However, she is so small, how can she cure Jun Mengyu's hidden disease?

It's said that the emperor of Beiming invited the elixir of the holy doctor for the sake of his dream rain. Unfortunately, he was helpless.

Now Jun Mengyu tells them that the girl who looks soft and beautiful is a miracle doctor to cure her hidden disease. It feels like a dream in heaven! They won't believe it!

Because it's unbelievable!

Even the emperor of Beiming had a dull and astonished look on his face. He was stunned for a long time before he came back to his mind. His brow was tight. "Yu'er, do you think she is a miracle doctor for curing your hidden diseases?"

"Yes, she is. When they were training in the sea of flowers, Tang Yiming, regardless of our safety, had to light a torch at night. As a result, he was attacked by Warcraft and almost killed us. At the critical moment, it was the shallow moon that saved us. She also cured my hidden disease You dream of rain.

"How ridiculous! She seems to be sixteen, isn't she? I'm afraid her strength is not even a warrior. You said she saved you and cured your hidden disease? Ha ha, Jun Mengyu, don't treat me as a fool! It's just a lie you want to justify yourself! " Jun Linyuan disdained to sneer and looked up at the most noble man above Dan Bi and said, "father, you must not listen to one side of Jun Mengyu's words. She is lying!"

With her own talent, she reached the level of Wang wuzhe at the age of 26. At present, the young girl looks so young, and her strength is certainly not so good!

The ministers in the hall nodded one after another, and obviously agreed with Jun Linyuan's words. After all, she was too young. Ah, the eldest princess is really a liar for an ordinary woman. Is she really a spy sent by other countries? The eldest princess

For a moment, people's confused and angry eyes fell on Jun Mengyu and mu Qianyue.

"Father, every word I said is true. At that time, in addition to Tang Yiming and I, Li Hui and other dark guards were also present. They all saw it with their own eyes." You dream of rain.

"Those secret guards are all your people. You can buy them." Jun Lin Yuan disdains to hum.

Beiming emperor's eyebrows are light and congealed, his eyes fall on mu Qianyue's body, and his eyes twinkle with fine wisps. Naturally, he is not as stupid as Jun Linyuan. As the emperor of Beiming Kingdom, he naturally knows how to save time and measure the situation and observe people's heart.

Therefore, he didn't get angry or scolded. Instead, he frowned and pondered. After a long time, he began to ask, "yu'er, since you say she is your benefactor and a miracle doctor to cure your hidden diseases, do you have any evidence? After all, all civil and military officials are here. You can't be convinced by your words! "

Jun Mengyu's face changed slightly. She really couldn't prove it, because no matter what she said, she would be refuted, unless she could produce strong and powerful evidence, or she could prove it by herself.

But how can you be willing to stand up and prove that you are a miracle doctor? She doesn't care to prove it!

Mu Qianyue stands still in the palace, always calm in the eyes of people who despise or despise or doubt, and the expression on his face is not changed at all.

"You want to see the evidence?"

The corner of the lips cold hook up, looking to the king Lin Yuan.

Somehow, in contact with Mu shallow moon's eyes, Jun Linyuan couldn't help but beat a shiver, and his heart had no reason to rise a sense of uneasiness.

At the next moment, the purple figure in front of him flashed, and a strong force hit him. Jun Linyuan was immediately hit by that force and flew out. He hit the stone pillar behind him fiercely. His face turned white, he opened his mouth, and a big mouthful of blood vomited out and fell to the ground dying.

Everything is just a second!

People can't help but take a cold breath. Jun Linyuan is also a first-class King martial arts person. Unexpectedly, he was shot and seriously injured in front of the girl in purple! This is too strong!

The emperor's face was suddenly cold, a piece of iron green, obviously extremely angry, "bold! You even hurt my prince in my face! court death! Somebody, take her down for me

As his voice fell, general Tang immediately stopped mu Qianyue and said angrily, "you are indeed a spy sent by other countries! Come, protect the emperor

One after another, the dark guards swarmed in, and in an instant surrounded mu Qianyue in the center.

"Shallow moon!" Jun Mengyu walked to Mu Qianyue, looked up at the North emperor and said, "father, this is a misunderstanding, you must believe the words of your children's ministers!"

Mu Xiaoyue didn't pay attention to the people, but walked slowly to Jun Linyuan's side. With a flick of his finger, a pill was immediately fed into his mouth. His face slowly became ruddy and his breathing was smooth. He felt that his chest injury was no longer painful, and his internal organs, which were almost broken, were slowly repaired.

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Jun Linyuan stood up from his position. He touched his chest, and his face was shocked. Was his wound healed? What pill did she give herself just now? It's amazing!

All the people in the hall were shocked. Just now, King Rui was still on the verge of death. After taking the pills, he was very lively. He was so amazing!

Jun Linyi was shocked to stand up from his position. The effect of this pill is very strong! It seems that she is really the doctor who cured Jun Mengyu, but I didn't think her strength was not bad. So just right, his crown prince has been empty, if you can marry her, absolutely is a big help!"This girl, I hope you'll forgive me for your offence." The emperor's face brightened. The cold and anger just now retreated like water, like a rising tide. It came and went quickly. While saying, he waved to general Tang, "you all go back."

Tang general not willing to stare at Mu shallow moon and Jun Mengyu one eye, and then backed down.

"Thank you for saving my three sisters. I hope you don't pay attention to the misunderstanding just now." Jun Linyi stood up, his beautiful face showed a warm smile, looking like spring breeze, so that he could leave a good impression in Mu Qianyue's eyes.

It's a pity that Mu Xiaoyue didn't look at him. When she was questioned before, Jun Linyi didn't stand up. Instead, he stood up after she proved his identity. It can be seen from this that he is deep in mind and can be reckless and unscrupulous for the sake of interests.

Jun Linyi's face was stiff and ugly. A touch of anger flashed in his drooping eyes. After a moment, he disappeared again. "On behalf of my second brother, I apologize to you for him. I hope Miss Haihan, you are kind to my three sisters. We will respect you as the guest of honor in Beiming. You can rest assured to live in the Imperial Palace these days."

I believe that she will change her view of herself if she carries out the status of Prince. , the fastest update of the webnovel!