"The pill to be auctioned is a kind of pill named GUSHENG Meiyan pill, which can increase the life span of 100 years and keep the youth of 100 years. Now the starting price is 10000 gold coins. "

People's eyes flashed with surprise. Can GUSHENG Meiyan pill increase the life span of 100 years? A hundred years of youth?

The Danwang qianyeming of Huanzhou mainland can only refine the elixir that can increase the life span of 20 years, but can not keep young. Even so, the pills of Danwang qianyeming are still very popular!

Now it seems that this GUSHENG beauty elixir is more powerful than the elixir of Danwang qianyeming!

Seeing that no one was talking, the host lady showed a calm smile on her face and continued, "because there are limited medicinal materials for refining GUSHENG Meiyan pills, there are not many pills for GUSHENG Meiyan pills. This time, only 30 pills were auctioned, five of them were in a group, a total of six groups. After the auction, GUSHENG Meiyan pills will wait at least three months before the second batch will be released, and the quantity is also small. "

As his voice fell, someone immediately called out, "I give 50000 gold coins."

"One hundred thousand."


The price went up in an instant, and the atmosphere of bidding became intense.

Then even the Bai family, the Mu family, and the northern family of the Xuanwu family started bidding. As we all know, only those who have reached the level of martial arts can have a long life. And this GUSHENG beauty pill can increase the life span of a hundred years, and can also restore youth. That is to say, they have a second youth and can continue to cultivate on the basis of their existing strength.

There is a big difference between the training speed of young state and that of old age state.

Youth represents vigor, vitality and hope.

Old age stands for twilight, aging and death.

For example, if an old man reaches the Ninth level of martial arts in his dying year, he is almost a warrior, but he can't break through. Then he has to die. When his last life is exhausted, he is dead.

After taking GUSHENG Medan, he immediately increased his life span by a hundred years, and returned to a young state. His whole body, regardless of blood, muscles, bones, cells or soul power, returned to a peak state, full of strength and hope.

Then, if he breaks through Shenwu, he will have great hope. If he becomes a warrior, he will have a long life.

Therefore, the GUSHENG Meiyan pill is simply tailored for all the elders who have not broken through to the martial arts and dying elders in all families!

Soon, the price of GUSHENG meiyandan rose to five million gold coins.

For these old guys, they don't lack money, what they lack is young life! So no matter how much money they spend, they will buy it without hesitation.

Unfortunately, GUSHENG Meiyan pill only has six groups!

Too little, too little!

Finally, they were bought by the Bai family, the northern family, the Xiao family, the Mu family, and the Phoenix family, as well as the Yanhuang Empire, all of which were sold at the price of 1 billion gold coins.

In the card seat on the first floor, the water family is also invited. In addition to Shuiqi Dan and the water master, as well as the two elders of the water family, Qin Mufeng is also among them. Only with the money and status of the water family, the water family did not take a picture of GUSHENG Meiyan Dan.

After hearing the effect of GUSHENG Meiyan pill, Qin Mufeng remembered that mu Qianyue had given himself a beautiful Yan pill. At that time, he did not take it, but intended to give it to Liu Ruoying. Unfortunately, Liu Ruoying didn't look at him and gave up his mind.

Later, he put the pill away. Now, after thinking about it, Qin Mufeng took out the pill in the storage bag space.

"Why? "Gu Sheng Mei Yan Dan?" When Shuiqi Dan saw the pills in Qin Mufeng's hand, his eyes flashed a touch of surprise.

Water home master eyes a bright, look to Qin Mufeng in the hands of the pills asked, "wind boy, how can you have Gu Sheng Mei Yan Dan in your hand?"

"This is when I was still in Shuizhou city before, mu Qianyue used two pills for my ice Ganoderma Qin Mufeng's face showed a wry smile, "I always thought it was just an ordinary pill, but I didn't expect it was GUSHENG Meiyan pill."

What is another pill The water owner asked in a hurry.

"The other is Wang Yuandan, which can help me break through the realm of Wang wuzhe, so that I can enter white tiger college smoothly." Qin Mufeng replied truthfully that at first he was only a first-class king warrior, but now he has reached the level of eight level Wang Wu. It can be seen that his cultivation speed is also rising rapidly.

The water master's face showed a touch of pity.

"Water master, this GUSHENG beauty pill is of no use to me. I'd better give it to you." Qin Mufeng thought about it and handed the pill to the water master.

Smell speech, water home master's face a joy, eyes burst out of surprise color.

"Mufeng, don't give it to him. Keep it for yourself. Maybe you can use it later." Shuiqi Dan took the pills and handed them back to Qin Mufeng.

The water master took an empty, the look on his face is a little embarrassed, very speechless rolled his eyes, this smelly girl, is really angry with him! When she liked Tongling before, she always liked to run to Tongling's home.Without Tongling, Qin Mufeng comes again.

Well, although Qin Mufeng's background is worse, as long as his daughter is happy, he doesn't care. With the strength of his water family, he can develop without marriage. He didn't want his baby daughter to be sad for a man again. It was not easy for her to come out of the last emotional trauma. So the owner of the water family also wants to open, as long as she is happy.

However, he also secretly observed that although Qin Mufeng was a poor boy, he had a good talent. In only half a year, Qin Mufeng was promoted to seven levels in a row. His talent accounted for half of the total. However, he paid much effort and sweat. Secondly, Qin Mufeng's character is still good, honest and honest, frank and forthright, without so many twists and turns, and no mind, which is the reason why he does not object.

"I really don't need it. I'm still young and can continue to work hard. But the water master and the water ancestor will surely use this medicine Qin Mufeng said sincerely and incomparably with his eyes, and then gave the pills to the water master with a firm face.

"Ha ha, wind boy, it seems that you can see through. I have written down your kindness Water master did not hesitate to take over, and then he smelled the pill and was surprised, "it seems that the effect of this pill is different from that of the pill sold on the stage."

"Well, I don't know that." Qin Mufeng scratched his head in doubt.

"This pill should have been refined before mu Qianyue, and you haven't heard the host lady say that the current GUSHENG Meiyan pill is the latest formula and the latest research result is an upgraded version." Said shuiqidan.

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