In the Qingfeng City, a mighty momentum suddenly fell from the sky, and quickly forced to the Qingfeng city and landed in the sky above the imperial flag gate.

"All the people of the imperial flag gate are coming out to die!" A roar was heard in the sky. The sound was filled with incomparable anger. It rang through the whole Qingfeng city. Almost all the people in Qingfeng City heard the roar.

In the distance, a streamer came and quickly appeared in people's sight. A middle-aged man with a ferocious and ferocious face was suspended in the air.

"What happened?"

"Who is he? Hiss! What a powerful force! At least it has the strength of the martial arts master! "

"Is it the imperial flag gate that provoked strong enemies?"

After hearing the roar, they all looked out of their heads and gazed curiously at the figure in the air, and their faces were full of horror.

Huoxi and pan San and others walked out of the house. Their bodies moved and swept the upper half of the sky. A trace of vigilance and solemnity appeared in the evil peach blossom eyes, "who are you?"

"Hum! You don't care who I am! Is this the royal flag gate? " The middle-aged man asked angrily.

"Are you here to make trouble? We don't know you! " Fire Xi Mou son shallow squint asks a way.

The middle-aged man's face was full of flesh and blood, and his face showed a cold killing intention, "it doesn't matter if you don't know, as long as you are the emperor's flag gate! The purpose of Laozi's coming today is to destroy you

As soon as the words fell, a blow came out, and he roared towards the fire.

As soon as Huoxi's face was cold, his body quickly unfolded and hid.

The middle-aged man's one punch is empty, the majestic energy explodes in the air, the friction makes the air whirring. When he saw Huoxi hiding, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "boy, you have some ability! He's a third-class warrior! I didn't expect that there are many strong and talented people around mu Qianyue

In this case, the boy can't stay!

The boy's talent seems to be almost the same as mu Qianyue, so he must die!

He felt the killing opportunity that flashed through his eyes. Huoxi's beautiful face was cold, and his palm waved. A Ryukyu fire sword was held in his palm.

When Wu Hai and Hei Yu heard the middle-aged man's roar, they rushed out of the house. The huge bodies of the two animals were constantly growing in the air. Their huge bodies were more than ten meters long, covering the sky and the sun.

The middle-aged man's eyes changed. He was a third-class emperor and a third-class holy beast at both ends. This lineup is vulnerable to attack in unreal state, but it is the top force here. I didn't expect that the little girl left behind in those years had developed to such a terrible level in just over ten years!

Thinking of his brother Mu Cang's death in yunlanshan and mu Qianyue's hands, his eyes filled with a surge of anger. Since he can't kill mu Qianyue for the time being, he will kill all the people who are close to her!

These people have to die!

He wants to destroy the power she created and let her taste the heartache!

"Boy, die! I'll kill you first, and then destroy the whole flag gate! They'll be with you soon, so you won't feel lonely! " The middle-aged man roared, followed by a terrible incomparable momentum from his body, his body moved, toward the fire Xi swept over.

the sky shaking fist was used to shake the sky, shaking the earth, and suddenly the world was disgraced, and the situation changed suddenly!

The whole Qingfeng city seemed to be suddenly dark, and the air was filled with a terrible and terrible atmosphere. Under this terrible and terrible atmosphere, all the people could not help shaking. Some timid people hid at home and dared not go out. Some brave people watched from afar.

Fortunately, the battle is in mid air, and it does not endanger the people in Qingfeng city. Otherwise, there will be countless casualties.

With this momentum, Huoxi suddenly felt that the air around him was confined, and his body seemed to be pressed by the weight of ten thousand jin, so it was difficult to move.

This is the terror of the martial arts!

Wuhai and Heiyu rushed to the middle-aged man in Qi Dynasty.

Heiyu's two giant tongs were waving, and Wuhai's eight zhangyuwei also waved to the middle-aged man.

"You want to stop me? Get out of here The middle-aged man yelled.

After two fists, Wuhai and Heiyu were blown out in an instant. The three level sacred beast at both ends was not the enemy of one move!

After being thrown out by a middle-aged man, Wuhai and Heiyu fell from the sky and fell on the wall. The wall built of solid rocks collapsed in an instant.

Although Wuhai and Heiyu didn't do any harm to the middle-aged man, they got a chance to breathe for huoxiyan.

"Red lotus industry fire!"

Huoxi pinches Jue with his fingers, a red flame gushes out from him, turns into a flaming rosefinch, and pours forward to the middle-aged man in front of him!

The fire rosefinch hit the middle-aged man's fist shadow and made a huge noise.

Zongwu's strength is really too strong, only to see the fire rosefinch instantly was blown apart.

Under the absolute strength, the power of Huoxi is very small.

Huoxi's face turned white, his feet flashed and he retreated behind him. The middle-aged man didn't give Huoxi a chance to breathe. Instead, he turned his fist into claws and grabbed him towards his chest. His paws were covered with a light blue light. The terrible energy was surging in his claws, and the cold light was flashing!"Fire elder!"

"Fire Xi!"

At this moment, the emperor's flag gate and others were startled. Pan San's face showed panic. However, he, a king warrior, could not fly in the air. He could only watch from a distance. They had no room to intervene in the battle.

As soon as Wuhai and Heiyu got up from the ground, they saw this scene. They quickly moved and rushed toward the fire, hoping to be able to rescue them. However, in front of the martial arts followers, their speed and strength were just like a mole of discussion, and they were vulnerable to a single blow!

Seeing this, all the people's faces showed the color of despair.

Huo Xi is the most powerful person in the Huangqi sect at present. The elder Chu is not here, and the head of the sect is not there. The dean of Qingfeng college and the elder in Tong all went to yunzong to participate in the sectarian competition

As soon as elder fire dies, I'm afraid it will be their turn.

"Blood talent open, the power of rosefinch!"

Huoxi's body suddenly burst out a brilliant blue light. The green light covered his whole body, and his long black hair turned blue. His blue pupil, his breath also rose abruptly in an instant, reaching the level of the sixth level emperor warrior!

In the green pupil of the evil enchanting man, a strange light flashed through his eyes. At this moment, an ancient picture appeared in his mind.

It was a strange world, a long sword of fire stabbed at the chest.

However, at this time, a Silver Purple figure flashed over, and the sword bombarded her, flying the sword that stabbed her in front of her, and turned her head to show a brilliant smile.

"Xi, you can't leave when fighting."

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