At this time, a breath of life came from the blade in the air, and the vitality in the air rushed towards the other side.

"What's going on?"

"Didn't mu Qianyue die?"

"No way! We all know how powerful that move is. Even the senior emperor and martial arts can't carry it. Even if she changes her attitude, she can't be safe and sound. "

"But it's a bit strange."

People's eyes can't help but lock on the strange white awn.

"Bang!" A dull sound, I saw a Silver Purple figure flying out from inside, surging and turbulent breath around her, with a layer of pale white halo on her body, which is the light of promotion!

Second order emperor warrior!

Oh, my God!

Are they sure they're not dazzled?

"Poof! I feel like I want to die! "

"I die too! It's a blow! With such a terrible blow, not only did he not die, but he was promoted! "

"Grass! Evil spirit

"Wipe! Pervert

"Oh, evil spirits and abnormal things!"

"Sweat, it's not human!"

"If all the elders of the purple soul hall are still alive, they will be very angry to death!"

"I think so!"

All sorts of melancholy shouts came and went.

Yunzong's ancestor also blinked in amazement, this pervert! Ha ha

Xia Yibo and the four elders of the holy doctor finally let go of their hearts. They could not help shaking their heads and laughing. Yes, they almost forgot the metamorphosis of the girl Yue. How could they die so easily?

At this time, the spirit of heaven and earth had entered into a demonized state. His eyes were scarlet. He could not see mu Qianyue at all. He only wanted to kill, hate and kill


The sky, suddenly dark clouds, lightning power, the original blue sky suddenly black down, between the sky and the sky a dark, like the end of the world!

On the vast sky, thunder and lightning alternate in the dark clouds. A purple thunder robbery is brewing in the sky. Before the thunder robbery is detonated, the people below feel a shiver and fear.

"Thunder robbery!"

"My God! It's thunder robbery

"Why did thunder rob you at this time?"

Even the ancestors of lianyunzong and others are puzzled. Only those who are promoted to Shenwu will have thunder robbery. However, tianwu mainland has not seen thunder robbery for thousands of years!

Obviously, there is no one in this group who wants to be promoted to be a warrior!

Under the threat of thunder and robbery, the endless net array turned into countless pieces, and a terrible momentum poured down from above and locked in the spirit of heaven and earth!

"It turned out to be the thunder disaster caused by the spirit of heaven and earth."

"I'm afraid the spirit of heaven and earth has reached the level of immortality."

Seeing this, they were relieved. They were afraid that the spirit of heaven and earth would kill. Now they don't have to worry about it. Get freedom, people quickly far away from this area, the strength of the thunder robbery is very terrible, the weak can be destroyed in an instant!

Like martial arts, exotic treasures have different levels, from low to high, including human level, earth level, universal level, spirit level, immortal level and God level.

I didn't expect it was an exotic treasure of immortal rank. No wonder it will lead to thunder robbery.

The way of heaven does not allow the existence of things beyond nature. He swore that it must be destroyed, so it will bring down the thunder robbery.

The spirit of heaven and earth was locked in this space by the momentum of thunder robbery alone. He yelled uneasily, his eyes were red, and he ran into each other there, making a sad howl.

It's like a trapped animal in a cage, waiting for butcher's slaughter!

Mu Xiaoyue's heart aches, and he can't help thinking of the scene when the spirit of heaven and earth pours into his arms and calls himself his mother. His soft voice is full of loveliness.

A touch of firmness flashed through her black pupil. Suddenly, she moved under her feet and rushed to the spirit of heaven and earth without hesitation!

At the last minute, there was a cry of alarm in the crowd.

"My God! Is she crazy? "

"What is she doing? Why did she rush into the ring of thunder

"Isn't she trying to save the spirit of heaven and earth?"

"Hum! Want to save the spirit of heaven and earth from thunder? It's impossible! She's looking for death

"Ah! She is too arrogant and conceited. She thinks that her strength is stronger and her talent is better. Can she compete with thunder robbery? "

"Yes! The power of thunder robbery is shaking with fear even if it is a warrior. She will die this time

Mu shallow month at this time will not care how others think, her heart only has a belief and idea, is to save him!

Before the first purple thunder came down, she held the spirit of heaven and earth with a small body. At the same time, the nine changes of Taiji and the talent of blood and apocalypse, even the sword of Yuanli had no time to condense, so she could only wave a fist with her bare hands.This punch almost condensed all the real power in her body!

The next moment, the thin fist towards the top of the thunderbolt hit together!

Everyone sighs and shakes their heads. Naturally, they are not optimistic about it. They fight against the purple thunder robbery with their bodies? Is that why she does such a thing?

There are nine kinds of thunder robbery, and purple thunder robbery ranks seventh, which shows how powerful it is! Even if it's a martial arts master, they dare not accept it, only dodge!

Mu Qianyue is absolutely too arrogant!

At the time when people thought that Mu shallow moon would be blown into pieces by thunder, or seriously injured, then an incredible scene happened!

I saw that thunder robbery was smashed by her fist!

Oh, my God!

This time they are absolutely dazzled!

One by one, they rubbed their eyes desperately for fear that they were wrong. However, no matter how they rubbed their eyes, they found that the slim figure was still standing in the strong wind!


People can't help but draw air conditioning, wipe, this is definitely a pervert!

I'm not even afraid of thunder robbery. I can smash it with one punch. Is there such a pervert!

If it goes on like this, their little hearts will never stand it!

The spirit of heaven and earth lies quietly in Mu's arms. Her eyes stare at her in surprise and doubt. It seems that she is trying to think why she wants to save herself and who is she?

Gradually, the scarlet color in his eyes faded, revealing the original clear, clear and clean black eyes.

"Mother Mother, mother He put his arms around the neck of Mu Qianyue and cheered excitedly. Tears of injustice filled his black eyes.

"Good, you wait by the side." Mu Qianyue puts the spirit of heaven and earth on the ground, and the sword of Yuanli slowly condenses in the palm of his hand.

At this time, the second thunder robbery with fierce momentum to split down!

Mu Qianyue lightly touched the ground with his toes, and rose up in the air, holding the sword of Yuanli, facing the thunder.

"The shadow of the blood moon!"

With a sword, the thunder robbery was smashed again.

They are all in disorder in the gorgeous wind , the fastest update of the webnovel!