Mu Qianyue's body is suspended in the air. Her eyes are light and cold. She sweeps through the crowd. Under the blue sky, the girl's white lips are gently lifted up.

"I don't care to explain to you that you can misunderstand as much as you like. If you don't accept it, just come and fight!"

The blood red long hair dances wildly in the air, and the sword of Yuanli in the hand is emitting a strange and cold light, which is frightening.

Crisp Juan crazy, overbearing voice slowly sounded in the world, unparalleled!

Muxue Yingdan stands on her side, while Longting is on her other side, flapping his wings. His powerful attack power is also shocking!

"Ha ha, this girl is crazy enough. Her temperament is too good for me!" Master Yun's eyes brightened and he wanted to take her as an apprentice. But he thought that she was the disciple of Dongfang Ao, so he gave up. Mu Xiaoyue is so proud. How could he betray his teacher?

Mu Xiaoyue's words made people's faces and necks thick, but they didn't dare to move. Even the purple evil feather was beaten to death by the nine tail heavenly fox, and they were only four or five rank emperor martial artists.

The elders of purple soul hall had red eyes and endless killing intention, but they could only bear it. Originally, they wanted to get rid of Mu Qianyue by the hands of others, but the plan failed.

Anyone who has built such an enemy with infinite potential will be frightened.

Mu shallow moon see people do not speak, this just looked up to the spirit of heaven and earth, shouting, "come here."

The spirit of heaven and earth moved for a moment, looked back at mu Qianyue, and then looked at all the people in front of him. Excitedly, he licked his tongue and his head, and pointed to Mu Qianyue, "Yiya ah..."

Obviously, he was not willing to give up the delicious food in front of him.

The people who are seen by the spirit of heaven and earth can't help but tremble, and their bodies keep moving backward, showing fear and fear on their faces.

"Don't you want me to be a mother?" In the eyes of the moon and the sky, there are few steps to the moon.

The spirit of heaven and earth reluctantly scratched his head, which seemed to be very difficult. On the one hand, it was delicious food, while the other was his mother. How should he choose? However, the taste of these delicious food is really delicious!

"Mother Ah... " The spirit of heaven and earth cried out in a soft voice. Then he opened his legs and walked towards mu Qianyue step by step.

Mu shallow moon saw that he would listen to his words, can not help but feel a sigh of relief, just now she was nervous, afraid that the spirit of heaven and earth would not listen to her words, wantonly kill ~ kill, if he killed more people, the power of swallowing would be more terrible, and it would be more difficult to control. At that time, perhaps the whole land would fall into the bloody wind and rain, with millions of dead bodies.

Although these people in front of us are very damned, after all, most of them are innocent.

So mu had to consider the overall situation.

"Hee hee My mother... " The spirit of heaven and earth came to her with a lovely smile on her face. She looked like a half-year-old baby, which was very lovable.

Mu Qianyue's eyes ~ pet ~ drowning at the can Ren er who keeps approaching him, squats down and opens his hands towards him.

At this time, suddenly, an elder of purple soul hall did not know when he came to Mu Qianyue's back. He only waved a piece of sword blade in his hand, which interweaved into a huge airtight net. The terrible sword blade was raging in the air.

"Heaven and earth will never die!"

The net of sword blade will immediately cover Mu shallow moon among them, engulf her figure!

All of this happened so fast that Lord Yun and Xia Yibo didn't respond. They were still immersed in the laughter of the spirit of heaven and earth.


The spirit of heaven and earth powder ~ tender small face showed a look of consternation.

"Ha ha, mu Qianyue is dead, ha ha Dead at last! This is the end of fighting against my purple soul hall! " The purple soul Temple elder who attacked secretly couldn't help laughing, full of pride in the laughter.

His eyes disdain to look at the front of the white sword, in his world under the kill, no one can live! Even if it is Zong Wu, he will be severely injured and disabled, not to mention mu Qianyue, a first-class emperor warrior?!

There is no doubt that you will die!

All of them have changed their looks. Mu Qianyue is a generation of unique genius. Is it just like this?

What a pity!

If she does not die, after a few years, she will become a warrior, a holy warrior and even a divine warrior!

Ah It's a pity that she fell down like this. She is such a gorgeous girl.

"Moon!" Nalanye is shocked, but it's too late. He can only watch the blade engulf mu Qianyue.

"Master!" Mu Xueying's heart suddenly surprised, and then the tight frown slowly relaxed, not from the dark sigh of relief, that blood linked contract is still, the master is OK!

But the spirit of heaven and earth did not know. He only knew that Mu Xiaoyue had disappeared and was killed. He was very angry in his heart.

"Ah! Ah

The spirit of heaven and earth roared angrily, and once again entered into a state of fury. Her eyes were red and filled with endless anger! Obviously this time is really angry!This time the fury is more terrible than before!

The spirit of heaven and earth turned into a black shadow and rushed to the elder of the purple soul hall. With endless and terrible power in his little hands, the elder was torn to pieces in an instant.


After killing one, the spirit of heaven and earth turned around, and his angry eyes swept the crowd again. The people who were swept by his eyes could not help shivering. At the same time, they hated the purple soul hall.


This is the purple soul hall with thousands of knives. I'll kill myself. Why should I pull them up?!

Originally, Mu shallow moon has pacified the spirit of the wild heaven and earth. Now Mu is killed in front of him. How can he not be angry? I'm afraid that the spirit of heaven and earth only wants to kill all the people and pay for the burial of Mu Qianyue!

Sobbing They don't want to die yet!

A person swept by the eyes of the spirit of heaven and earth said quickly, "it's none of my business! It's the people from the purple soul hall

Can he understand?

As expected, it was just a lovely frown.

The man quickly pointed to the next few people and said, "they and that person are a group, you want to kill them."

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, the spirit of heaven and earth rushed to those people, and instantly those people were torn into pieces.

Just kill ~ kill has become, the spirit of heaven and earth has been completely demonized from the rage, at the moment, he only has endless killing intention in his eyes.

"Ah, evil! The spirit of heaven and earth has just been born, and the intelligence has not been stable. Whether it is good or bad depends on one thought. It is these people who have forced the spirit of heaven and earth into the realm of demonization The old ancestor of yunzong sighed helplessly.

"There is no way to do it now. We can only suppress him with all our strength! Let's attack it with me After pondering for several seconds, the ancestor of yunzong made a decision. , the fastest update of the webnovel!