All of a sudden, the werewolves around him knelt down, prostrate and worshipped him, and chanted the words that mu Qianyue did not understand.

Their faces showed a pious look, as if they were holding a grand and grand sacrificial activity.


The wolf king raised his head and roared angrily. Suddenly, a beam of moonlight fell from the clouds and shrouded the wolf king. His whole body was full of holy light.

Wolf king Xiaoyue!

The surrounding werewolves buried their heads on the ground and howled in unison.

The wolf king stood in the moonlight and said a long string of words.

"What are they talking about?" Jun Mengyu's eyes flashed with doubts.

Mu shallow moon eyebrow light twist, is also a pair of puzzled expression.

The voice of Chutian song suddenly rang out nearby, "I seem to understand their words. They are asking the moon god to protect them and help them find their way home..."

The way home? Do you mean that mysterious space? Although it's nice here, it's not their home after all!

People will miss home for a long time, and so will Warcraft.

Suddenly, mu Qianyue noticed that there was a white jade platform in the center of the circular altar, with two jade colored boxes on it. Chu Tiange and Jun Mengyu and others obviously noticed the two boxes, but their eyes were bright.

"The hall Master said that the altar in the land of Chibi is the most important place, and the two boxes must contain treasures!" One of the disciples of the hall said.

"It's a pity that the number of these werewolves is too large, and the wolf king has the strength of the holy warrior. We can't get it at all." The people of qianliu Pavilion sighed that he was hopeless.

"Master, I have a way to get the things on the altar. Master, wait for me here. I'll come when I go. " As soon as the sound of Chutian song falls, the whole person suddenly turns into a poor and strange form, and then rushes out.

Mu is trying to stop, but it's too late.


Poor Qi a roar, swept over the top of the werewolf and wolf king and arrived at the altar.

The wolf king saw this and sent out a thunderous roar. Other werewolves also roared at the poor, as if they were very dissatisfied with it.

Generally, no matter people or Warcraft are interrupted when they hold a sacrifice, which means that the result of sacrifice is not good, and it is a taboo of sacrifice! Now that this taboo has been broken, the wolf king is naturally angry and his eyes show a vicious light.

Mu Qianyue is shocked, and the sword of Yuanli in his palm has slowly condensed and is ready to attack at any time.

"Roar!" Poor Qi stood in the center of the sacrificial platform, roared angrily and roared up to the sky. He saw that the moonlight originally shrouded the wolf king suddenly transferred to poor Qi.

The snow-white hair in the silver glow exudes elegant and charming luster, majestic, king of heaven and earth!

A strange scene happened. All of a sudden, these wolf kings stopped their anger on their faces, and their eyes burst out with joy and excitement. He bent down his left leg and knelt on one knee, like a devout believer.

The surrounding werewolves also knelt down to the poor, worshipped and congratulated!

Poor and proud raised his head, and then spoke the same language as the werewolf.

Hide in the grass Mu shallow moon and other people's faces show a surprised look.

Tiange can understand their language and speak their words. Are these werewolves from the demon world? Although the heart is very curious, but the only certainty is that now Tiange is OK! It's safe!

The sword of Yuan Li in the hand slowly dispersed.

Now, it's just like the wolf people standing on the platform.

At this time, I saw a shadow quickly rushed to the altar, the figure was covered in purple light, fast enough to match a martial arts master! The shadow in the air, the figure quickly ran to the altar, toward the two jade boxes on the altar!

Mu Qianyue's eyes suddenly changed, because she found that the person was not others, it was Lu Yanguang!

His face showed an excited look, his eyes excited looking at the jade box on the jade stage, eyes full of ecstasy, ha ha, these two things are their own! What can be put here is absolutely the treasure in the treasure!

"It's him! Lu Yanguang

"Damn it! This wretch

"Chu Tiange, stop him, stop him!" The crowd roared and said, we must not let these two things be given by Lu Yanguang.

And at this moment, mu Qianyue's feet move, the phantom footwork unfolds, toward the altar quickly swept away.

"Ha ha! None of you can stop me! I'll decide on these two things! " Lu Yanguang quickly from the werewolf and wolf king's side, instant rushed to the altar!

Chu Tiange raised his huge head, and his golden eyes flashed a touch of scorn. He jumped forward to the road.

Lu Yanguang's eyes flashed a ferocious color, only to see his palm a flash, a black bullet to Chutian song thrown in the past!

"Die! You beast! All who stand in my way must die"Bang!" The black bullet explodes in front of the Chutian song, and the majestic and frightening force suddenly shoots out, which immediately blows the whole Chutian song out!

Such as snow satin white hair stained with red blood, only see Chu song lying on the ground in pain wail!

"Ha ha, even if the ancient fierce beast was poor and strange, this is a blow to the holy warrior!" Lu Yanguang's cruel and proud smile appeared on his face. This is the pet animal of muqianyue. It's just right to die!

"Song of heaven!" Mu is a step late after all, because the distance is too far.

At this time, the wolf king and the werewolf reacted, clenched their fists and flashed at Lu Yanguang's back. However, Lu Yanguang seemed to be oblivious, or he didn't pay attention to the wolf king's attack at all.

"Boom The wolf king's attack without warning hit Lu Yanguang's back. It's strange that Lu Yanguang didn't do anything, but the purple light shrouded in his body was dim!

On the contrary, with the help of this force, he was faster, and the distance from the jade platform in the center of the sacrificial platform was pulled a little bit more!

Mu Qianyue's eyes change. The wolf king's attack has at least the power of a middle-level Zongwu. With his strength, he can't be OK! It must be the purple light on him! It's a shield that can carry such a strong injury!

Seeing that Lu Yanguang was about to get the jade box on the jade stage, Chu Tiange bounced up from the ground and rushed to Lu Yanguang again, blocking him in front of him. His mouth opened, and a large amount of hell fire erupted, blocking Lu Yanguang's sight.

Under the burning of the Hellfire, the purple light on Lu Yan Guang's body is dim again.

At the same time, mu Qianyue also approached him, and a real dragon bombarded him.

Although Lu Yanguang was not hurt, the purple light on his body became dim again! Lu Yanguang's face showed anxious color. This is the absolute defense given by the Lord Qingning, but he can only carry the three strongest moves under the holy warrior! , the fastest update of the webnovel!