"Each other." Mu Xiaoyue smiles, that leisurely and indifferent appearance almost didn't make Chu Mingzhi spit blood. Before she had time to react, the girl's cold voice like the devil sounded on her head, "the game time is over."

A blue and purple flame lit up between her fingers, which bounced on Chu Mingzhi. But for a while, she was burned to ashes like the three before her.

They ambush here, obviously early in the morning to make arrangements, want to kill themselves and Qiao Zixian, then why should she be merciful?

"Well, I don't have a chance to do it." Qiao Zixian was depressed and sighed. The shallow moon was too strong. When she was with her, she seemed to have no chance to fight. The enemy died.

However, such an occasion, she is not suitable for the hand.

Once Chu Zhi attacks the enemy again, she will not be in trouble.

It seems that we have to work hard to improve our strength! Otherwise, it has been protected by the shallow moon, and there is no space to show! She said that she wanted to protect the moon, but she was protected by the moon.

I have to say, this feeling of being protected by good friends is very good! Very happy!

"You'll have a chance to do it later. Let's go back." Mu Xiaoyue raised her lips and smile, and walked forward. One after the other, the two quickly disappeared in the path of the forest, leaving only a pile of ashes floating in the wind, telling of death.

However, in the eastern residential area, there was a big explosion in the commanding courtyard, because the guards found that four more life cards were broken in the evening, and all of them were from Tianyin Pavilion. They lost four divine warriors all at once, which made many worried. Was there any powerful Warcraft on the seventh floor of the ancient world?

It's said that Chu Mingzhi's life card is also broken. You know, she's a sixth level warrior!

The gap between each level is huge, it is not so easy to cross. Although the level 6 Shenwu is not the top of the seven levels in ancient world, it is also a rare master!

Is it not shocking to die suddenly like this?

Especially Mu Yongli and Mu Changsi.

In the room, Mu Yongli and Mu Changsi both have gloomy faces.

"This thing is strange. Chu Mingzhi is also a sixth level warrior. How could he die so easily? I remember when I met her this afternoon Mu Yongli murmured to himself, and his surprise could not be covered.

"Dad, do you think it is possible that mu Qianyue did this? After all, today is the first day mu Qianyue came out to guard Yougu mountain. " Mu Changsi suddenly said, her beautiful eyes are full of calculation and doubt.

Mu Yongli smell speech eyes a bright, eyes twinkle with the deep essence, "good! Today is indeed mu Qianyue's first day of guarding Yougu mountain. Earlier, I heard Chu Mingzhi say that he wanted to find mu Qianyue's trouble. I didn't expect that she was killed by mu Qianyue so soon. Anyway, she was also a sixth level warrior. She was so vulnerable in front of Mu Qianyue? That muqianyue is only the strength of the first-class warrior! In this way, mu Qianyue is really terrible. He killed the four martial artists in Tianyin Pavilion without being aware of anything

"Dad, what we are looking for must be on her! If not, how could she, a first-class warrior, have such terrible strength? " There was a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.

"Si'er, we can't wait any longer. The two brothers and sisters mu ruke and mu rutian are on the seventh floor of ancient times. If we let them approach mu Qianyue first and know the secret of the artifact, we will all be in vain!" Mu Yongli's eyes twinkled with fierce light.

"Dad, don't worry. I'll look for opportunities carefully." Mu Changsi's lips raised a cold and evil sneer.


To Mu's surprise, after Chu Mingzhi's death, the east side has become strangely quiet, and Mu Yongli has not come to find his own trouble.

But she knew it was the calm before the storm!

The more quiet, the more violent the storm will be!

Then stop with static, soldiers will block, water and earth cover!

Another half month has passed.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning, sprinkled on this land, a shadow has been one after another to wake up, set out to their own to defend the area.

Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian are no exception. As usual, they go to the Yougu mountain to guard and kill the Warcraft that rushes out from the space crack.

Because the Yougu mountain area is relatively large and there are fewer personnel, one person usually has to look at a mountain top. Therefore, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian are separated in the daytime, and only when they set out in the morning and come back in the evening will they meet.

The fierce sun is high and poisonous.

Mu Qianyue has just killed a flame mouse that rushes out from the space crack. Zhenyuan power has been consumed by most of them and has been injured. This flame mouse's strength in the sixth level beast, is very strong, almost spent her nine cattle and two tiger's strength.

In ancient times, the seventh floor is much more tired and dangerous than the fifth and sixth floors. The loss of personnel is the most serious here.After taking several healing pills and Huiyuan pills, mu Qianyue sat cross legged and practiced meditation.


All of a sudden, a sound of breaking the air sounded, a sharp sword was fiercely attacking behind him. The terrible vigorous wind was incomparable, rubbing against the air and making a harsh sound.

Mu Xiaoyue's face changed. She opened her eyes and quickly got up. She flashed over to the side, which could be avoided.


There was a big bang.

The fierce sword light bombarded a big tree behind him. The big tree surrounded by one person was suddenly broken!

Mu Qianyue turns to look, and sees Mu Changsi walking out of the woods slowly.

"Tut Tut, it turns out that you are the fourth level martial arts man. You hide so deep that I almost cheated us." Mu Changsi clapped his hands and walked forward, chin slightly raised, like a proud peacock, looking at the moon with pride and contempt.

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes, and her eyes fell on Mu Changsi's body. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Although Mu Changsi and Chu Mingzhi had the same level of martial arts, they were more powerful than Chu Mingzhi. Maybe it was because of Qinglong's blood.

"Squatting for so long, just to sneak on me?" There was a slight irony in the corner of his lips.

Previously, I felt that there was another breath, because I couldn't be distracted and didn't care when I was fighting with the fire mouse. I didn't expect that Mu Changsi was hiding in the dark.

"Well, so what? As long as I can defeat you, it doesn't matter by any means." Mu Changsi disdained to hum. He glanced up at the body of the flaming mouse not far from mu Qianyue's feet, and sneered, "now your true strength is exhausted, and there is no power to fight back. Now I will kill you easily! But I can spare your life! Mu Qianyue, do you hand in the things or do I dig them out? "

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