't give him a chance and hung up.

"Why do I feel that the old clan leader doesn't give you a chance to say anything more?" Wan looked at Ou Yi.

Dai mei frowned slightly. She was a little worried.

"If the message I sent my brother was discovered by the old clan leader. And my brother bought a ticket to Country z because of the message I sent, so the clan leader must know. Will he deal with my brother?" Wan was worried.

"No, even if he finds out that your brother is leaving because of the message you sent, he just suspects that your brother wants to come to Secret place. This is not a betrayal of the family. Plus, you are my wife now, and you are the wife of the clan leader. The most he can do is put your brother under house arrest and wait for us to return." Ou Yi said.

Wan's eyelids kept twitching when he heard him say that.

If that's the case, then it's just that even after going to Secret place, I can't leave.

I have to go back.

Because Ou Tian was still in the clan leader's hands.

Wan really missed her son. She used to want to avenge her mother, but after a long separation from her son, she only wanted to go to Secret place to get the solution to the voodoo, so she quickly went back to accompany her son.

For revenge or something, you can think about it slowly in the future.

Thinking that oshu was worried about Ou Tian's safety, Ou Yi added, "Honey, trust me, the old patriarch will never hurt Ou Tian. Ou Tian is now the chief's wife's brother."

Wan also knew that as long as the old patriarch did not have evidence that Ou Tian had betrayed the clan, it was impossible to harm Ou Tian for the time being.

However, Ou Tian did not leave, so he was destined to go back.

Besides, how would Ou Tian contact Qiao Li Chen and the others if he didn't come?

Could it be that Ou Yi and the others went in alone?

This time, Wan's mind was in a mess.

She didn't know what to do.

Back at the table, Wan was hungry, but he had no appetite.

Her mind was full of thoughts and she was not in the mood to eat.

Ou Yi saw the situation and said, "Honey, you are really worried. Then I will call back and let people check Ou Tian's current situation."

Hearing what he said, Wan nodded quickly, "Okay, okay!"

After Ou Yi made a phone call and went back, Wan and Ou Yi waited for a reply while eating.

After a while, the call came back.

"Chief, Ou Tian is indeed under house arrest by the old chief."

Hearing this, Ou Yi frowned slightly.

He looked at Osh, "It's really in the family."

"Then what should we do?" Wan was in a daze and looked at Ou Yi worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'll get someone to take care of Ou Tian. Nothing will happen to him." Ou Yi said to Wan.

Wan didn't want to take care of her. She looked at Ou Yi. No matter how shameless she was, she had to say, "Honey, can you let your people save my big brother and let him come here?"

When Ou Yi heard oshu call him husband, his heart felt a little weak.

Although happy, Ou Yi hesitated for a moment about her request.

Wan looked at Ou Yi with eager eyes, which seemed to contain a lot of worry and fear.

Ou Yi finally nodded in agreement.


Ou Yi knew what he was doing, and when the old patriarch found out, he would definitely say something about himself.

Although he was not afraid of his father talking about him, he would never do anything so unreliable.

But now, he was willing to do something to disappoint everyone for Osh.

Because he loved Osh and believed in Osh.

Every request she made, he was willing to do it for her.