"Yes, at last I remember." "There are still two doubts," Mu said

"There are still two doubts..." Tong Ling thought for a moment and continued, "scar man's strength is not weak, but deliberately suppressed the strength. I beat him away three or two times. Generally, this kind of person is a cruel role. Who does not bear several lives on his back, but they easily admit defeat. This is also a doubtful point."

"As for the third doubtful point, when Tiange revealed the space to accept the ring in the grain store, I obviously saw the greedy eyes of the people around me, but suddenly turned into sympathy. It seems that they changed their eyes after watching Su Piao Piao. I didn't think so much at that time."

"You don't look stupid." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Master, don't make fun of me. Ah, after all, I'm too young..." Tong Ling is like a defeated cock, listless.

"Just know." Mu shallow month patted his shoulder, "wandering in the lake, the heart of harming people can't have, but the heart of preventing people can't be absent."

"I see, master. I will keep one more heart in the future." Tongling nodded. She didn't expect that people were so dangerous. They all like to play Yin. It's impossible to prevent them.


As soon as mu Qianyue, Chu Tiange, Huoxi and Tongling left, several figures appeared in the former place. When they saw a woman and four men in the field, they were all stunned and turned to look excited and shocked.

"My God! This is too exciting

"Live version of spring palace show! It's such a hot and exciting scene that people's nosebleed

"Why? What about the four teenagers? Why not? "

"Ha ha, I didn't expect Su Piao to fall into the hands of four young boys! Not only did not seize the space to accept the ring, but was teased

"It seems that those four little boys are not easy!"

"Since they didn't grab the space, it's ours. Let's go, keep up!"

It's a pity that those scabby men will not be afraid of when they meet scabby men. In fact, they will not be afraid when they meet scabby men!


Mu Qianyue's four people continue to walk forward. With the deepening of the inner circle of the flower sea of forgetting Sichuan, the number of people becomes less and less, until almost no one is seen. All around, there are luxuriant green grass and trees full of flowers. One of them is called unknown flower. Its petals are bright red, purple, sky blue or green

The air is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers, such as intoxicating wine, which makes people intoxicated.

"Do you think it's strange here?" Tong Ling looked around in disbelief, and her delicate eyebrows did not help wrinkling.

"Yes, there are no animals here, not even ants, only vegetation." Chu Tian Song said lightly, in the golden pupil more a trace of vigilance.

"Be careful. After all, here is the inner wall of the sea of flowers." Mu Qianyue looks around with vigilant eyes. At the same time, her soul power radiates. She suddenly feels a strange silence behind her. She suddenly turns back and sees Chu Tiange and Huoxi both have red eyes and stare at each other with hatred. It seems that there is a deep hatred between them.

Looking back again, Tong Ling on one side also has red eyes, staring at Chu Tiange and Huoxi.

"What's the matter with you?" Mu shallow moon voice asked, she did not find her own eyes unknowingly is also a red.

"Master, don't get too close to Huoxi. He doesn't mean you well." The song of Chu Tian drags mu Qianyue.

Huoxi snorted coldly, "say I have bad intentions? I think it's you, isn't it? Don't believe him. Chu Tiange has ulterior motives

"None of you want to rob master with me. Master is mine! Die for me Tong Ling suddenly roared, a scorpion snake flew out of his hand.

Mu Xiaoyue was surprised, and the Dragon Sword came out in his hand, and all the scorpions and vipers that came to him were beaten and killed. "What are you doing? Do you want to kill each other?"

With such a roar from mu Qianyue, the souls of chutiange, Huoxi and Tongling are all shocked. Slowly, they look ugly. What happened to them just now? It's as if you were stunned!

"The fragrance of the flowers has a soul catching effect!" Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed. He reached out and quickly tore off a piece of cloth on the hem of his clothes, covered it to his nose and tied it behind his head. Chu Tiange, Huoxi and Tongling quickly tore off the cloth strips from their clothes and tied them up.

After isolating the fragrance of flowers, people's mood gradually recovered and their eyes were not so red.

At this time, I saw that the flowers, red, purple, sky blue, or green, suddenly grew larger, opened their ferocious red mouths, and rushed to Mu Qianyue, and the green vines twined around them like flexible snakes.

These flowers and vines can grow and shrink at will.

"Shit! Cannibals Mu shallow moon surprised way, tiptoe lightly on the ground, fly up, avoid the predatory flowers.

But obviously, these cannibals are much more powerful than modern cannibals. Their fragrance will lose people's mind unconsciously. If Mu Qianyue's nose is not better and he is proficient in poison technique, I'm afraid they will all be hit.If they kill each other, it will become a feast for these cannibals.

"Whew A beautiful flame swept out of the fire's fingers, ejected, and landed on the front of the cannibals, and soon those cannibals were burned to ashes.

"Don't burn them all. These flowers are useful. Cut off their roots and leave them behind." Mu said.

Chu Tiange and Huoxi nodded, and the fierce sword Qi was cut off by these cannibals, and a stream of red blood flowed down from the root. They don't need to ask about the orders of the master and his children, they just need to follow them.

Finger movement, Mu shallow moon will these cannibal flowers are collected into the space of the tower.

"Master, are you going to refine these flowers into poison?" Tong Ling's eyes gradually become normal. At this time, he excitedly looks at mu Qianyue and says.

"These flowers have a fascinating effect. If you go back and study them, you may get unexpected results with several herbs." A touch of joy flashed through the black pupil, which is a good thing.

Just as mu Qianyue was about to leave, six guys with short eyes ran out. Mu recognized them at a glance. They were the ones they met in the grain store last night. They saw that there was space for them to accept the ring among the singers of Chu Tian, so they were attracted to them.

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