All of a sudden, her eyes congealed and fell on a pile of glittering stones. Her mind moved. It turned out to be six pieces of jade. There is also a basic martial arts book of Tianjie. I knew Lu Yanguang was dishonest, but I didn't expect to hide so many things.

In addition to the jade crystal and Tianjie martial arts, mu Qianyue took out the pills, herbs and gold coins and gave them to everyone. The rest was left in Najie.

After all, whether it is the sky level martial arts or jade crystal are very precious, they have been given a lot before.

As for Lu Yanguang's receiving precepts, they should also be put away.

Space is scarce, which can reward those who have made great contributions to the imperial flag gate.

In this regard, the people who cut love hall and qianliu pavilion have no opinion. They are very lucky to get a jade crystal stone. Otherwise, according to their own strength, they will not die in the heartless palace.

Therefore, they are only grateful to mu, not jealous.

I can only stay for three days in the temple of heartlessness. Now that the time is almost over, it is time to return.

As for the werewolves, they wanted to go back to their original space, but Chutian song didn't have the ability now, so they refused and agreed with them in ten years.

Mu Xiaoyue and his party returned to the original road and walked to the exit of the place of Chibi. Suddenly, they heard a fight coming from the side. They could not help but walk towards the other side.

"Mu Rufeng, don't deceive people too much! Do you think that if you go out, we will let you go? " A man's body is quite embarrassed, his face is full of anger and ruthless color. The three people standing on his side look at murufeng with fear.

This mu Rufeng is not a person! Combat power is really changing! All four of them are no match for him!

Mu Rufeng next to the woman has not yet shot!

"Rufeng, there is not much time left. You should make a quick decision. Don't talk nonsense with them. Just send them to hell."

Child small leisurely standing aside, hands around the chest, lazy leaning on the trunk behind, beautiful apricot eyes in the opposite people, flash a cold light.

"I know." Mu Rufeng's voice is indifferent and incomparable. He looks up at the four people in the shadow Pavilion opposite. His eyes are cold like hell Shura.

The four people could not help but shiver when they came into contact with his terrible eyes. See mu Rufeng lift step slowly forced, not from backward backward backward, one side backward, side said, "how do you want to let us go?"

These four people are almost being abused and crying!

In these three days of entering the palace of unrequited love, they didn't get any benefits. Instead, they ran around and fled everywhere!

Just because mu Rufeng this change ~ state a chase after them!

The palace of heartlessness is opened once every ten years. It contains innumerable mysteries. I thought I could get some treasures when I came in. If I didn't, I could improve my strength. However, everything is not as they imagine, but encounter a life crisis!

If they are given another chance to come back, they will not choose to enter the palace of heartless love!

No matter how good the opportunity is, life is not important!

"I never thought I'd let you go." Mu Rufeng snorted coldly. The sword in his hand was clenched and approached them slowly.

"As long as you're willing to let us go, we'll give you everything we have!" Four people see his eyes do not hide the meaning of killing, can not help but swallow spit.

"If I kill you, I can get those things as well." Mu Rufeng's mouth curled up with a cruel sneer. He moved, leaving a trace of shadow in the air. The sword in his hand drew a chilling cold light, "Shua Shua Shua..." Four cold lights exploded in the air.

I saw that the four people were stiff, and then slowly fell down.

Mu Rufeng takes up his sword, and the cold in his eyes doesn't fade away. Anyone who bullies yue'er must pay a price! If the phantom Pavilion bullies him and insults him, he can bear it, but if he bullies Yueer, hum, he will never tolerate it!

"Big brother, little." Mu shallow month walked over from the side, looking at two people, black eyes stained with a trace of smile.

"Shallow moon." The child small excited rush forward, excitedly hook her shoulder, "how, harvest how?"

"Not bad." Mu Xiaoyue nodded with a smile, "what about you?"

"Well, it's not bad. It solved four little fish." Tong Xiaoxiao said with a smile and looked at the four corpses on the ground.

"Big brother, thank you, and little, thank you too." After entering the palace of lovelessness, they did not go looking for treasure, but directly targeted the people in the phantom Pavilion. Elder brother, this is to sweep away all the threatening obstacles for himself. How can mu Qianyue not understand?

"Haha, we have nothing to do, just practice martial arts. Go out later, and we'll take care of the big fish. " Child small smile way.

"It's a pity that only these four are found." Mu Rufeng frowned, obviously very dissatisfied with this.It turned out that mu Rufeng and Tong Xiaoxiao came in and looked for people in the phantom Pavilion everywhere. His plan was that all the people who came in the phantom pavilion would not stay.

"The other six are dead. This time the phantom Pavilion is completely destroyed." Mu shallow month light says, in the eye flashed a touch of cold awn, think of the space there is a bottle of poison, is from the hand of Lu Yanguang, then use this bottle of poison for a tooth!

Hum! She admires the shallow moon never is easy to bully!

"How wonderful "The child small clapped and laughed," wait a moment to go out, that phantom pavilion's cabinet master knows this news, the facial expression will certainly become Wang Ba green! It's fun to think about it, ha ha... "


Outside the ancestral hall of Jianqing hall, there are many clan leaders, cabinet owners or family owners, elders and others waiting here, excited and worried, waiting for the return of talents.

As long as the master of Lu Pavilion and several elders of phantom Pavilion think that mu Qianyue may die in it, their mood can't help becoming excited. As long as mu Qianyue dies, the imperial flag gate will surely disperse! With the help of Qingning, even destroying the imperial flag gate is a light matter!

As for Dongfang Ao, hum, he is not afraid that he will come to revenge or something, because he has already gone to unreal state, and will not return at all for a while, and will not know the news. When he comes back one day, it's a foregone conclusion. Even if he is strong enough, he has nothing to do.

As soon as mu Qianyue dies, they will not help huangqimen again!

The emperor flag gate has no backing. If he wants to destroy it, he must force the man named Huoxi to give up the foreign treasure he got in the sea of life and death! That's a treasure of the divine rank! If you get it by yourself, I believe that you will soon become a master of martial arts and even a holy warrior! , the fastest update of the webnovel!