There's another trick!

If he can't get those two treasures under this last move, he won't have a chance any more!

Either he runs away, or he stays and dies!

Thinking of this, the expression on Lu Yanguang's face became crazy and ferocious, "ah! Mu shallow moon is you force me! If you hadn't blocked me, I would have got these two treasures! In that case, don't blame me for being rude! You die

The palm of his hand flashed, and another black bullet was thrown out, because mu Qianyue's speed was very fast, and the distance was shortened a lot. In this case, he had no time to avoid.

You can only immediately open the nine changes of Taiji and the blood of the green dragon to summon the Yin and Yang array to gather the green blood and armor to protect the whole body.

Rao is so, Mu shallow moon is still that the burst out of the power of the bullet to fly far away!

The arm is full of flesh and blood, seems to have been blown off in general! You can even see the muscles and bones inside!

The Yin and Yang array was smashed, and the green dragon blood armor was also smashed!

A silver purple dress, full of bloodstains, shocking.


"Master Mu!"

Then rushed over Jun Mengyu and night Hanqing and others surprised!

Just now how strong the explosive force is, their hearts are clear! The distance is so far away that they are still frightened. I'm afraid that the power is to level a mountain!

I didn't expect Lu Yan Guang to hide so many good things!

Two equivalent to the powerful blow of the holy warrior, and purple shield that can carry absolute damage!

According to the strength of phantom power, you can't get such a thing! Even if it's the whole land of tianwu, it can't be found!

Lu Yanguang looked at the fist shadow of the wolf king's second bombardment, and his eyes showed not a trace of unwilling look. Then he looked at mu Qianyue, who was almost dying on the ground. His eyes showed a proud sneer. Although he didn't get what he wanted, he seemed to be seriously injured. I believe that she can't live under such an injury!

No one can save her!

It's also good to have successfully completed the task assigned by adult Qingning. Qingning has promised that as long as she has completed this task, she will promote herself and allow herself to enter the magic state to find him a position.

Cultivating and developing in Huanzhou is more promising than in tianwu!

With this in mind, Lu Yanguang flashed his palm and returned to a yellow jade plate, which was engraved with complex runes, and strands of yellow energy swam on it. With this jade card in the palm of my hand, I saw his figure gradually become empty and pale!

Although Jun Mengyu and others don't know what he is holding in his hand, one thing is very clear, he wants to run!

At the same time, Chu Tiange jumped up again. His sharp teeth even bit the protective cover on his body, and then he saw Lu Yanguang's hand fly out!

Under the dark sky, he drew a thrilling, beautiful and unforgettable arc!

"No! No Lu Yanguang howled and watched the jade card fly away.

It fell on the altar and split in two!

The light on the jade card is dim, and the return to the city is interrupted!

This jade card is also given to him by the Lord Qingning. It is a symbol of returning to the city. As long as you pick up the formula, you can quickly return to the designated place on the jade plate!

He's dead. He's dead!

The next moment, the wolf king's attack on his body, the purple shield at this moment is finally completely broken, turned into light and shadow all over the sky, flying in the air. Without this absolute defense, he didn't even have the last chance to survive!

"Ah, ah!! You all die for me! Even if it's death, I'll take you to bury me! Ha ha Go to hell together Lu Yanguang laughed wildly, his face was ferocious, and a black medicine bottle suddenly appeared in his hand.

This is evil heart five poison powder!

Originally, he didn't intend to use it, but now it's not necessary!

But his fingers had not yet opened the bottle cap, suddenly, a sharp stabbing pain came from his chest.

He slowly lowered his head, and his eyes looked at the tip of the sword which ran through his back to his chest. The red blood rolled down the tip of the sword.

Lu Yanguang's eyes flashed a look of extreme discontent, and then slowly turned his head, a beautiful and cold face hard into his eyes.

He looked at him with incredible eyes, "you, you are not dying Is that right? How How can you get behind me... "

Mu Xiaoyue's face was as white as paper, but in her black eyes, she was sharp and cold. Her thin lips opened and said coldly, "even if you die, I will not die!"

"No, no way Shake the Emperor The power of You can't It's ok... " Lu Yanguang's voice became smaller and smaller. Finally, he fell down slowly. With extreme reluctance and doubt, his body fell to the ground with a dull sound.The black medicine bottle in my hand slipped down and fell to the ground.

Mu shallow moon in that black medicine bottle is about to hit the stone platform moment, will catch it, and then quickly income in the space of Tongtian tower.

At this moment, she had no strength any more. Her body was empty, her legs were soft, and she collapsed on the ground. Her eyes blinked slightly, and then she slowly closed. The sword of Yuanli in her hand lost the support of the real yuan force and disappeared into the air automatically.

"Master!" Chu Tiange changed back to the human form, covered with blood. He staggered forward and picked up mu Qianyue's body on the ground.

The girl's face was pale without a trace of blood, her lips turned white, and her cold eyes like stars in the past were closed and lifeless.

Chu Tiange's heart trembled. He was so scared that he was afraid that the master would sleep and never wake up again He can feel that the vitality of the master is slowly losing, becoming weaker and weaker

The wolf king and the werewolf looked at the Jun Mengyu and the night sky song who burst out suddenly. They roared angrily and clenched their fists to them.

Chutian song quickly cheered and exchanged with him. After a while, the wolf king and the werewolf immediately became respectful to Jun Mengyu and others.

"Bah! Bitch, I trample you to death! How dare you attack the leader of the sect One of the disciples of the hall of passion was trampling on the corpse of Lu Yanguang!

The disciples of qianliu Pavilion also stepped forward and spat on the corpse of Lu Yanguang with a voice of Bah, "ah, bah! Scum! Even if you die, I will let you die uneasily

Jun Mengyu took up the sword in his hand and slashed at Lu Yanguang's body. He cried helplessly as he slashed, "you give the master back to me! You give me back the master , the fastest update of the webnovel!