Chapter 901 love

Listening to Ou Yi's instructions on the phone, his men went to save Ou Tian, and then directly sent him to the airport. On the first flight, Wan frowned and slightly relaxed.

But she wasn't sure if Ou Yi's men could save Ou Tian.

After all, the old patriarch is in the family now.

Wan asked Ou Yi, "Are we going straight to Secret place after dinner or should we take a night off first?"

"Take a night off first." Ou Yi told him.

The old clan leader meant that as soon as they arrived, they would immediately enter the secret place.

But Ou Yi felt sorry for Osh, afraid that she would be too tired.

After dinner, he went to the best hotel in town.

The town was not very prosperous, and by about ten o' clock in the evening, there was no one on the street.

Wan and Osh lived in a suite together.

The bin was not of high grade, but it was still very clean inside.

Wan went to take a shower first, put on his pajamas, pretended to play with his phone, and waited for Ou Yi's call.

After Ou Yi went in to take a shower, Wan held his cell phone and hesitated.

She was wondering if she should send Qiao Li Chen and the others a location message right away.

Because she wasn't sure if ou tian would be rescued and if he could make it to her.

Ou Yi took a quick shower, and Wan only had a few minutes.

Wan couldn't take the risk anymore, so he had to send a message.

But she didn't send it to Qiao Li Chen. She was afraid that Qiao Li Chen would call her as soon as possible.

She didn't dare to send it to He Yimu, and He Yimu was more impulsive.

And now mother of He must still be in the hospital. Wan didn't want He Yimu to know, and he didn't want him to come to Secret place.

So, she sent it to Ou Ye immediately.

Wan knew Ou Ye's cell phone number.

Instead of sending a text message directly from her cell phone number, she opened the chat software and logged into Ou Tian's account on the chat software.

Ou Tian's account had Ou Ye's friend added to it.

It was to facilitate future contact.

Wan quickly sent a location message and immediately logged out of the account and uninstalled the software.

She knew that if she sent a text message, it could be found.

After the delivery, Wan was sweating from fear.

It was estimated that Ou Yi was coming out. Wan wanted to pretend to be asleep, but she was worried about Ou Tian.

He could only pretend to continue playing with his phone and wait.

Ou Yi came out wearing a nightgown and saw that she was still awake.

His long legs went to the bed and said to her, "Are you still worried about big brother?"

Wan nodded, "Yes, I don't know if he was rescued now!"

Ou Yi picked up his cell phone from the bedside table.

The other party called and said, "Chief, we have rescued Ou Tian. We are on our way to the nearest airport."

"All right, you guys hurry up and don't let the old clan leader find out. But be careful." Ou Yi said.

"I see, clan leader!"

Ou Yi hung up the phone and looked at Osh.

"Honey, big brother has been rescued and is on his way to the airport." Ou Yi told Wan.

Wan was only slightly relieved.

"Maybe, when my big brother really gets on the plane, I can completely rest assured." At this point, in order not to make Ou Yi suspect.

Wan added, "Maybe it's because my brother and I have been separated for so many years. I've been living a hard life before. It wasn't until my brother found me that I slowly became lucky and didn't want to be separated from my brother. After all, he's my only family in this world."

Ou Yi listened to her and nodded slightly, "Honey, with me around, no one dares to touch big brother. If they are on their way to the airport and are discovered by the old patriarch, I have a way to stop the old patriarch."

"Thank you, hubby." Wan was moved and stared at him with beautiful eyes, "You and my brother are my lucky stars."

Ou Yi smiled, put down his phone, leaned down and tried to kiss Wan.

Wan frowned at the sight and clenched his fists.

She didn't hate Ou Yi. She just kissed a man she didn't love. She felt burdened and uncomfortable at the party.

However, after all that Ou Yi had done for her, it was really hard for her to refuse again.

She could only close her eyes slightly and let Ou Yi kiss her.

When his lips touched hers, Wan's mind flashed with the angry face of joe Li Chen.

His rage was as if he were going to kill someone.

Wan shuddered.

She immediately opened her eyes, and before her eyes, Ou Yi had already closed his eyes, and he was kissing her in an ungrateful manner, trying to take a deeper step...

Wan couldn't take it anymore. She pushed Ou Yi away.

Ou Yi opened his eyes and looked at Wan in astonishment.

Wan's eyes were trembling. She pursed her lips, lowered her head and whispered, "Honey, your kiss made my heart beat so fast, like a drum, as if it was about to jump out. I've never felt this way before."

Ou Yi's handsome face turned slightly red when she said that.

His heart beat like a drum just now. He only felt that her lips, like the most delicious thing in the world, made people want to be fascinated by it.

Ou Yi knew about the dark life his wife had led before. She suddenly felt a surge of emotion, not used to this strange heartbeat.

He pulled the quilt away and went to bed.

Hugging his wife to sleep: "We'll get used to it later!"

Ou Yi wanted to give his wife some time. She was not used to the thrill of kissing.

Wan nodded. She didn't expect Ou Yi to be so good.

So considerate.

He believed a lie he made up.

And he was thinking for himself.

Wan felt more and more guilty about Ou Yi.

An hour later, Ou Yi's phone rang.

Wan wasn't asleep yet, and she was worried about Ou Tian.

"Chief, Ou Tian is already on the plane."

Hearing this, Ou Yi nodded slightly, "Okay! Don't go back for the time being. We'll talk about it when I get back."


Ou Yi didn't let them go back to the family because he was afraid that the old patriarch would throw fire on them.

Wan was relieved to hear Ou Yi say that Ou Tian had boarded the plane.

She smiled and said, "Hubby, I find that your psychological barrier seems to have disappeared. You can also call someone else, and at dinner, you don't care about the waiter's approach at all."

Ou Yi looked down at his wife in his arms.

"That's all your credit." Ou Yi's lips curled up slightly.

He remembered what the psychiatrist said.

As expected, ou shu was a good cure for his psychological disorder.

It turns out that love, not only can make a person happy, but also can make a person out of the sea of suffering.