Her long and curly eyelashes trembled. She slowly opened her eyes, and her black pupils flashed with sharpness and doubt. Who was talking just now?

In the dream, she seemed to hear someone calling her moon, and also said that the world was chaotic, waiting for her to return to wait for inexplicable words.

One of the most impressive is what heaven's boundary is waiting for her to revenge?

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head, stood up, looked around and found that he was in a wooden house. He thought of his previous injuries and quickly checked his body. Under this inspection, his eyes widened in horror.

All her wounds are healed!

Not only did not have a little discomfort, but also did not have a scar, good thorough, as if has never been injured in general!

Is there something that she doesn't know about?

At this moment, her heart was full of doubts. Just as she was about to open the door and go out, she suddenly saw a scroll hanging in the air. The scroll looked quite familiar. She reached out to hold the scroll and opened it. She saw that the words "the fifth volume of Shenyu" were written in it, and the rest was blank.

The fifth volume?

as like as two peas before the reminiscent of the ancient moon, he had just been in the same volume as the scroll, and the first volume of the book is also a blank.

At that time, she was still very surprised that this was what the divine metaphor was, but how could she not understand the mystery of it? Then she did not continue to study the sky, but received it into the space of Tongtian tower and never touched it again.

If she had not seen the fifth volume, she would have forgotten the first volume.

It's a pity that even if she got the fifth volume of the parable, she still couldn't understand what it was. Besides the first volume and the fifth volume, how many volumes were there?

Forget it, it's better to put it away first. The things that can appear in the ancient land and the palace of heartlessness are not ordinary things.

Then mu Qianyue opened and came out.

"Master! The master is coming out

"Ah! Mu's injuries are all healed? "

"My God! The wounds on the master of the Mu clan are really healed! "

"Why? Why do I feel that the breath of the master becomes stronger! Is it true that the breath was made by the master of mu The people's faces were beaming with joy and talking.

Chu Tiange's beautiful face showed an excited expression, and even his eyes were red. His eyes were fixed on the figure slowly emerging in front of him, and his voice was slightly choked.


If it is not for men and women have other identities not allowed, he really want to hold the master in his arms.

Before that kind of palpitation fear panic feeling, still enveloped in the heart, did not disperse, as long as he closed his eyes, his mind is the master's pale face without blood.

"Master, is it really you? It's very kind of you to be OK! "

"Woo Shallow moon, I'm so scared I'm afraid you'll just leave us alone Jun Mengyu rushes forward, hugs mu Qianyue and cries.

Mu Xiaoyue reached out and patted her back with a smile, "I'm ok, I'm not good?"

I look up and I'm sorry to make you look around

"As long as you are all right, we can rest assured."

"Yes! My life was saved by the master! If there was no master of mu, I would have been eaten by the mutant crocodile

"The headmaster of the gate is so lucky that he will not die in a disaster, and there will be a good fortune for him."

They laughed.

"Master, these are the two things in the center of the altar." Chu Tian singer's heart shook, and took out two jade boxes from Najie space and handed them to Mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow month stretched out his hand to take over, opened the jade box, his face showed a happy and excited look, "keel blood, ice Soul Crystal?"

When people heard the speech, they all looked puzzled. Whether it was dragon bone blood or ice soul crystal, they had never heard of it! Are they too ignorant?

cannot be mention in the same breath. It is the essence of dragon's blood, which can be used to improve the blood of the warrior or the Warcraft. As for ice soul crystal, it's a kind of weapon refining material. "

In fact, ice soul crystal is the material for refining the body. Mu Qianyue didn't tell them the truth, in case it would arouse the greed of others, so it was said to be a kind of weapon refining material.

When people hear the dragon bone blood, their eyes are filled with envy light.

"Ice soul crystal, I am useful, as for the dragon bone blood..." Mu Xiaoyue frowns gently, with a trace of hesitation on on her face.

"Master mu, both of these things belong to you. We don't want any of them." One of the disciples of the hall said.

"Yes, I don't want any. When dealing with wolf king and Lu Yanguang, I didn't give a trace of strength, so I won't separate these two things

"Yes, I don't know. The two things are obtained by the master of the sect by his own strength, and those who can get them."The crowd is very witty said, their face a sincere, Frank.

"Well, I'll take them. I need dragon bone blood to refine a pill. If the number of refined pills is enough, I will give each of you one. If the refining fails, I will give you other compensation. " Mu shallow month thought to say.

Although they all said no, she and they were allies along the way, so it's impossible not to give them to others.

Sometimes, it is necessary to bribe people.

"No, no, master mu, you don't have to give us any compensation. We didn't help anything. Even when you were injured, we couldn't do anything."

"Yes, master mu, if you don't blame us for being useless!"

There was a look of guilt on the faces of the people.

"It's OK. Pills are like sugar beans to me. You don't mind." Mu Qianyue purses her lips and smiles.

People smell the speech Qi to draw the corner of the mouth, good to be hit, have wood to have?!

"And the light sword, Lord, it's burning." Night cold Qing hands over a ring and fireworks sword.

"Fireworks sword, you keep it." Mu Qianyue only picked up the Najie in his hand and wiped out Lu Yanguang's divine consciousness. The Na Jie instantly became an ownerless thing.

The space of Najie is very small. It is only about the size of a room. Compared with the space of Tongtian tower, I don't know how many times smaller it is. But there are a lot of things stored in this space Najie. There are a pile of gold coins in the corner, as well as some pills and medicinal materials.

These pills and herbs may be a fortune to others, but mu Qianyue would not even take a look at them, because the medicinal properties of the pills are too poor. And the years of those herbs are too short, refining into pills, there is no effect at all.

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