"Will you please be quiet and listen to me?" Mu Xiaoyue turned around and her eyes swept over the faces of the people. In her cold voice, she had a trace of domineering and firmness. "Since you have come, I don't want to participate in this auction in the end. You can rest assured that the auction will never let you down. Because the elder of the white tiger college has been identified, even the elder in the white food college is shocked. This is something that never existed in the unreal land! As you should know, I am only a student of white tiger college. Now white tiger college is willing to cooperate with me to help with publicity. It can be seen that the things in this auction are not ordinary. If it's a general thing, do you think white tiger college will do this publicity for Jingyue chamber of Commerce? "

"In addition, I have prepared three hundred year old snow lotus fruits for you, each of them has one. Saussurea involucrate can beautify and beautify the skin, regulate the breath, and repair the old wounds of old age. And, these snow lotus fruit need not refine into Dan medicine, can take directly, can achieve the same effect

With Mu's voice falling, everyone is stunned, and their faces and eyes gradually show a look of surprise? Everyone else has one?

Although snow lotus fruit is not very precious, but 300 years of snow lotus fruit is enough precious, and everyone has one!

All of a sudden, a look of excitement appeared on their faces.

"Yes, since you have all come, you can stay and have a look. It's not easy to come all the way. "

"Yes, I came here for the auction."

"I'm here for the white tiger college. As the first big force of the white tiger family, it certainly won't cheat people."

"Then stay and have a look. If things are not good, it's not too late for us to leave."

"Something that has never appeared in the land of magic? What the hell is it? "

"Just stay and have a look. I hope we won't be disappointed."

The people laughed and discussed the way. With the benefits, they would not be in a hurry to leave.

It is human nature that both ancient and modern people like to take advantage of others.

"Please come inside and have a seat. Believe me, this auction will never let you down!" Mu Xiaoyue's face showed a generous and decent smile, and then motioned to the maids on the side, and introduced them to the attic.

People can't wait to rush in. Although three families were gone, the remaining five blood lineage families and eight physical families did not leave, so the scene was still lively.

After they all took their seats, their maids brought them snow lotus fruits one by one.

On the pavilion in the distance, Nalan Xueling is biting a snow lotus fruit, showing a trace of displeasure on his face. These people are at least members of a large family. A little cheaper makes them happy. It's only 300 years old snow lotus fruit, but I eat it for 1000 years.

Lovely shellfish ~ teeth bite on the snow lotus fruit, fragrant sweet juice flow into the mouth, dispel the unhappiness in the heart.

In fact, there are a large number of thousand year-old medicinal materials in Mu Qianyue's Tongtian tower space, some of which are fruits and herbs, which can be eaten directly. If she took out a lot of thousand year old herbs at once, it would inevitably arouse the envy of the public, so she only took out the 300 year old snow lotus fruit.

Bai Yili, who is far away, has already caught sight of everything that happened here. He thought he needed help from himself. However, he didn't expect mu Qianyue to resolve the crisis in a few words. He also offered snow lotus fruit, which he couldn't help but sigh.

Nine elder was surprised and said, "she looks young, but she has a good way of dealing with things. She doesn't look like 17 years old at all. If it wasn't for her age, I would have doubted that she was an old and successful guy. Ha ha..."

If nine elders and others know that mu Qianyue is the soul of two generations, it is estimated that they will be more shocked.

In the loft of the auction, a red high platform was built in the form of a patio in the middle, which was specially used for auction. Dozens of card seats were set up on the first floor and the second floor to receive these families.

The interior of the attic is made of luxury tulaojin and colorful crystal chandeliers, which give people an extremely dazzling feeling.

On the second floor, there are six blood families and eight physique families, while on the first floor are Ling family, Anjia family, white tiger college and Qingyu hall. Because the Shangguan family and the Su family left, so soon there were other families to replace in.

For this auction, we still have some expectations. Anyway, since we are here, let's see to the end.

Another point is to look at the face of Bai family and Zhehu college, we all stayed. If it's not absolutely a good thing, the white family will not help mu Qianyue to make publicity, but what we don't know is that even the white family owner doesn't know what the auction is about.

Especially after the people took advantage of it, the discontent and suspicion in their hearts all disappeared.

Some people can't wait to taste the snow lotus fruit after they get it. The rich and sweet juice and the crisp flesh are really delicious.

"Master Bai, you're all right. Can you tell us something about the auction? I'll see if I have enough money Teng snake blood of the Xiao family elder said with a smile."According to the financial resources of your Xiao family, you don't have to worry about the lack of money. Even if you don't have enough money, you can write an IOU first, and then send someone to make up for it." The white master's face was slightly stiff and said with a smile.

He didn't want to let everyone see that he didn't know what the auction was about, or he would lose his face.

Before that, the owner of the white family asked Bai Yili and others, but these old men were extremely tight. No matter what the owner said, he didn't want to be intimidated and forced to give up. So he really didn't know what to sell at the auction.

"Ha ha." The elder Xiao laughed and continued to grasp the previous question. He leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "is there any treasure in this auction?"

The white master's face showed a mysterious smile, "chongbao must be there, but I don't disclose it now, otherwise the auction will be meaningless. Don't you know what it is later? Be patient. The auction will start soon. "

In fact, these words were passed on to him by mu Qianyue, but now he pretends to be mysterious and deep, and later passed on to the elder Xiao.

The elder of the Xiao family puffed at the corner of his mouth, knowing that the white master would not say it, and did not continue to ask.

After everyone sat down in their own place, the auction began!

An auction girl with a hot figure and a sense of clothing walked with elegant steps to the high platform covered with red carpet in the center. Her charming face showed a formulaic smile. After some opening remarks, she formally entered the auction stage.

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