Gradually, the white light scattered, showing a white face, carved jade, it seems that only five or six months old baby size, only wearing a big red small belly bag, chubby pink ~ tender little hands and feet exposed in the air, head tied with a flying braid, looks very cute.

Clear and bright eyes filled with aggrieved tears, eyes seem to be very confused at the eyes of this group of people, do not know why they want to attack themselves.

People see this, not from the audience in an uproar, my God! It's a child!


It is this strange treasure that can be transformed into human form as soon as it is born, which is enough to prove the power of this treasure!

Generally, artifact can have the ability to transform spirit, that is to say, it can automatically generate intelligence, but it is also just a kind of spiritual intelligence! It is invisible and formless. It takes thousands of years to cultivate human form.

Like Tianshuo, as an ancient artifact Tongtian tower, it took a long time to cultivate.

However, as soon as it was born, this treasure has human form, and it is powerful and frightening. It can be seen that this treasure is extraordinary!

"It's the spirit of heaven and earth, as I guess it is!" Mu Xueying stands on the back of Longting and looks up at the baby in the air. Her silver eyes show a sudden color.

"The spirit of heaven and earth?" Mu Qianyue's eyebrows gently congealed.

"The spirit of heaven and earth is born with heaven and earth. Once born, it can have human form. What's more, what flows in its body is not blood, but a river of rich spirit! If anyone can get the spirit of heaven and earth, he can reach the realm of a warrior in just one year Mu Xueying said lightly.

Mu shallow moon smell speech can not help but take a breath, it is the spirit of heaven and earth! It will take at least tens of thousands of years!

However, the spirit of heaven and earth seemed so pitiful that she couldn't do it at all. Instead, she felt a burst of heartache.

What's wrong with him? Is it just because you are a treasure, so you have to be the object that others scramble for? No matter who he fell into the hands, there is only one end, that is to be swallowed, refined and become a part of other people's bodies!

One by one, they stare at the baby in front of him like a wolf. They want to eat him alive. They are so scared that the eyes of heaven and earth tremble. The face of Pink Jade shows a look of fear, and constantly sends out the cry of "ah ah ah", accompanied by a whimper.

"What treasure is this? How powerful it is

"Yes! It's the first time I've seen a baby that can be transformed into a human being They all said.

"This is the spirit of heaven and earth bred by heaven and earth. As soon as it is born, it has the strength comparable to that of a martial master. We can capture it, but don't hurt it, because once you hurt it, it will enter a violent state. When it is enraged, its strength will multiply several times. At that time, all of us will not be its opponents! " Yunzong said.

"Ha ha, it's really a treasure! I'm going to make this baby! " Purple evil feather's eyes are not hidden greed, the first to launch an attack on the spirit of heaven and earth.

The spirit of heaven and earth dodged around in mid air, while others rushed forward.

At this time, the words of the ancestors of yunzong had no effect at all, and no one listened to them. Their eyes were only the spirit of heaven and earth. They only thought about how to seize the spirit of heaven and earth, and would not think about the result of hurting it!

The spirit of heaven and earth seems very small, but it is very flexible. Every time, it can hide under the attack of the crowd.

The fierce attacks made him afraid and trembling, and his face showed a look of fear and sadness. He seemed to want to cry out loud, but he did not dare, so he had to avoid. He wanted to rush out of this piece of heaven and earth, but hit the Tianluo earth net again and again, which made him dizzy and dazzling.

"Master, if you can't bear it in your heart, you'll watch and I'll help you grab it." Said Mu Xueying.

She is about to make a move, Mu shallow month stopped her, shook his head, "first not urgent, let's first look at the situation then."

For such a lovely baby, to be honest, she really can't do it. Although she has killed a lot of people, all of them are enemies and vicious people. She has never dealt with the old, young, sick and disabled, let alone an innocent person.

Since the spirit of heaven and earth has already had life, why should we erase his existence? Do you want to be stronger just for your selfishness?

The heart is really the most terrible!

Finally, someone grabbed the hand of the spirit of heaven and earth, and couldn't help laughing, "ha ha ha I have caught the spirit of heaven and earth


A knife awn fell, instantly cut off the arm of the emperor warrior, blood flowing all over the sky.

The spirit of heaven and earth was suddenly sprinkled with red blood. His face was ignorant and innocent. He was in a half dull state, and seemed to have not responded.

It was the purple evil feather that cut off the arm of the emperor warrior!

Purple evil feather quickly rushed over, grabbed the foot of the spirit of heaven and earth, and lifted him upside down in the air. His face was filled with endless joy and excitement.Xia Yibo and the four elders of shengyimen rushed to attack zixiyuyu. Since they had a grudge against zixiyu, they decided not to let zixieyu get the spirit of heaven and earth. Otherwise, Qingfeng college and shengshengyimen would be destroyed!

More and more people joined the battle circle, and the field became more and more chaotic. The majestic palm power and the fierce sword were howling in the air, and the dense forests and trees below were destroyed in an instant.

The spirit of heaven and earth in the hands of purple evil feather constantly struggling, purple evil feather on the one hand to avoid people's attack, on the other hand to prevent the spirit of heaven and earth from fleeing, for a moment in great distress.

All of a sudden, the spirit of heaven and earth opens its mouth and bites on the back of zixie Yu's hand. Zixie Yu is in pain and can't help but be distracted. At this time, another person sneaks in behind him. Zixie Yu can't cope with it and finally throws the spirit of heaven and earth out.

They all turned around to pursue the spirit of heaven and earth, and gave up the attack on purple evil feather directly.

Finally, I don't know whose attack fell on the spirit of heaven and earth. There was a wound on the smooth powder of the spirit of heaven and earth on his tender back, but there was no bleeding. Instead, it healed at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye, and healed in an instant!

I didn't expect the spirit of heaven and earth to have such effect!

This undoubtedly more stimulated the greed in people's hearts, one by one like crazy general rush to the spirit of heaven and earth.

The spirit of heaven and earth means immortality! There is no need to be afraid of injury, because this super strong healing ability is too strong! In the future, when fighting, there is no need to be afraid that you will not be able to beat others after being seriously injured! And people are afraid of you! , the fastest update of the webnovel!