"Sister Ying'er, I don't have..." A tear fell from Mo Meier's face and deeply hurt Bai Mu's heart. Bai Mu looked at Mo Ying and said, "Mo Ying, you said that you asked me to take her as my concubine. It's none of Meier's business. What do you mean to blame her now?"

"If it wasn't for you and her in the backyard during the party, and everyone knows it, do you think I would agree with you to take her as a concubine?" Mo Ying looks at him coldly and strangely.

"A" sound, Bai Mu's face immediately became ugly, eyes filled with anger, "Mo Ying, you dare to mention the old thing again?"

"You dare to do it. Why don't I mention it?" Mo Ying retorted with a scornful sneer on her face.

"Sister Ying'er, everything is my fault. I shouldn't fall in love with my husband. If you want to blame me, blame me..." Mo Mei Er is still pretending to be pitiful and cries.

"Shut up Mo Ying roared at her.

Mo Mei er's slightly drooping eyes quickly passed a trace of malice, this bitch, have been suspended, but also dare to insult themselves, to their own bossy! She died early tomorrow, and she was rescued by a woman named Mu shallow moon. What a fuss!

"Mo Ying, do you dare to be cruel to Meier again?" Bai Mu angry way.

"What's wrong with me? Do you still want to fight me for her like in Bai's family? Bai Mu, I am no longer your wife, you have no right to control me Mo Ying black bright eyes in the pan piercing cold meaning, word by word, continue to say.

"Bai Mu, I used to fall in love with you when I was blind. If time could go back, I would rather never meet you! At the moment you write the letter of divorce, when you poison me with your own hands, when you kill our children, we are all over! After that, you will be my forever enemy

She is the second daughter of the Mo family, and Mo Mei Er is the daughter of Mo Er ye, belonging to the collateral family, and is the third miss of the Mo family. They grew up together since childhood, because she and Mo Meier are the same age, so they have a good relationship and talk about almost nothing.

In that year, she showed amazing talent and strength in the family competition, and was praised by Bai Mu. From that time on, she fell in love with Bai Mu at first sight. After some exchanges, the two quickly closed. Half a year after she married Bai Mu, the Bai family held a party, and then the scene of Mo Meier and Bai muchI lying in bed came out of the courtyard.

At that time, she felt like a bolt from the blue, nearly fell down, she did not believe that, after all, Bai Mu loved himself so much, how could he betray himself so easily! As a result, she ran away like a madman. After seeing the scene with her own eyes, even though she felt pain in her heart, she was forced to hold back tears and let Bai Muna become her concubine.

At that time, Bai Muxin swore, "Ying'er, you have to believe me, I was in the practice of martial arts when I was not careful to be possessed, just mistook her for you. Even if I take her as my concubine, I will still love you only in this life! "

She believed it naively. But everything has changed since bermuna momel became his concubine.

Until he wrote a letter of divorce with his own hands and killed their children!

She just woke up from this beautiful dream!

Everything is fake!

Looking at such Mo Ying, Mu shallow month in the heart has a trace of pain, can't help but think of the time when he lost his memory, ha ha, how much like himself. But she was more fortunate than Mo Ying. Fortunately, she did not marry Prince nalanyu at that time, and she did not have the pain of losing her child

When he saw the white lotus, he thought of the blue moon and the blue sky

When Bai Mu heard Mo Ying say that "he will be her eternal enemy in the future", he felt a throbbing pain in his heart, which made him unable to catch it.

It seems to think of something, the light in his eyes instantly sank down, "Mo Ying, don't slander me! When did I poison you? I didn't kill our children myself! Although you sometimes make me heartache and disappointment, but I never want to kill you, let alone kill our children

"I admit that I was too impulsive when I wrote the letter of divorce, and I was overwhelmed by anger, but I definitely didn't do it to you! No matter how ruthless I am, Bai Mu will not kill my own children with my own hands! "

Don't lie to me any more! I will never believe your hypocrisy again! Bai Mu, you hypocrite, I have seen through you Mo Ying looks at him coldly and strangely.

When Mo Meier heard these words, her eyes quickly flashed a flurry, which was fleeting, but she was still caught.

"Sister Ying'er, have you misunderstood something? The husband would never do anything like that Said Mo Mei er.

Mo Ying no longer pays attention to them. One day, she will kill Bai Mu and Mo mei'er herself, and she will let her be punished!

"Well, this Mei Er is mo Ying's sister? Isn't she quoting from her brother-in-law? Well, isn't it in Xiao xuan'er, with a slight frown, carefully manages the complicated relationship among them, and then sighs, "human feelings are really complicated!""You're right. That's what you say. Well, there are always some people in the world who are restless." Tong Ling shakes his head. Although he doesn't know whether Mo Ying's saying is true or not, he doesn't like the one named Mo Mei er by feeling alone. His expression is too expressive. He can easily perform a bitter drama. He can see that he is a restless person.

Bai Mu's eyes suddenly gradually darkened down, with a storm in his eyes. He angrily looked at Xiao xuan'er and Tong Ling, "who are you? How dare you talk about my mo family and Bai family? "

"The mouth ~ Ba is long in the human body, said is our freedom, seems you still can't control?" Mu shallow month face a cold, look up to Bai Mu, her person is not any person can threaten.

"Bai Mu, I don't welcome you. You'd better leave for me!" Mo's family held back his anger and wanted to kill Bai Mu with a knife. The heartless man made his daughter so miserable and killed his grandson!

But now he can't revenge. No matter his strength or background, he is far inferior to the Bai family. As the master of the Mo family, he can't ignore the lives of all the disciples of the Mo family!

So what he can do at the moment is to endure and find the right opportunity to kill Baimu!

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