Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly. She couldn’t help but be reminded of that man who donned a silver-mask.

Although rumor had it that the Ghost King was terrifying, and that he killed without batting an eye, what choice did she have? In order to preserve her life, she had to give it a shot!

“Okay, it’s getting late. I ought to go back and sleep now,” Mu Qianyue said as she stifled a yawn. Without further ado, she leapt off the roof and led Nalan Jing back into the room.

“My dear, don’t leave. I’m scared of the dark…” A certain someone tugged at her sleeves pitifully.

Seeing his aggrieved demeanor, Mu Qianyue’s heart softened in an instant. She held his hand and gently patted the back of it as she said softly, “Don’t be scared. You can sleep with a peace of mind with me around.”

Only after coaxing Nalan Jing to sleep, did Mu Qianyue quietly heave a sigh of relief and stealthily leave the room.

While he watched the departing figure of the young lady as she left, a glow flickered across Nalan Jing’s intoxicating, gleaming purple eyes.

As for Cang Ming and Xuan Ye who were hidden in a corner, no words could describe their numbness. So it turned out their master could be so truly shameless!

To think he was capable of wheedling and saying something like he was scared of the dark? Preposterous!

“You two, come out.”

Alarm bells instantly went off in Cang Ming and Xuan Ye’s heads. With no choice but to walk out obediently as they were told, they said respectfully, “Yes, Master.”

“Was it an entertaining show?” Nalan Jing’s expression was bland, his tone icy.

“Can we speak the truth?”

“What do you think?” A menacing glint flickered across his narrowed eyes.

Cang Ming hurriedly covered his eyes. “Master, I saw nothing!”

Xuan Ye, too, quickly concurred. “I didn’t see and hear anything either!”

“Hmph! It’s too late! The two of you, go and receive your punishment!” Nalan Jing scoffed and said with a slight smirk. He didn’t miss that unconcealable smile in the depths of their eyes. It was obvious they were lying!

No way… Having been sentenced to their fates, Cang Ming and Xuan Ye’s faces were covered with tear streaks.

Amid the steep mountains, the shadow of a black palace could be seen indistinctly.

Looking at the palace that was getting increasingly closer, Mu Qianyue restrained her aura and slowly moved ahead with bated breath.

According to her older brother, the Netherworld Palace was located in Sky Demon Mountain. Fortunately, it was only 40 kilometers away from Phoenix Shadow City, taking Mu Qianyue two hours to ride there on a horse.

In order to minimise the chances of being discovered by anyone, Mu Qianyue had waited in the forest until the skies turned dark and the moon hung high in the skies, before she slowly felt her way up.

Although she had absolutely no idea what materials the Netherworld Palace in front of her was constructed with, it was entirely black and gave off a sinister luster under the moonlight. There was a magnificent, imposing and fearsome vibe about this place.

Soon enough, she sneaked stealthily into the Netherworld Palace. It was incredibly quiet all around, and not even the sound of wind could be heard.

Eh? Why wasn’t there anyone around?

How was it possible that she didn’t detect any breathing!

But that was even better. It made it more convenient for her to search for the Raging Fire Spring.

As she searched the surroundings, Mu Qianyue nearly turned the Netherworld Palace upside down, yet she failed to find the Raging Fire Spring. She felt extremely glum.

Blub… blurp… All of a sudden, she detected the sound of water boiling. Mu Qianyue’s countenance changed, and a glint flashed across her eyes.

She stealthily moved towards the source of that sound, and found herself in a palace.

Smoke danced in that palace, and the entire place was enshrouded in fog. There was a fire burning on each of the four sides and amid the dim lighting from the flames, the mist in the pool appeared to be drenched in a fiery red.

As her eyes were drawn to the churning water in the pool bubbling with air bubbles, Mu Qianyue’s eyes lit up. This was indeed the Raging Fire Spring!

She pricked up her ears and after confirming that there wasn’t anyone around, she started removing her clothes, thinking to herself that she would leave right after she was done soaking for two hours!

Just as she was about to jump into the Raging Fire Spring, Tianshuo’s voice rang in her head. “Stupid woman! Just jump in directly if you have a death wish. Within less than a second, you will turn into a skeleton.”

Mu Qianyue froze. With a darkened expression, she scolded with gritted teeth, “Damn! Couldn’t you have told me that earlier? Thanks to you, I nearly turned into spicy hotpot!”

“What is a spicy hotpot?”

“Spicy hotpot is a delectable snack. Aiyah, why am I even explaining to you? It’s not like you will understand anyway. What should I do now?”

“Wear this, it will prevent you being scorched by the Raging Fire Spring.” Tianshuo took out a sky-blue crystal necklace.

Using her mental power, Mu Qianyue retrieved a necklace from the Heaven Connecting Tower and wore it around her neck. Instantly, a gust of cold air entered her senses, making the scalding air around her feel much cooler.

“Wah, what is this? It feels super cooling.”

“Why do you need to state the obvious? These are crystal tears made using ten-thousand-year-old ice, and it has the ability to counter all sorts of fires!” boasted Tianshuo.

“Hmph, whatever good stuff it is, all of them belong to me. Don’t forget, even you belong to me now,” Mu Qianyue retorted shamelessly, before leaping into the Raging Fire Spring in one swift motion.

With that, Mu Qianyue started swimming leisurely, and using the Nine Dragons Soul-Devouring Technique, she absorbed strands of pure Yang energy from the Raging Fire Spring into her body, to balance the Yin and Yang energy in her body.

“Ahhh, it feels so good.” She let out a comfortable sigh, then leisurely shut both eyes. Almost naturally, she let go of both hands and relaxed her entire body, allowing her body to float in the Raging Fire Spring.

This felt even more marvelous than soaking in a hot spring.

Just as Mu Qianyue felt so comfortable she nearly fell asleep, suddenly, a set of footsteps was heard coming from outside the palace.

She abruptly opened her eyes, a glint flickering across her eyes. The intruder moved very quickly, and had already pushed open the door. She didn’t even have the time to hide!

In order not to expose herself, Mu Qianyue had no choice but to hold her breath and dive into the water.

Thankfully due to the high temperature of the Raging Fire Spring, the entire palace was immersed in fog. Combined with the faint lighting, the place looked rather hazy.

But shortly after, a pair of men’s black boots appeared beside the pool.

Shifting her gaze upwards, she saw a black brocade robe. Following that, she heard the sound of the robe slipping to the floor.

Damn! Surely not?!

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes in annoyance. Was this man here to soak in the Raging Fire Spring?


Of all times, why did he have to show up just when I was having a relaxing time soaking in the spring!

Mu Qianyue had no choice but to squirm to one corner. To prevent herself from being discovered, she called out to Tianshuo in her heart. “Tianshuo, can you take me into the Heaven Connecting Tower?”

This was way too dangerous!

“No. Right now only your consciousness can come in. If you wish for your physical body to enter this space, you will need to possess the capabilities of Sovereign Cultivators and above.”

“Sh*t! Then what do I do now?”

“Do as you deem fit. If you should unfortunately die, rest assured. I will preserve your corpse in perfect condition. At least that’s one thing you don’t have to worry about.”

“Damn you!” Mu Qianyue cussed irritably.

After the man removed all his clothes save for a pair of pants, he went into the Raging Fire Spring. Seeing the man close his eyes with a relaxed expression, the corners of Mu Qianyue’s mouth twitched. For him to be able to withstand the scorching heat of the Raging Fire Spring, clearly this man was carrying some sort of treasure.

For a person to possess such a mighty treasure, his status definitely wouldn’t be lowly. Could this person be one of the Ghost King’s Guardians, or perhaps the Ghost King himself?

She could only hope that he would quickly leave after he was done soaking in the pool.

But the thing was, it just so happened that the man simply refused to leave. To her horror, he actually dozed off as he leaned against the edge of the pool.

F*ck! Why did he come here to sleep?!

Through the hazy fog, Mu Qianyue could see the man’s strong and fair chest. His perfect and proportionate eight pack abs looked like a work of art sculpted by God.

As she shifted her gaze upwards, Mu Qianyue was astounded to see a silver mask!