This speech is very smooth, warm and mellow voice, polite, so that the palace of thousands of gold ladies are envious and jealous, the prince must be watching her! What a nuisance!

Jun Linyuan heard this, almost did not get angry and fainted on the spot.

Why does Jun Linyi apologize for himself? Who does he think he is! How to use their own fault to please the doctor! Don't think you don't understand his mind, is not the purple girl's beauty and medical skills, want to income into the uterus?

Hum! you must be dreaming!

She was the first one he liked!

Thinking of this, he showed a cold smile on his face, "when did the prince become so good that he apologized for me? It's the sun coming out in the West. Or the prince, you have been tossed about by the concubine in your mansion? "

King Lin Yuan this time of course is also extremely vicious, a word to break his wind ~ flow good ~ color nature.

Jun Mengyu looks at these two people dog bite dog, in the eye flash disdain color, depend on them two people also dare to think shallow moon? They did not expect to see a few men around the moon, any one pull out than the Jun Lin Yuan and Jun Lin Yi several times stronger!

"Shut up!" The northern Ming emperor glared at the king Lin Yuan Nu, and the king Lin Yuan closed his mouth resentfully ~ ba.

"Today is my birthday. This girl will stay and join the party. Please come and give me a seat." The emperor of Beiming flashed a touch of excitement in his eyes. Since she had cured yu'er's hidden disease, she must have a way to make her youth stay forever. Even if she could not stay young forever and prolong her aging and death, there would be no problem.

If she can use it for her own use, that would be great.

"I'm not interested in such a party." Mu shallow moon looks indifferent to say, directly refused the arrangement of the northern Ming emperor, his mind, she saw through at a glance.

The cold voice fell slowly and turned to walk outside the hall.

The emperor's face "Shua" on the cold down, eyes surging with anger and gloom, this woman is too ungrateful, dare not give her face! He is the emperor of Beiming Kingdom, and he is the most respected person in Beiming kingdom! His good voice and good words to her, unexpectedly was thrown a big face!

This is like a loud slap on the face in public, which makes him extremely angry!

Jun Linyi looks a little stunned, obviously did not expect that the girl in purple should be so arrogant that she didn't even buy her father's account!

All the people in the hall also showed their anger. They thought that they were great doctors, so they could have arrogant capital? Here, the emperor is the existence that dominates everyone's life and death. Everything must obey the emperor's arrangement!

Dare to challenge the majesty of the emperor. I don't know how to die! They seemed to see the miserable end of Mu Qianyue.

"Be bold! When the emperor gives you a seat, you can look up to you. Don't think you can be so arrogant that even our noble emperor doesn't pay attention to it! " General Tang glared at the moon road.

The emperor also looked at her coldly and haughtily. As long as she apologized now, he would forgive her impoliteness.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, her white chin lifted slightly, and her beautiful face showed a look of coldness and pride, "what I don't want to do, who dares to threaten me?"

There was a kind of invisible pressure in the cold voice. With her voice falling, general Tang's body immediately flew out. He fell to the ground with a thump. The next second, blood gushed out of his mouth.


The hall is full of shock, one by one startled staring at the eyes, so strong power!

Did not see her start, general Tang unexpectedly flew out! You know, general Tang is the first powerful general of the northern underworld! He has made countless contributions to the war, and many of them died in his hands! At the moment, the other side didn't even give a hand. Just with a momentum, he blew general Tang out

This strength is so deep and frightening!

General Tang lay on the ground with a look of consternation and stupidity on his face, and apparently he had not recovered from the shock.

At this time, the emperor's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes were filled with anger. Even though this woman had unparalleled medical skills, how could he allow her to trample on the dignity of Beiming kingdom?!

Originally, she wanted to treat them with courtesy and respect, but she didn't know what to do, so she couldn't blame herself! After she catches up, let her prolong her life and keep her youthful appearance. Didn't she have to listen to herself at that time? Let yourself play with it?

"Come on, take her to me! I want to let her know what will happen if she defies my majesty! "

One by one, the dark guards swarmed in. The sword in his hand was shining with cold luster under the glass light, and his eyes were twinkling with strong killing intention and fell on mu Qianyue's body.

"Shallow moon, you go quickly, I'll block it for you!" Jun Mengyu "Shua" draws out the soft sword wrapped around his waist, and looks at the dark Wei slowly approaching with cold face.

"You dream of rain, how dare you disobey your father's meaning and oppose him? Today is the birthday of my father. You not only help him out, but also bring your friends to humiliate me and our Beiming kingdom. Now, you even humiliate my father! Jun Mengyu, what are you thinking about Jun Linyuan took the opportunity to launch a disaster. This is a great opportunity to overthrow Jun Mengyu. I thought I couldn't find the opportunity just now. I didn't expect that she would automatically hit the muzzle of a gun.Hum! This is just the right way to save yourself from the trouble.

As long as the power in the hand of Jun Mengyu is disintegrated, the status of Jun Lin Tian will be greatly reduced. As for Prince Linyi, hum, it's just a vase. It's not your opponent at all. Isn't the throne your own?

With this in mind, his eyes twinkled with excitement, but his face still made a look of righteous indignation.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of King Linyuan, the northern emperor's face became more gloomy and angry. He glared at Jun Mengyu, his eyes filled with deep disappointment, "yu'er, what do you mean? Are you trying to help an outsider deal with me? In vain, I love you so much

You dream rain smell speech not from sneer a, ~ pet ~ love?

Maybe at the beginning, she had a love for her. At that time, she was six years old. She was tested to have green spirit, extraordinary talent, and her father was very happy. In addition, at that time, she was very popular and her happiness continued.

Later, her father and emperor decided to marry her and Tang Yiming, the eldest son of general Tang in the same year.

Only when she was twelve, her body changes attracted people's ridicule and coldness.

His father searched for famous doctors for himself, and finally he invited the Dan pharmacist of the saint doctor. Unfortunately, he was helpless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!