The picture flashed by in a flash. It was so fast that he could hardly capture it. He did not have the face of that young girl. He only felt that she was very familiar and gave him a sense of deja vu.

Huoxi's eyes were wide open. He looked at the middle-aged man who was looking at him. There was a flash of determination in his eyes. The power of the rosefinch surged on his body and broke out a terrible incomparable energy. This time, his momentum was no lower than that of the middle-aged man.

"The power of the rosefinch?" The middle-aged man's eyes gaped, looking at the fire Xi's eyes quickly flashed a touch of surprise, how can the blood of the rosefinch appear here? No wonder this boy has reached the level of the third-order emperor warrior at a young age. It turns out that he is the descendant of rosefinch blood!

"As long as I still have one breath, you will rest and hurt the people of Huangqi gate!" Huoxi looked at him coldly, and his body moved. The whole person turned into a green shadow and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

"Hum! It's beyond your capacity The middle-aged man snorted coldly, his face showed a ferocious smile.

As soon as the claws were forced, they grabbed Huoxi's chest, and Huoxi's attack also reached his body. Huoxi did not dodge, but grabbed his arm. Red flames gushed out of his body, and wrapped the warrior in it.

"Ah! You madman, let me go

The middle-aged man screamed in horror. The stinky boy tried to end up with himself by burning his own blood! Although he came here to wipe out the whole imperial flag gate, he never thought to die with them. He is a real warrior!

The more powerful he is, the more he cherishes his life.

"It's too late to run. I admit that I can't afford to beat you, but I can pull you to death Huoxi's eyes have never been resolute, the flame will be wrapped in them.

The temperature in the air also rises due to the appearance of this flame.

The middle-aged man was angry and constantly slapped on the chest of Huoxi, "you crazy man, let me go! I don't want to die with you How valuable is his life!

The flaming fire burns his front clothes, his hair, and his armor. The fire of the rosefinch can burn everything in the world. Looking at his body's Yuanli armor was a little bit devoured and burned, the middle-aged man was so anxious that he finally chose to burn the real yuan and finally broke away from the power of the rosefinch.

He raised his hand and slapped it hard on Huoxi's chest.

Huoxi's body was stagnant, and slowly fell down from the sky. The red flame gradually disappeared in the sky, and the green light was scattered, revealing a fire red robe. It crossed the sky in a sad arc, full of sad breath.

He looked at the distant blue sky with empty eyes. The white clouds were flying overhead. Through the clouds, he seemed to see the familiar figure, the lingering face.

Shallow moon, I can't accompany you

I wanted to stand behind you silently and take care of you all my life

Unfortunately, I can't.

But I believe they can!

As thin as cicada wing's eyelashes quiver, and then forever closed up.

The middle-aged man was burned to pieces by the fire, and his hair was also burned out. He was in a state of confusion. Looking at the falling fire Xi, he saw a touch of resentment in his eyes. His body moved, and he stepped on Huoxi's body with force at his feet!

"Beast yuan burns!"

Black Sea, black Yu two beasts roar, one after another burning the animal pill in the body, into a majestic force, rushed to the middle-aged man.

They must not let him destroy Huoxi's body!

Even if it is death, we should protect Huoxi's body!

Before the middle-aged man was attacked by Huoxi, his mind suffered severe trauma and concussion. At this time, he rushed over in the face of the two beasts. His face changed. He had no time to dodge. He was hit hard. He turned several somersaults in the air to stabilize his body.

The Black Sea caught the body of Huoxi. At the same time, a streamer swept over from the distance and arrived in the blink of an eye.

A middle-aged man's movement, the flavor of martial arts?

"It's the Oriental master!"

A disciple of the Huangqi gate exclaimed excitedly that he had the honor to follow the master of the sect to meet the master of the East in ancient times!

When they saw the assistant of Zongwu, their faces were full of joy and excitement, and the heavy and oppressive feeling in their hearts disappeared with the arrival of Dongfang Ao Ao.

"What happened?" Dongfang Ao looks at Pan San and others, and then slowly raises his head. His eyes are locked on the middle-aged man who is burned black all over his body. His eyes are squinting and his cold killing is intended to flash past his eyes.

The middle-aged man's eyes are constantly changing. Knowing that he can't destroy the imperial flag gate, he quickly turns around and runs away. The speed is extremely fast.

Dongfang Ao knows that he can't catch up with him, so he takes back his eyes and looks at Huoxi on the back of Wuhai. He moves and grabs Huoxi to the courtyard below and puts him on the bed.

Fingers on the pulse gate of the fire Xi, not from the face a change.

"Master Dongfang, how is Huoxi Pan San asked nervously.The disciples of the imperial flag gate in the courtyard all looked worried and nervous, looking into the room.

"Ah, there is no vitality. Even if the gods are here, they can't go back to heaven." Dongfang Ao's face was dignified and he sighed deeply. He was a little late after all!

When pan San and others heard this, their faces suddenly changed and became extremely ugly.

"No way! Master fire will not die A disciple of the imperial flag sect couldn't help shouting.

Fire elder is so excellent, so amazing, how could he die!

Elder Huo taught them martial arts, helped them practice martial arts, and explained their skills and experiences in wartime

When they encounter problems and difficulties, they also habitually ask the fire elder. It seems that there is no problem that the fire elder can't solve.

As long as he is there, everything can be done without worry!

But now, long Huo is dead to protect them, to protect the whole imperial flag gate

At the same time, there was a deep and depressing whimper in the courtyard.


It's really convenient to have long ting in. This time, I arrived at Qingfeng city.

However, once back in the Qingfeng City, mu Qianyue felt an unusual breath, and the pedestrians on the road cast puzzled and complicated eyes towards her.

Eyebrows almost can not be found wrinkled, a bad premonition rose in the heart, Mu shallow moon did not think about, the body moved, it turned into a shadow, quickly toward the direction of the imperial flag gate.

"Mother, wait for me..." Xiaoling is also following her side, and the speed is not slower than her. The mini version of Longting is also extremely fast, followed closely.

In the imperial flag gate, there was silence and silence, and the atmosphere was oppressive and dreary. The faces of all the people were dignified and worried, and there was no passion and laughter in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!