"Master, wait for me!" Ding Hao quickly ran after him.

"Ha ha, great grandfather and great grandfather Ding are really fun." Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

After dealing with the affairs here, after staying in Jingyue city for a few days, mu Qianyue set out to the Huangqi gate. Everyone was very happy to see Mu's return. One by one, they yelled, "the master is back! The master is back

"Master, you are back at last! We miss you so much Heiyu flew over with two black tongs.

"Master, I miss you too!" Black Sea eight tail move together, the speed is not slower than black Yu, two goods fly to Mu shallow moon in front of, wish to knock down Mu shallow moon.

"If you don't want to be beaten, go away!" Standing beside mu Qianyue, Nalan Jing bursts out a cold air, which makes two goods stop in a hurry and stop one meter in front of Mu Qianyue's body, and looks at mu Qianyue with a melancholy look.

"Well, you two, don't be cute." Mu shallow month took a puff of the corner of the mouth, looked at the crowd, said with a smile, "how are you recently? Are you ok? "

"Everything is fine in the door and nothing happens as usual." Pan Sanwen came out with a smile on his face.

"Master." Chu Tiange takes Chu Xiaoxue's hand and comes out.

He came directly to huangqimen after he came back from Huanzhou. There were people he cared about most. Naturally, he came back to see Chu Xiaoxue the first time.

"Sister mu, when can I go to Wuzhou? I don't want to be separated from you or my brother. " After a period of time no see, Chu Xiaoxue has grown a lot higher. Her standard oval face is as white as snow and can be broken by blowing bullets. She looks at mu Qianyue and asks in a sweet voice.

Mu Xiaoyue pinched her lovely little face and said with a smile, "when we are stable in the magic state, we can have our own power. When the time comes, sister Mu will send someone to pick you up, OK?"

"Good, good, Xiaoxue will also work hard to practice, will not give Mu sister shame!" Chu Xiaoxue said with a firm face. Recently, her strength has also increased rapidly. She has reached the level of Wang wuzhe at a young age. Many people in the door are envious of her. She can't help but her talent is high!

Jealousy and envy are useless. Talent is born.

However, everyone's training speed is much faster than before, which is still due to Mu Qianyue's plastic bone pill and Xi Sui Dan, which have transformed their talent, muscles and bones, otherwise they will be slower at their own speed.

So they are satisfied with this.

In the Mingyue palace, mu Qianyue called Heiyu, Wuhai, Pansan and chuxiaoxue to come over. His slender fingers waved, and four round pills immediately lay in the heart of his hands. "Take these four blood pills."

Then, mu Qianyue said the efficacy of Xuemai Dan.

In particular, Heiyu and Wuhai were excited when they heard the effect of xuemaidan, and their eyes twinkled with excitement.

At the beginning, mu Qianyue said that he would study xuemaidan for them. At that time, they believed and looked forward to it. But they also knew that the probability of xuemaidan's research against the weather was very small, so they didn't hold any hope later.

Although mu Qianyue did not refine Huaxing Dan and Xuemai pill for them, they still stayed in the huangqimen gate and lived here for a long time. They gradually developed feelings and a sense of belonging here.

So they stayed, no longer for pills.

However, at the moment to see mu Qianyue take out blood pills, they can't help but greatly moved.

"Well, you two, don't feel sorry. Take it quickly." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile, "I have found all the herbs of Huaxing Dan. I can refine them for you two later."

When Heiyu and Wuhai heard that huaxingdan could be refined, they were even more excited. They both dreamed of becoming human beings!

Now, finally!

After that, mu Qianyue entered the Tongtian tower and began to refine huaxingdan. Although the process was hard, it did not live up to expectations. Huaxingdan was successfully refined! And six in one heat!

Then mu Qianyue refined a batch of other pills, such as Xi Sui Dan, Su Gu Dan, Hui Qi Dan, and Xue Gu Dan. With her success rate of refining pills, there are more than ten pills in a furnace, so it's not very hard. Then he refined ten blood pills.

If you let other Dan pharmacists refine so many pills, you will be absolutely exhausted.

After getting out of the Tongtian tower, he took out two Huaxing pills and gave them to Heiyu and Wuhai.

After taking the blood vessels before, the blood vessels of the two people had a mutation, reaching the level of six grades of blood vessels variation. They were originally Warcraft, and their talents were not low, so the blood vessel pill played the best effect on them.

The strength of the two men has also reached the level of a sacred beast.

"Ha ha, I'm going to turn into a human being at last!" Heiyu held the Huaxing pill and looked up to the sky excitedly and roared.

"At such a glorious time, we should invite all the disciples of the sect to watch the ceremony!" Black Sea's eyes are filled with excitement and excitement.Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile, "whatever you want."

Pan San on one side nodded with approval, "it's good to invite you to watch the ceremony. It can inspire you, and also make the reputation of the imperial flag gate more loud."

After all, Huangqi gate now has two kinds of Warcraft that can be transformed into shapes. In tianwu continent, the strength of huangqimen has been comparable to that of yunzong.

Then pan San was very excited to call the crowd together.

In the martial arts arena, everyone was summoned to come, and their eyes were full of doubts.

"What happened? Why do you call on us all of a sudden? "

"I don't know. I think it's the headmaster who has come back. He has something to say."

"The headmaster is really powerful. He has reached the level of a martial master at the age of 17!"

"What a perverted talent

"It's said that the followers around the master are all martial believers, holy warriors, and the porter is even more martial."

"My God! People are more angry than others

"Ha ha, don't be envious. We are good now. We have joined the Huangqi gate and our talents are much better than before. So I am very satisfied now, but I will continue to practice hard! "

"Good! I will continue to practice hard! "

People, I said one word.

"We are gathered together today because there is a very important announcement, that is, the two guardians of the imperial flag gate, they are going to take shape today!" Pan Sanqing cleared his throat and opened his mouth. The loud voice clearly spread throughout the entire arena and fell into the ears of all.



Isn't it true that Warcraft can be transformed into human form only when it reaches the level of divine beast?

But it seems that Heiyu and Wuhai are sacred animals!

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