The scene became more chaotic. Swords, palms, fists, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, swords, palms, palms, fists, swords, swords, swords, palms, palms, fists, swords, swords, swords, swords, palms, palms, fists, swords, swords, swords!

People's crazy state is not what the ancestor of yunzong can stop, nor can he stop it!

The ancestor of yunzong sighed helplessly, as if he had underestimated the attraction of the spirit of heaven and earth. Ah, is a catastrophe coming?

The killing and killing of the people angered the spirits of heaven and earth.

"Whoa!" The spirit of heaven and earth was finally infuriated, but it did not enter into a violent state, but it had the power of attack. The little hand of pink ~ tender reached out and broke the head of an emperor warrior.

They were shocked and stunned. They didn't seem to understand that the spirit of heaven and earth would fight back and kill people!

In this stupefied spirit of the crowd, purple evil feather once again rushed into the battle circle and grabbed it toward the spirit of heaven and earth. The spirit of heaven and earth hit madly in the net of heaven and earth and dodged everywhere. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the strong protective shield.


The shield was banging.

"Ha ha, you can't escape! Let me eat you Purple evil feather blocked behind the spirit of heaven and earth, the greedy eyes more and more intense.

The spirit of heaven and earth knew that he couldn't escape. He turned around and roared at Purple evil feather and clenched his small fist.

"Oh, you have a long temper? Since you don't eat or drink, I'll kill you and refine you slowly Purple evil feather looks at him cruelly, cold hum way.

The words fall, once again launched an attack on him, a move more fierce, move malicious deadly.

Although the heaven and earth have the strength of Zongwu, they don't attack people very much, so they dodge in a mess.

"Die! Ha ha Purple evil feather sent out the strongest killing move, the power of incomparable makes the world change color!

Under this terrible attack, the spirit of heaven and earth did not move, but cried out uneasily, "ah ah ah..."

At this moment, the moon moved.

Taiji nine changes and blood talent at the same time, the blood red figure suddenly disappeared from the original place, at the same time, the speed also played to the limit, as fast as streamer!

Suddenly, the spirit of heaven and earth disappeared when the terrible sword fell!

Purple evil feather a move to hit the air, not from a Leng, looked up to see the distance Mu shallow moon, arms tightly holding the spirit of heaven and earth.

"Well..." The spirit of heaven and earth raised his head, and his clear and innocent eyes looked at mu Qianyue curiously and surprised. At this moment, the anger and resentment of his eyes disappeared, and a touch of joy and excitement gradually appeared on his face carved with powder and jade, "Yaya..."

Then he threw himself into mu Qianyue's arms and put his fleshy hands around Mu's neck. He rubbed her face gently, feeling happy and intoxicated

"Ah Hehe, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee... "

Mu shallow month a Leng, Mou son in flash a wipe of surprise, she saved him, is not the heart to see him killed, be contested. In her heart, he is not a foreign treasure, but an innocent child

That's why she couldn't help but save him. But she didn't expect that he didn't resist his approach. Instead, she was very happy?

"Hee hee Mother "I love you..."

The spirit of heaven and earth can't help but murmur's face. The soft voice overflows from his pink, tender lips to petals. It seems to have infinite magic power. Mu's body trembles violently and his eyes look at him in amazement.


He's talking!

And the first thing I said was my mother!

The heart can not help but extend a touch of moved and happy, there is a trace of sweet happiness and joy, let Mu shallow moon can not help but want to embrace him.

Everyone is stunned, a look of shock and doubt, how is this going on?

The spirit of heaven and earth admires the moon as his mother?

Can we say that mu Qianyue just saved him and moved him?


This is too much!

Oh, my God! Drop a thunder to kill them!

If they had known that it was so easy to subdue the spirits of heaven and earth, what efforts did they have? And fart!

Fight to death, do not die endlessly, the result is so easy to recognize the Lord?

If they had known that they were so simple, they would have stopped fighting and subdued him with all kinds of candy and toys!

For a time, people feel remorse, but there is no regret medicine in the world!

So one can only get red eyed at Mu shallow moon.

Zixieyu looked ahead with anger and hatred, and his eyes gradually became cold. He sneered: "the spirit of heaven and earth is the thing without owner. Who can get the spirit of heaven and earth, he can become a god warrior! Are you willing to give up this opportunity? The spirit of heaven and earth did not recognize her as the Lord, so we still have a chance! "

Inspired by his words, they rushed to the moon like a madman.Xia Yibo and the four elders of shengyimen and others quickly block mu Qianyue's body and block the way of everyone. However, there are too many people. Rao is that Xia Yibo and the four elders can only stop two or three people.

Nalanye also rushed into the battle circle, blocking those who tried to rush back. "Since the spirit of heaven and earth has recognized the Lord, you'd better give up, so as not to increase the number of evils. In case the spirit of heaven and earth is infuriated, there will be endless sufferers."

"Stinky boy, don't be alarmist here. Don't think we don't know that you have always liked mu Qianyue. Now of course, you will stand by her side and speak for her! You'd better get out of the way, or you'll be hurt. Don't blame us! " It was an elder of the phantom Pavilion.

"Then fight!" Nalanye stands proud in the wind. His black robe is dancing with the wind. His sword in his hand is cold and cold. He turns into a strong wind and rushes towards several people in the opposite direction.

Yunda elder saw that his apprentice rushed to help Mu shallow moon, but he couldn't help but sigh.

"This girl is gifted and has a strange life style. She will certainly stir up a storm in the future. Maybe the fate of the whole continent will be changed because of her." The eyes of the ancestor of yunzong fell on mu Qianyue and gave an evaluation. It is not ordinary people who let the spirit of heaven and earth recognize the Lord automatically.

Elder Yunda was surprised and looked at him with some surprise. You should know that he was always hot tempered and liked to curse people. Although he would praise people occasionally, he never gave anyone such a high evaluation! Not even nalanye!

In his daze, he only heard the voice of the ancestor continue to ring, "don't be the enemy of her. Since ye'er has chosen to help her, let's follow ye'er's will."

It's a pity that this girl is not a member of his cloud clan. What a pity! Otherwise, yunzong will soon be able to enter an unprecedented grand prosperity! , the fastest update of the webnovel!