"Uncle, you are not right to say that? Although my husband and sister Ying'er have lost their status as husband and wife, I am also a young lady of the Mo family. Now I take my husband back to my mother's home to see what's wrong with me? " A sneer and pride flashed through her eyes.

The master of Mo's family choked with anger.

Mu Qianyue doesn't want to get involved in this. She just takes Tianshuo, Xiao Xuaner and Tongling to leave.

The master of Mo's family didn't detain him. He knew that the banquet could not be continued. After Mo Meier's making such a fuss, who has the mind to eat?!

After leaving the door of Mo's house, Tongling deeply breathed the fresh air. "It's still the air outside. I'm almost suffocating in Mo's house. It's disgusting to see such a big white lotus flower working. It's disgusting that all the rice I've eaten before will vomit out."

"What is a white lotus flower?" Xiao xuan'er again sent out her strong spirit of being shameless and asked.

Then Tong Ling explained the meaning of white lotus.

"That big white lotus is really disgusting. It's polluted! Hate, hate, hate! " Xiao Xuaner frowned. In her impression, lotus is holy and elegant.

Out of the mud but not dye, Zhuo Qinglian but not demon.

After that, mu Qianyue returned to the white tiger Academy. When they passed the Academy's martial arts arena, they suddenly stopped in front of her and looked at her with contempt and contempt.

"Mu Qianyue, I want to challenge you with life and death! If you don't fight, you're a coward with no shame! "

The other side's voice was loud and loud, with strong irony and provocation. His voice soon attracted the attention of all the people in the martial arts arena, and all of a sudden, they cast puzzled and curious eyes towards this side.

"Why? Isn't that person Yan Yuan? He even challenges mu Qianyue in life and death? "

"What's going on? Do Yan Yuan and mu Qianyue have a feud? Why challenge her with life and death? "

"That Yan Yuan is too much! He is a real fifth level martial arts master. It's shameless that he should have launched a life and death war against a first-class martial arts master! "

"No shame! Mu Qianyue will never agree with him! "

"Big fool ~ force, want to bully the weak with the strong!"

"Grass! Who dares to bully my goddess? Kill him

All the people gathered around and talked about him, pointing to Yan Yuan. Yan Yuan was scolded by the crowd, and his face was extremely ugly. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred. He turned his head to look at the crowd and said angrily, "it's none of your business. You'd better get away from me, otherwise, don't blame me for my actions against you!"

"Grass! Come on! When I am afraid of you

"Yes! Although you are stronger than us, we have more people. One spit can drown you! "

"Damn it, mentally retarded! Think we're bullies, don't you? "

The crowd gathered around Yan Yuan, one by one scolded, and then began to punch and kick. There were no five or six level martial arts followers. Poor Yan Yuan was beaten by the others without any reason, and his face was black and blue.

Mu shallow month surprised to blink an eye, she seems to even have no chance to speak? Well It seems that it's good to have fans. If you develop them into your own, they will definitely be the top new forces!

A grand and exciting plan came into being in my heart!

"Be quiet, everyone. Listen to me." Mu Qianyue called out in a voice and said, "thank you for your support all the time. If you need help in the future, please come to me, and you will be my friends."

"Miss mu, if this boy dares to trouble you in the future, please tell us!"

"Good! We will fix him up for you and let him know why the flowers are so red

Hearing this, the crowd cheered and excited, and expressed their own position one after another.

Mu Qianyue's lips were light and she pulled out a faint smile. Yan Yuan, who was lying on the ground, said, "although you are a disgraceful challenge, if you want to die, I will help you. So, your challenge, I answer it

The girl's light and sweet voice fell slowly and gently like a wind bell, flying in the wind, falling into the ears of all people, all thought they had heard.


She said she was fighting?!

"Miss mu, he is a martial arts master of the fifth level!"

"Miss mu, you must not be deceived by him, he just wants to irritate you!"

"Miss mu, think twice, but don't be confused by anger!"

"Miss mu, you don't have to pay attention to him. We will never let him bully you when we are here."

The crowd said in a hurry that they didn't want such a beautiful genius who was as beautiful as flowers, excellent in medical skills and without the airs of a big lady!

"Thank you for your concern. Since I have met the challenge, I will never repent." Mu shallow month light said, with her strength to deal with a five level Zongwu, or no problem. Since the other party delivered to the door, why should she be soft hearted?Want to ruin her innocence? Want to kill her?

It depends on his ability! Revenge is not her style!

Originally Yan Yuan was beaten to death, but also was scolded bloody, heart don't mention how depressed, so he wants to die heart, did not expect Mu shallow moon's influence so big, unexpectedly have so many people to protect her!

Hum! This group of good color people just see that she is a woman and she looks beautiful? One day, he wants them to look good!

When Yan Yuan thought that mu Qianyue would not fight, she agreed!

Yan Yuan's heart was filled with joy. Finally, Miss Yuexi's task has been completed! Excellent!

As long as he has completed the task assigned by Miss Yuexi, he will not only get rich rewards, but also be promoted to the inner courtyard of the Bai family by Miss Yuexi and become the inner court disciple of the Bai family. What a glorious thing! It's something that many people can't do with their heads broken!

In an instant, Yan Yuan felt that he was worth the meal! Even if I was asked about my ancestors 18 times, it's nothing!

It can only be said that this person has been crazy, completely confused by interests, even his own surname can be lost, not to mention being beaten and scolded?

"Hum! Three days later, at noon, I'll see you in the arena of life and death Yan Yuan threw a word and ran away in a hurry, as if afraid of Mu Qianyue's repentance.

"Shameless villain! Master, let me kill him Xiao Xuaner's eyes are full of murderous intent, staring at Yan Yuan's disappearing figure, Huo Huo grinds his teeth.

"I'll go. It's easier for me to solve the problem. Do you think I'll cut his meat into pieces and feed it to the dog or marinate it?" Tian Shuo is beautiful and delicate as if the God's face is shining with fierce murders. His words are so cold that it seems not mixed with a trace of emotion.

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