"You The idea of being poked in the center, Chu Yuzhen's face suddenly changed, a piece of iron green, as if someone had stepped on his tail, and almost ran away. But the rest area here is full of people with mixed eyes, so it's inconvenient to start.

Although it is said that killing people in the wild and ancient world will not be punished, they are not free to kill people.

Killing people won't be punished, only those who are superior to others!

It is doomed to pay the price for the weak to kill!

After taking a few deep breaths, Chu Yuzhen slowly calmed down from her anger. She looked up at Qiao Zixian, and there was a hint of sinister in her eyes. "It's useless to be light mouthed here. It depends on strength! I believe the next day will be wonderful. "

Then she turned and left.

"Cut! Is she here to show off Qiao Zixian looked at her figure disappearing in the night and snorted coldly.

Mu shallow moon Mou son shallow MI, "soldiers to block, water to cover."

As for Chu Yuzhen, she is not afraid. She still has the power to fight for the Ninth level. After opening the nine changes of Taiji and the blood of Qinglong, she has no problem dealing with Chu Yuzhen!

I'm afraid that Chu Yuzhen will have a black hand, so I have to be more careful during this period of time.

The next morning, people gathered together, and Mu Changqing was waiting here early in the morning. "Let me introduce to you, this vice captain who is also in charge of Gaolan mountains, his name is Chu Yuzhen. You can also go to her if you have anything to do. "

Chu Yuzhen nodded his head and nodded to everyone. His gentle and pleasant appearance immediately attracted everyone's favor.

Vice captain? Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed slightly, but she was the vice captain of Gaolan mountain! It seems that they and Zixian should be more careful, more careful.

Chu Yuzhen's eyes swept the crowd faintly, and finally fell on mu Qianyue's body. She grinned and said, "it's said that there was a peerless genius among the people who came here yesterday. At the age of 17, he reached the level of the seventh level holy warrior."

However, a thick jealousy and unwillingness flashed through her eyes.

She took away the scene even if, with her talent still so excellent abnormal?

The cold Narcissus smelled the speech and glanced enviously at mu Qianyue.

"Hum! What an affectation Qiao Zixian disdained to hum, and her eyes were filled with angry light. She resisted the impulse to rush up and beat her. What a shame! Ming Ming sent people to assassinate him several times. Now you pretend you don't know him?

Oh, funny!

Mu Qianyue is also disgusted by Chu Yuzhen's hypocrisy.

"Vice captain, you and mu Qianyue entered the ancient world at the same time. When you are outside, you should have heard her name?" Mu Changqing asked quietly.

"Yes, it's just a bit of an accident." Chu Yuzhen's face suddenly changed and became a little ugly. Just now she said that on purpose, but now Mu Changqing's words are undoubtedly deliberately dismantling her stage! Also clearly in the protection of the moon!

Do Mu Changqing and mu Qianyue know each other? Yes, and no matter which continent mu Qianyue comes from, at least she has a green dragon blood, so it can be concluded that her relationship with the Mu family is extraordinary.

If this is the case, it is not easy to deal with, for a while Chu Yuzhen's mind flashed countless ideas.

"Now I'll give you a task." Mu Changqing did not continue this topic, and then he assigned tasks to everyone. Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian were given the task of inspecting the western part of Gaolan mountain with the other three members.

"Captain mu, I'm short of some strong people here. Why don't you let them follow me?" Chu Yuzhen walks forward with a smile and looks at Mu Changqing. The two people she referred to happened to be mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian!

"Captain mu..." Qiao Zixian's face suddenly changed after hearing the speech. What? Chu Yuzhen named himself and Qianyue to follow her? Absolutely no good!

I didn't expect the moon to change her face!

"You've got enough people there already?" Mu Changqing did not immediately agree to Chu Yuzhen's request, but asked,

"Captain mu, although there are many people on my side, their strength is a little weak. In recent days, many Warcraft have rushed from the space cracks. Those Warcraft are very powerful and have a large number. Yesterday, many people were seriously injured and lost their fighting power. At least, they need to rest for a few days Between. I'm afraid I can't cope with it today. " Chu Yuzhen is not anxious and slow to say, but her beautiful face pretends to be a serious embarrassment and worried look.

"The two of them have just arrived, and their strength is not so good. I'll transfer two eight level holy warriors to the past." Mu Changqing could not refuse to say, just when he was going to send someone, the cold Narcissus standing in the line volunteered, "Captain mu, send me. I'm the Ninth level warrior. I should be able to help

"Well, it's up to you." Mu Changqing looked at her, nodded, and then appointed a person.

Cold Narcissus went to Chu Yuzhen and said with a smile, "in the lower cold Narcissus, deputy leader, you can call me Narcissus directly." Her voice is obviously flattering. She is from the city of light. Naturally, she knows Chu Yuzhen. The tiannv in Tianyin Pavilion is a new generation of talented people besides nalanjing!It's good to climb up to Chu Yuzhen, at least no one dares to bully himself here.

But what she didn't know was that she had offended Chu Yuzhen and had been listed in the blacklist.

Chu Yuzhen glanced coldly at the cold Narcissus, and her heart filled with anger. The damned fool dared to destroy her good deeds. She called mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian to follow her, so as to find a chance to start.

The cold Narcissus broke her plan by suddenly butting in.

"Deputy leader, don't worry, I will never let you down. I will guard the Gaolan mountains well and not let a Warcraft come in!" It's a pity that the Narcissus didn't flatter her.

"Well, I hope you don't let me down." Chu Yuzhen's slightly drooping eyes quickly flashed a touch of frightful cold light, words fell, she walked away, immediately there were more than a dozen people to stand up and follow her.

Cold Narcissus face a stiff, face flattering smile gradually disappeared, her eyes some angry look at Chu Yuzhen disappeared figure, in the heart of a light sip.

Pooh! Isn't he a nine level warrior? You should know that you are also the strength of the Ninth level warrior. You are not inferior to her at all! She even gave her face to see, still pretend ~ force!

If it's not that I'm late, maybe this vice captain is my own!

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