"I didn't do anything because I was the lady of the temple. I'm just asking the troublemakers out as the leader of the chamber of Commerce for one month. Whoever makes trouble here must leave. " Mu Qianyue's cold tone is full of determination.

She also said clearly that she thought that the identity of Jingyue chamber of Commerce was the leader of the temple.

All of a sudden, the crowd of onlookers could not help admiring her. It is rare for such a brave and resourceful woman.

Su Mengling saw that his words did not have an effect, and the resentment in his eyes became more intense.

"Elder, all this is the work of Shangguan mo. I didn't want to make trouble here. It was he who hurt me first and then said that I made trouble. It was he who hurt me first. They cheat too much Shangguanqiong's eyes were angry and hateful, pointing to Huoxi and saying.

"Yes?" Shangguan big elder's eyes glanced, this just noticed the fire Xi on one side. His eyes narrowed, and his eyes burst out with anger, "Shangguan ink, you are hiding here!"

Huoxi looked at him coldly and strangely.

The face of the elder Shangguan was stiff and embarrassed, but his dignity and anger did not diminish. He asked in an angry voice, "Shangguan Mo, what is the matter with all this? Why are you killing your classmates here? The clan rules of our Shangguan family clearly stipulate that you can't attack your fellow disciples. You even ignore the clan rules

Huoxi looked at him coldly and sarcastically, and his expression was like looking at a fool.

Shangguan elder's face was stunned. Suddenly he was very gloomy and continued to shout, "I order you to kneel down now!"

"Who are you? How can I be ordered? Ha ha... " Fire Xi sneers.

"Shangguan ink!" Shangguan elder roared.

"Shangguan Mo, you just have to make a mistake to the elder, and explain to Jingyue chamber of commerce that you are the one who made trouble just now." Shangguan lengyi comes from the crowd.

"Admit your mistake? Why should I admit my mistake? " The sneer in Huoxi's eyes became more and more intense. He looked at the officials and others in front of him with disgust.

"Have you not repented so far?" Shangguan elder said angrily, "if you don't kneel down and admit your mistake, then don't blame my clan rules to serve you!"

"Well, I say you people are too much. You always let Huoxi kneel down. Who do you think you are? Is the Shangguan family great? Can Shangguan family be superior? Hum! What a shameless crowd Xiao xuan'er put her hands on her hips, and her beautiful face was full of anger.

"Huoxi is my man. If you want him to kneel down and admit his mistake, even if the sky falls down! What's more, Huoxi didn't do anything! " Mu Qianyue's cold and angry glance at the elder Shangguan and others on the opposite side, and goes on to say, "Huoxi is the elder of Jingyue chamber of Commerce. Shangguanqiong is rude to the elder of shangjingyue chamber of Commerce. If we want to do something about it, Jingyue chamber of Commerce will punish him a little and drive him out of Jingyue chamber of Commerce. What's wrong?"

"What? Is he the elder of Jingyue chamber of Commerce? " Shangguan lengyi seems to have heard some jokes. The pain on his face gradually disappears, showing a sarcastic smile. "Hum, I thought Jingyue chamber of Commerce was a great place before. He only invited the top and first-class forces of magic state. Now I know it's just a group of local chickens and dogs playing the opera. We would not have come if we had known that. "

The elder of Shangguan also showed contempt on his face.

The faces of the onlookers were puzzled and bewildered.

"It is not up to your Shangguan family to take charge of my Jingyue chamber of Commerce." Mu shallow moon cold voice.

"Little girl, it's hard to avoid being young and frivolous when you are young, but I advise you not to set up too many enemies!" Shangguan elder said in a gloomy tone, saying that he looked at Huoxi, and his eyes were full of threats, "Shangguan Mo, do you kneel down and admit your mistake, or do you want this elder to move?"

"What nonsense clan rules of Shangguan family? Did you mention them when they bullied me and humiliated me? When they killed my mother, did you talk about clan rules? No, Your eyes only ignore, and regard human life as grass root! Since the day I left the family two years ago, I have not been a member of Shangguan family! So you are not qualified! " The fire was stained with scarlet, and his expression was ferocious and angry.

"Good! Very good! " Shangguan was so old that he trembled.

"Xiaoyueyue, don't talk so much nonsense with him. The troublemakers just kick out." Sky Shuo you blue eyes surging cold light, body movement, with the lightning speed of the momentum to kick a foot.

I saw Shangguan dome suddenly fly out, turned into a parabola, quickly after the people's heads across, and then severely fell on the door of Jingyue chamber of Commerce.

"Tianshuo, you are so domineering Xiao xuan'er couldn't help praising.

Shangguanqiong had been seriously injured before, but now he was once again in a complete coma with his head tilted and his eyes closed.

"You Shangguan's elder brother was so old that he felt pale and looked ugly. They actually kicked the dome in front of themselves. They were really arrogant!People are also for the arrogance of Tian Shuo.

But after everyone felt the momentum of Tian Shuo's body, they all changed their looks.



He is a warrior?!

It's no wonder that Mu is so arrogant that she has a warrior around her! However, he is very young, it seems that he is less than 20 years old, but he is born with blue hair and blue eyes. Is he not a human being, but a Warcraft?

For a moment, the surprise and shock on people's faces became even more serious.

Su Mengling's eyes are filled with strong jealousy and anger, with what excellent people are willing to follow mu Qianyue? Even brother Jing is only devoted to her! For what?

"Mu Qianyue, this hatred is recorded by my Shangguan family." Shangguan Dachang was so old-fashioned that he didn't expect that there would be a follower of martial arts around mu Qianyue. He looked at Shangguan Mo Yan and Shangguan lengyi and said, "let's go."

Up to now, he is not even in the mood to participate in the auction, nor can he have the face to stay. This time, the face of his Shangguan family has been ruined.

"What's good about the auction held by a group of local chickens and dogs? Forget it. Let's go." Said a first-class family attached to the Shangguan family, and turned and left.

"Mu Qianyue, you have got the Shangguan family now, so you should be ready for bad luck." Su Mengling sneered and left with his family.

All of a sudden, the crowd of onlookers was a little confused. Did they go or stay?

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