As he grew older and uglier, his father became more and more indifferent to himself. In the end, he ordered that he should not be allowed to appear in front of his ministers, and even considered himself a disgrace to her. Even Tang Yiming doesn't like her any more. She has to fight or scold her.

Later, she tried hard to cultivate, and finally had a good strength. Her father gradually changed her outlook on her, but that was only limited to her force, and she was still not allowed to appear in front of civil and military officials.

Since she came back from the sea of flowers, she has not only broken through to become a Wang wuzhe, but also looks like a beautiful city. Her father immediately changed his attitude towards her. He loved and loved her, and even didn't care why Tang Yiming was disabled.

His change and attitude, Jun Mengyu's heart is very clear, is not because she can bring benefits to Beiming kingdom? If he or that ugly appearance, he will be so kind to himself, 3000 ~ pet ~ love? After all, it's not to satisfy his own selfishness?!

"Father, I used to respect you, but now I hate you." Jun Mengyu took a deep breath and said the words that had been pressed in the bottom of my heart for a long time. His eyes closed slightly. When he opened again, he was fierce and resolute. "With me today, no one wants to hurt the shallow moon! Unless you walk on my body

"Good! Good! Jun Mengyu, it seems that your wings are hard. Do you want to fight against me The emperor of Beiming narrowed his eyes and his chest heaved violently. He was obviously angry.

Mu Xiaoyue looked at the woman beside her in surprise. She didn't think she would defend herself like this.

"I'm sorry, shallow moon, I've got you involved again." Jun Mengyu sighed helplessly. He knew that he would not invite the moon to Beiming, and he would not put her in danger. At this moment, he felt guilty.

"It's none of your business." Mu shallow moon light says.

When the atmosphere was in a stalemate, a eunuch suddenly reported that the fourth prince was back.

As the eunuch's voice fell, the two figures walked up the stone ladder one after the other, as if bathed in the morning light.

A man in a beautiful black robe, tall and slender, handsome face with a trace of cynicism. The woman behind him was wearing a silk and gold embroidered dress with a delicate bun. Her pretty face was a little uneasy and nervous, and her eyes were curious.

Looking at these two people, mu Qianyue can't help but be happy, the cold light of the eye also gradually dispersed, these two people are Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong.

Obviously, Jun Lin Tian also noticed the mu Qianyue in front of him. He was stunned and quickly stepped forward with a surprised and happy smile on his face, "shallow moon, how are you here?"

"The moon is shallow. You... " Xu Yurong's step stops. When she sees mu Qianyue, she can't help but blush, and her eyes flash a touch of guilty color. How can she feel that she has eloped and been caught.

"Jun Lin Tian, your action is very fast, so fast to abduct Xu Yurong home, is really fierce!" Mu shallow moon hands ring chest, pick eyebrows to see two people at the door, eyebrows with a trace of evil smile.

Xu Yurong's face was so red that she wanted to find a hole in the ground. Ah, ah, the first time she came out with Jun Lintian, she was caught by the light moon. What a shame!

"No, shallow moon, it's not what you think. We and I just went out to experience in the thorn mountains. We heard Jun Lintian say that today is his father's birthday. We thought that it was not far from the thorn mountains, so we came here... "

"Oh? Is it? It turns out that you are so pure... " Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Pure, of course." When the king came to heaven, his eyes glanced at the dark guard around him, but his eyes sank. "What happened?"

Jun Lin Yuan looks at Jun Lin Tian and Mu Xiaoyue chatting happily, and a quick flash of surprise in his heart. Do they know each other? This is better!

"She spoke poorly to her father and did not pay attention to him, but she did harm to me. Now my father ordered her to be taken down! Fourth brother, you came back just in time. In this way, this task will be given to you to show your respect and loyalty to the emperor. "

Is the relationship between Zilin and Zilin, a girl who is eager to come back to the sky?

Hum! Also don't know what Jun Lin day walked dog ~ excrement luck, can get her favor unexpectedly!

But what about that? If he didn't start with the girl in purple, his father would be angry, and his position in his father's mind would drop. If he started with the girl in purple, the relationship between them would be broken, and he could take advantage of it. This move is really high! It's too high!

He has a little bit of admiration for his IQ! Ha ha

Sure enough, the emperor of Beiming was very helpful to his words. He looked up at the emperor Lin Tiandao at the gate of the temple and said, "God, do you know her? In this case, she will leave it to you to solve it. You can't let your father down

"My God, you can't hurt the moon." Jun Mengyu some nervous looking at the emperor Lin day, afraid that he will really agree to the words of the father.

"Sister, don't worry, I will not hurt the moon even if I hurt myself." Jun Lin Tian showed a smile to Jun Mengyu, then he looked up at Jun Linyuan and sneered, "you said that the shallow moon has harmed you, aren't you still dead? Don't you still stand here? Wait till you dieThen he raised his head and looked up at the emperor of the northern Ming, "father, the moon is my best friend. I will never hurt her, nor will I let you hurt her! We don't know what happened between you, but I believe in the moon. Even if she did, you must have provoked her first

Smell speech, Jun Lin Yuan Sha time face a black, angry his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney pumping pain, wish to reach out to crush the front of the hateful Jun Lin day!

The smile on the emperor's face suddenly froze. He thought that the emperor would listen to his words cleverly. Unexpectedly, he dared to speak to himself like this! Although he was a little naughty, at least he was obedient and seldom disobeyed his own words, so he never thought that king Lin would say so!

It was a bolt from the blue for him!

The emperor of Beiming raised his head and looked at the moon with hatred and anger. His eyes were filled with angry light. His anger nibbled at his reason. In the past, Mengyu didn't dare to disobey his orders. This time, he even fought against the purple girl in front of him, regardless of the danger of life and himself. Now even the emperor comes to heaven like this!

He's going to be pissed off! , the fastest update of the webnovel!