Mu Qianyue's eyes are also full of doubts.

"It's like the back mountain of yunzong?"

"What happened to yunzong? What a big battle? "

"Last night, I felt a little unusual. It was also the ground shaking for a while, but it stopped after just shaking. Now the vibration frequency is getting stronger and stronger."

"Good! I felt it last night, as if it was coming from the mountain behind yunzong. "

"Let's go and have a look."

The crowd immediately got into chaos and went straight back to the mountain, ignoring the obstruction of yunzong's disciples.

"Master, we'll go and have a look." At this time, the voice of muxueying spreads from the space of Tongtian tower.

Mu shallow moon a Zheng, exotic treasure is born? No wonder such a big move, she believes that Xueying's feeling is not wrong.

So he directly summoned the Dragon Court out of the space of Tongtian tower. He moved and swept it to the back of Longting. Mu Xueying also followed him out of the space of Tongtian tower and landed on the side of Mu Qianyue.

"Four elders, come up."

It was the first time for the four elders to see the flying mount. With their eyes lit up and their feet moved, they swept into the sky. Night Hanqing and Jun Mengyu had already flown on the back of the Dragon Court at the moment when the voice of muqianyue fell.

The Dragon Court's wings spread, carrying mu Qianyue and his party quickly flew to the back mountain of yunzong.

Other people see this, eyes have shown envy, it is actually flying mount!

I can't believe that mu Qianyue can even accept the Dragon eagle on the South desert green plain!

The emperor's soldiers quickly swept to the back of the mountain, while those who respected them could only run slowly on the ground.

Yunzong rolling mountains, constantly came to the roar, here the ground tremor more severe. In mid air, mu Qianyue saw a group of dazzling white light rising from the ground.

Long Ting naturally noticed the movement there, carrying Mu shallow moon and others quickly toward that side.

A white jade sacrificial platform was built on a basin over there. The patterns of yin and Yang and eight trigrams were carved on it. The ancestors of yunzong and the master of yunzong were guarding here, holding the formula one by one. Zhenyuanli flowed out of their fingers and entered into the sacrificial platform. The eight trigrams of Yin and Yang on the top of the altar were pressed down one point.

The eight columns above the altar are each tied with a thousand year old Xuan iron chain. At this time, they are jingling.

After a while, the pattern of yin and Yang and eight trigrams was raised again. At the same time, there were bursts of roaring and roaring from the bottom. A trace of strong aura and majestic atmosphere overflowed from the inside. Although it was far away, mu Qianyue felt a palpitation and fear.

"Master Yun, I can't imagine that you still have foreign treasures hidden in the back mountain of yunzong! Since the exotic treasure is going to be born, why hide it Purple evil feather's body shape soon rushed over.

Subsequently, Xia Yibo and the phantom Pavilion master, the beheader of the hall and others all rushed to come.

The ancestor of yunzong knew that he could no longer suppress him. He simply stopped wasting Zhenyuan's power, and he directly gave up his hand and said, "let go."

"Yes." Master Yun and others nodded and moved, plundering down from the altar.

"All over the place. Those below the emperor's martial arts should withdraw from 1000 meters. " The strong voice of yunzong ancestors has a strong penetrating power, resounding through the whole dense forest.

As his voice fell, some weak people quickly withdrew from a kilometer away.

"You can quit, too." Mu Qianyue said to Ye Hanqing, Jun Mengyu and others that since yunzong said so, it proved that the treasure which was about to be born was very aggressive, and people below the emperor's military might be hard to resist that power.

After that, the elder and the elder quickly nodded from the air.

Mu Xiaoyue left only mu Xueying, four elders and long ting.

However, there are also some Wang Wu people and those who respect martial arts. They did not listen to the voice of the ancestors of yunzong and did not withdraw from the range of 1000 meters. It must be a great treasure to attract the great attention of yunzong master and elders! They will not be stupid to retreat, of course, is to stay and steal the treasure!

Seeing that these people didn't pay attention to their words, yunzong sighed and shook his head in secret. He said again, "I'm the ancestor of yunzong. People below the emperor's martial arts should withdraw from a thousand meters away. Once the tianluodi array is opened, everyone can't go out and be conceited of life and death!"


Master yunzong!

Unexpectedly, even the ancestors of yunzong have come out this time! It can be seen that this will be born thing is very important!

Do you want to go back or not? Many people hesitated. It is said that the strength of the ancestor of yunzong is more powerful than that of the master. At least he is a martial master. There should be no mistake in his words!

Some timid people immediately chose to withdraw from 1000 meters away, but there were also greedy people who stayed with luck.

Seeing that there were still people who were not afraid of death, yunzong didn't care anymore. Since they wanted to die, why should he stop him?The net array must be activated. It can't be delayed any more!

With a wave of his sleeve, an extreme white light rose from all around, enveloping the whole valley, like a white semicircle, with a diameter of one kilometer and a height of only one kilometer.

Mu Qianyue found that after the opening of the net array, the inside and outside were completely isolated, and became two different worlds!

People inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

At the same time, just listen to a dull sound of "bang". A soft white light rises from the bottom of the white jade altar. In an instant, the white jade altar and the yin-yang eight trigrams array are smashed by this momentum!


A clear baby cry came from the white light.

Mu Qianyue is stunned and looks at the white light's eyes. Is yunzong's treasure a baby?

Xia Yibo and others are equally puzzled and shocked.

Zixieyu's eyes flashed with excitement and greed. His eyes locked tightly on the white light. As soon as the foreign treasure was born, it would send out the cry of a baby, saying that this foreign treasure was absolutely strong! Ha ha, he has to get it! I didn't expect to have such a harvest this time!

The white light was suspended in the air. It seemed to glance at the crowd, and then it turned into a mass of white light and swept towards the far sky. The speed was extremely fast. It flew over the heads of people like a meteor.

"Bang!" The white light hit the netting array, and it flew out of the sky. It wiped the air and flew far away. Then it gave out a cry of "Whoa". It seemed very sad.

Clear, loud cry, clear and clean, ethereal and flawless, as if it is the most beautiful voice in the world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!