"You..." When the cold Narcissus heard the speech, she almost carried her breath, and her pretty face suddenly became ugly and incomparable, "hum! A bunch of spineless things! Doomed to be enslaved! Destined to be a dog

These people are just too much!

Before that, he was still obedient to his own words and orders were just like using slaves.

With them around, she can enjoy everything without doing anything.

Now they don't follow themselves. She's the only one left. Don't they have to do everything by themselves? What's more, even the accommodation for tonight is a problem. She can't set up a tent!

They used to do this kind of rough work!

"Ha ha..." Qiao Zixian couldn't help laughing. Her beautiful face was full of joy. She looked up at the cold Narcissus with a sarcastic look. "Well, is this the world newspaper?"

At the moment, she looked up at the moon, and her eyes were filled with anger.

This is clearly the face of the red fruit! She can't stand it!

How, if not herself? If it wasn't for her, how could these people suddenly betray themselves?

The fingers under the sleeve are once again twisted together.

At this time, people have gathered around Mu shallow moon, "Mu girl, we are going to find a place to put up a tent."

"We're going to look for materials now!"

"Miss mu, you've been tired for a whole day. First, sit down and have a rest. Let's do the inspection of familiar terrain."

With that, they all broke up and went to work.

"Hello, Hello, you Stop for me Cried the cold Narcissus, but no one paid any attention to her, and she stamped her feet.

"Ha ha, you don't look good now, do you? It's up to you. " Qiao Zixian looked at the cold Narcissus with malicious eyes and said with a sneer, "remember before you still brought them to find me and the scum of the moon, eh Shallow moon, do you think we should take a tooth for a tooth? "

With that, Qiao Zixian looked back at mu Qianyue.

"You can have this." Mu Qianyue stroked his chin with one hand, and a sharp cold light flashed in Feng's eyes. He looked at the cold Narcissus like a knife.

The body of the cold Narcissus trembled involuntarily, as if thinking of something. Her face was filled with disdain and contempt, "hum! How many of them will be my opponents? I'm a nine level warrior. The gap between each level is huge! How many of them can't hurt me! "

"They are not your opponents, but if you add me and shallow moon, they are more than enough to deal with you!" Qiao Zixian rubbed his hands and looked at her with a sneer.

"I-I don't have time for you to fight today." The face of the cold Narcissus changed. She even stammered, and her confidence was weakened. She pretended to be calm. She quickly turned around and left. The speed of the figure was like running for life.

"Grass! How fast Qiao Zixian couldn't help but scold, saying that he was trying to catch up.

Mu Xiaoyue stretched out his hand and took her hand. "Now is not the time to deal with her. Although there will be no punishment for the six story murder in the wild ancient world, the strength of the cold Narcissus is not a decoration. Chu Yuzhen is also in the Gaolan mountains. If we are hurt, I'm afraid Chu Yuzhen will take advantage of this opportunity. "

Qiao Zixian thought for a moment that the light moon said was right. If Chu Yuzhen attacked secretly, it would be more than worth the loss.

"Well, let her go for a while. But if I take the chance, she must look good! "

Later, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian strolled around at the foot of Gaolan mountain. They set up a dozen tents here, which is obviously the residence of the people guarding the area.

But now these tents are empty, it seems that no one has come back.

Until it was dark, those people gradually came back.

Just at this time, several people came over, nodded and bowed and said with a smile, "Miss mu, the tent has been set up."

"Miss mu, this is the topographic map of the outside of Gaolan mountain range, because the sky is too dark, so the interior has not entered." Another person said will hand the drawings to the front, and then carefully look up to Mu shallow moon, as if afraid of her anger.

"In fact, you don't have to try to please me." Mu Qianyue raised her head and said to the crowd.

When they heard the speech, their faces suddenly changed, and they were all bitter and nervous. "Miss mu, are you still angry with us?"

"Miss Mu has not forgiven us yet!"

"Miss mu, we really want to be with you."

People, you say a word I said.

"When I arrived at Gaolan mountain, I was just a newcomer just like everyone else. It's the captain and the vice captain that you need to flatter, not me Mu shallow month light says, although they show sincerity now, but their change speed is too fast.

Will is not firm, faith is not firm, in the future if there is a stronger than their own people, they will absolutely abandon themselves, follow others!

She does not want to protect these people in vain, she is not the virgin?The people's faces changed and looked at each other, knowing that mu Qianyue would not let them follow. They sighed and looked disappointed.

"You can live in tents by yourself, and you can take back the topographic map." Qiao Zixian disdain of the curl of the mouth, the same, for these people, her heart is not a trace of good feeling.

"Zixian, let's go." Mu shallow month lightly looked at the crowd, then took back the vision, and Qiao Zixian turned to leave together.

Finally, when the sky is completely dark, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian set up a tent. When Mu is going to have a rest, a sneer comes from behind.

"Oh, mu Qianyue, I didn't expect that you would reach the level seven holy warrior so quickly. I thought you would take at least one year."

Hearing the speech, mu Qianyue frowned slightly, got up, looked back, and saw a figure in the distance came, the slender figure bathed in the moonlight, like Lingbo fairy stepping on the thick moonlight.

Although her body exudes a kind of elegant air, but her face Pang is slightly twisted because of jealousy. There is a trace of bitterness hidden in her narrow eyes, which destroys this aesthetic feeling.

"Chu Yuzhen, you mean person! Send someone to assassinate us Qiao Zixian looked at her angrily.

Chu Yuzhen raised her eyes and glanced at Qiao Zixian. Her face was full of disdain. "Hum, I thought you would die in the wild and ancient world. Those two useless things can't even do this little thing well. They're really useless."

"Chu Yuzhen, thank you for being the goddess of the city of light. It's really insulting to these two words. You are vicious and selfish. Do you think childe Nalan will like you? If childe Nalan likes you, he is really blind! You are jealous that you can get the love of Nalan all his life Qiao Zixian scolded angrily.

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