"If you don't want to die, you'd better hand over the space and accept the ring. Otherwise, don't blame our elder brother's killing!" The tall and thin man's voice said in a grim voice, his eyes twinkled with killing intention, and the other five moved at their feet, motionless, and surrounded several people with Mu shallow moon.

"I know you have a lot of ideas, but I'm not su Piao's idiots. You'd better be conscious, or you'll be good-looking!" The tall and thin man continued with a fierce look.

"Want to kill people and steal goods? At least you have to be able to do that. "

"Master, let me solve these grasshoppers." Tong Ling's face faintly revealed the excited bloodthirsty color, "my friends have not eaten fresh blood for a long time."

"If you don't hand it in, you'll die! When we kill you, it's the same thing to take away! " The tall and thin man snorted coldly. With a wave of his sleeve, the five immediately attacked mu Qianyue, Chu Tiange, Huoxi and Tongling.

"Hum! Look for death Tong Ling's palm shook and flicked a few times, only to see a black scorpion flying out of his palm.

The five men were bitten on their forehead, neck, chest, arms and so on, but after a few breaths, their faces were green and black, as if they had been poisoned.

The tall and thin man was startled, and his eyes were full of terror and horror. His brothers had the strength of three level and four level martial arts worshipers. They all died without even putting out their swords! He immediately turned his head and ran away. If he did not run, he would die the next moment!

Just before he ran a few steps, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and he slapped it up. Then he realized that he didn't know when a scorpion climbed onto his shoulder and was bitten by a scorpion.

His body was stiff, his eyes were staring at him, and he was unwilling to fall down.

"Well, these annoying flies have to be killed." Tong Ling frowned.

"Let's go." The moon god's feeling is as light as water, and has not changed because of their death. This is the case in this world.

But obviously, this group of people's luck is not as good as those of Su Piao. Although Su Piao Piao wants to rob, at least they have no intention of killing, but in these people's eyes, they have strong intention to kill.

As you continue to walk forward, over a hillside, this area gradually began to have some shrubbery, where you can't see Warcraft may hibernate, so be more careful.

There were four bodies lying in front of the bushes, all of them were men, and the death was miserable, and there were obvious signs of being bitten by Warcraft.

One had half of his head missing, the other had his stomach cut open by his sharp claws, and his intestines flowed all over the ground. Beside him, there was a broken hand and limb. The red blood had already dried up, which was terrible.

"These people were not killed by Warcraft." Chu Tiange's eyes were fixed on several corpses on the ground, and a faint color flashed through her golden eyes.

"Yes, they were all killed, and they were their own." Fire Xi received words, eyes light as quiet as the pool.

Seeing Tongling showing a puzzled look, mu Qianyue explained, "the fatal wound on the three people is the stab wound on their chest. One hit is very clean. They were bitten by Warcraft after death. If you look at the last one, the wound on his back runs through his chest, but the knife didn't kill him. What really killed him was the knife on his neck. Obviously, he was stabbed through his chest by someone without any precaution. He struggled for some time, and finally was wiped off his neck. In such a place as the sea of flowers in the forgetful River, you will be stabbed in the back without any precaution. You must be someone you trust. "

"Killed by someone you trust?" Tong Ling looks surprised.

"People die for money, birds die for food. No one can be absolutely trusted, so don't leave your back to others easily. " Mu shallow moon stands in place, the voice is light but permeated with a difficult to suppress desolation, shallow sigh.

"No matter how others are, I always believe in master! I believe that master will never hurt me. I am willing to give my back to master! " Tong Ling stares at mu Qianyue with a serious face. His dark pupils are as clear as crystal black stone.

"Master, I will always stand behind you and never let anyone hurt you." Chu Tiange clenched the sword in his hand, and his golden eyes were full of firmness.

"So am I Light as water three words flow from the lips of fire Xi, but as heavy as Mount Tai.

Looking at the burning and firm eyes of the three of them, mu Qianyue raised his lips and laughed, and his voice was clear and sweet, like a song in the clouds, "never betray!"

The short four words also represent her heart.

Never betray! The four words, which are as heavy as Mount Tai, have nothing to do with love, but represent friendship and love between teachers and students.

"Master, why do you want to come to the sea of flowers in the forget river?" Tong Ling suddenly asked.

Chu song and Huoxi also cast a curious look.

"I want to cross the sea of flowers, to the abyss of broken soul." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a serious look.

"What? Do you want to cross the whole sea of flowers Tong Ling called out in disbelief.

The soul breaking abyss is located on the other side of the sea of flowers in forgetting Sichuan. It is a cliff. If you want to go to the abyss, you must cross the whole sea of flowers. This is the only way.However, the vast area of the sea of flowers is no smaller than that of the thorn mountains. It looks like picturesque scenery around it, but it is dangerous everywhere. Therefore, few people will come to the flower sea, and no one will go to the soul breaking abyss. Most people who come to practice will choose to go to the nearby thorny mountains, while those who come to visit will turn around around in the periphery of the sea.

"Master, I will accompany you." Chu song smell speech, golden pupil in a flash of light, and then the voice firmly said.

"I haven't crossed the whole sea of flowers yet. It's a good challenge." Fire Xi light way.

"Cut, it seems that I'm afraid. I'll give my life to accompany my master, so I'll go inside and have a look." Tong Ling snorted coldly.

Mu light curved lips, showing a smile, "don't worry, I have discretion, if you encounter unmatched danger, we will withdraw." She won't lose the lives of the three of them because of a nine star flower. Isn't the gain outweigh the loss?

The four continued to move forward, because they had only just entered the inner wall and encountered some problems along the way, but they were not very difficult, so they solved them quickly.

The sun is gradually setting, and the surroundings are gradually getting dark. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the green carpet of the flower sea. It looks like a gorgeous gold gauze on the cage. It's hazy and beautiful.

Above the nine days, the splendid sunset clouds spread out in the sky like gorgeous red silk, elegant ups and downs.

"Find a place to stay for one night and continue to drive tomorrow." Mu said that once it gets dark, it's not suitable to travel either in the mountains or here.

It's the night time for the monsters.

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