Blood regression?

Mu Xiaoyue was surprised. This was the first time she heard that blood would regress. It was an unheard of thing!

"Until your father was born, we finally have a successor of Qinglong's blood! After your father and mother gave birth to your elder brother and you, I was surprised to find that you and feng'er both have green dragon blood. After thousands of years, this branch of our Mojia family finally has two generations of Qinglong blood, which has not disgraced our ancestors! " Mu Hong voice some excited said.

"Grandfather, why did the ancestral blood regress?" Until Mu Hong finished, Mu shallow moon just asked the doubt in the heart.

"Well, until the death of his ancestors, he didn't understand why the blood vessels regressed, otherwise he would not be depressed all day long." Mu Hong sighed.

Mu Qianyue's eyebrows were tight, and obviously he didn't understand this. Suddenly, Mu Hong raised his head, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. "By the way, I remember, it seems that the ancestors accidentally got a artifact called Tongtian tower. After a period of time, his strength and blood began to regress. At that time, Tongtian pagoda was hidden in the body of the ancestors, and the ancestors did not say anything about it... "

Tongtian tower?

Mu Qianyue frowns more and more tight.

At this time, the voice of Tian Shuo's doubts came out of the tower, "a thousand years ago? At that time, I seemed to be sleeping. Well, I almost woke up at that time... "

"How did you wake up? Have you absorbed any special power? " Mu Qianyue said in her heart.

Tian Shuo frowned and pondered and murmured, "it seems that there is. Now I think about it, I find that the breath of strength is the blood of the green dragon. Is it because I absorbed the power in his body that I caused his strength and blood to regress?"

In the end, Tian Shuo's eyes show a trace of embarrassment. It turns out that he is the culprit who made xiaoyueyue's ancestor depressed and finally forced to leave the magic state and leave the Mu family.

"Tianshuo, it's none of your business. You don't have to blame yourself." Mu said, after all, at that time, he swallowed up the power of his ancestors, and even Tian Shuo himself did not know that he was in a deep sleep, which was an instinctive absorption. It can only be said that the ancestors' luck was very bad.

"Yue'er, now that the tower is in your body, is there any power to devour you?" Mu Hong is very nervous to ask, after all, the ancestors may have been destroyed by the tower.

"Granddad, don't worry. Now the tower doesn't need to swallow its power." Mu shallow moon hook lips smile.

"That's good. Yue'er, feng'er, their ancestors left a last word before their death, that is, they hope that their descendants can produce a perfect level of genius to return to the Mu family in magic state for him, wash away the humiliation he suffered at that time, and tell them that he is not a waste! His descendants are not rubbish! It's a pity that for thousands of years, our branch, Qinglong blood, has become less and less rare, and almost disappeared. Finally, when your father and your generation arrive, the blood of Qinglong reappears again! "

Mu Hong said excitedly.

"Mojia, brother and I will go." Mu Xiaoyue clenched his fist under his sleeve, not only for his ancestors to go back, but also to find his missing parents. We can definitely find clues in Mu family!

"Oh, by the way, there is another one who almost forgot to say that your mother is from Jin's family in magic state. If you encounter one, you can handle it by yourself." Mu Hong sighed and said.

"The gold family?" Mu Xiaoyue frowned, even mu Rufeng also showed a puzzled look on his face, which was the first time they heard about their mother.

"Yes, it seems to be the Jin family of the five elements family. At that time, your mother insisted on staying with your father, but was opposed by the Jin family. The Jin family said that if your mother insisted on staying with your father, she would no longer be a member of the Jin family. Since then, your mother has never been back to the gold family. " Mu Hong sighed again, "now that you are old, it's time to tell you these things."

Kim family! Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a cold light. She would not go to the Jin family. Since her mother had no relationship with the Jin family, she would not have any relationship with her. If it happens, it's ok if there is no contradiction. If there is contradiction, she won't be merciful.

And mu Rufeng's idea is naturally the same as mu Qianyue.

"Grandfather, grandfather Ding, these two blood pills, if you take them, can remove the impurities in your blood and make your blood talent better than before."

Mu Qianyue took out two blood pills and handed them in front of them.

Mu Hong and Ding Hao are both stunned? Can also remove impurities in the blood?

"Grandfather, this is the latest pill developed by yue'er. After taking Xuemai pill, my Qinglong blood vessel has been promoted to Jiupin." Mu Rufeng's eyes contain a shallow smile, a face of pride and joy.

Mu Hong and Ding Hao are surprised and shocked. My God! Is this blood Dan so good?

Mu Hong's heart is clear about the classification of Qinglong's blood vessels. The level of blood vessels represents talent and future achievements. It is impossible for mu Hong to even think about how many people want to upgrade their blood vessels.And now the moon even blood vessel Dan this kind of adverse level Dan medicine have been studied out!

"Ha ha, well, I'm really a descendant of my family! If the ancestors knew about it, they would be very happy. " Mu Hong is excited and takes Xuemai pill.

With a dull sound of "boom", he clearly felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and a trace of dragon spirit was brewing in his body. Finally, he heard the sound of dragon singing.

At this moment, Muhong opened the blood of Qinglong and reached the realm of Yipin!

"Ah? Do I have the blood of a green dragon Mu Hong's stupidly stupefied appearance, a face of astonishment color, he clearly has no green dragon blood! It's been tested since birth.

"Grandfather, as the descendant of Qinglong blood, your body naturally flows the blood of Qinglong blood, but there are too many impurities in your blood, so you can completely cover up the breath of Qinglong blood, and become a worthless blood. But through the blood vessel pill, the impurities in your blood are cleared out, and the blood vessels of Qinglong will be revealed Mu Xiaoyue explains with a smile.

"Yes, yes, ha ha..." Mu Hong laughs excitedly.

Later, Ding Hao also took Xuemai pill, because he was not Qinglong's blood. After taking Xuemai pill, his blood changed, which was good, much more powerful than ordinary blood.

"Oh, it stinks. I have to take a bath first." Smelling the smell of his own body, Mu Hong's old face turned red and hurried out of the ancestral hall and took a bath. , the fastest update of the webnovel!