"What?" Mu Qianyue pretends to be confused.

"Stop pretending! You know what it is! Is the ancient artifact Tongtian tower in your hands? " Mu Changsi sneered, her eyes brimming with the light of calculation and treachery, as well as a trace of excitement and excitement. At the thought of getting the Tongtian tower immediately and getting such a artifact, who dares to ignore her in the future?

"Good! The tower is really in my hands. " Mu shallow moon also can't hide, beautiful face on a piece of cold, if frost, black phoenix eyes contain a series of murders, more and more cold and heartless.

Mu Changsi didn't notice this at all. She only heard that the tower was in her hand. Full of joy and excitement, she held out her hand to Mu Qianyue and said in a commanding tone, "give me the Tongtian tower quickly!"

No wonder Mu's combat effectiveness is so terrible, no wonder her strength has improved so fast, no wonder her blood can reach the perfect level, which must be attributed to the Tongtian Tower!

In fact, all this is just Mu Changsi's imagination.

Tongtian tower is an ancient artifact, which is good, but not omnipotent.

Mu Qianyue has today's strength and perfect blood, all of which have something to do with her efforts, not all the credit of Tongtian tower.

The tower just played an auxiliary role, which made her less detours.

For example, Tongtian pagoda has given such divine level skills as Jiulong soul swallowing formula, which makes her practice speed faster and makes her fighting skills stronger than others. That's all.

Of course, if Mu Qianyue uses the skill in the Jiulong soul swallowing formula to cultivate other people's spirits, I'm afraid she has already reached the realm of emperor martial arts.

It's just that she doesn't use it very much. After all, it's too insidious. Besides, she won't kill some innocent people for the sake of cultivation. What's the difference between her and those villains?

"If you want the tower, come and take it yourself." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a sneer, and the sword of death in his hand was suddenly bright and dark. It seemed that he felt the hatred and anger in his master's heart.

Mu Changsi took back her hand, and her pretty face was cold and vicious, "Mu Qianyue, do you want to poison me? It's no use. I already know that you are an expert at refining poison. At the beginning, you must have killed my cousin and the people in Tianyin pavilion with poison technique? But I didn't expect that your poison technique was so powerful that even Chu Mingzhi was not your opponent. You killed him without knowing it. "

In the breeze, her expression became more and more cold and cruel. I saw her hand shake, and a piece of silk Patton appeared in the heart of her hand. Then she tied it gracefully on her face, while condensing the green dragon blood armor.

The fire red armor perfectly outlines her slender figure, exquisite and chic. It has to be said that Mu Changsi is indeed a rare beauty.

She raised her eyes and looked coldly at mu Qianyue and said with a sneer, "I'm afraid your poison technique is useless this time, isn't it? Ha ha You don't have to expect anyone to save you. Oh, it's impossible for Jin to come to save you, because he has been held back by the people I arranged. It's a beautiful place to be buried. It's a great gift for me to let you rest here! "

Look up at the woman's thin eyes, but what's the limit of your eyes

Speaking of the back, Mu Xiaoyue's face was cold, and her tone suddenly condensed. There was a strong sense of killing between heaven and earth.

When Mu was about to start, suddenly a sword shot from the front, like a streamer, and the target was Mu Changsi in front of her!

Feeling the sudden killing opportunity behind him, Mu Changsi's face changed. He quickly turned back and stabbed out a sword. He knocked the sword to one side and looked up to see Jin Yicheng running from the jungle behind him.

Jin Yicheng is holding a blood sword. His clothes are a little messy, and his body is covered with blood, especially the wound in front of his chest is long and ferocious, and the blood gurgling down.

There was also a wound on his beautiful face. The red blood stained his cheek, but he didn't care to wipe it. He ran to Mu Qianyue with all his life. His body moved and fell in front of him. His eyes were still on her. He looked up and down, "little moon, how are you doing? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine." Seeing that Jin is also like this, Mu's cold heart can't help but produce a soft ~ soft.

"Jin Yicheng? How can you be here? Aren't you held up by my men? " Mu Changsi's eyes flashed with surprise.

Jin Yicheng raised his head and looked coldly at Mu Changsi, "I was really dragged down by your people, and almost fell into your trap. But can your people stop me? Hum! Mu Changsi, you are really insidious

"Jin Yicheng, this is a private matter of my Mu family. You'd better not meddle in your business, or you will offend my Mu family. It's not what you Jin family can afford!" Mu Changsi's face is not good-looking threat way.

Jin Yicheng is a seven level warrior. It is very difficult to deal with it. Although he has been injured, it seems that the influence is not great. It is better to persuade Jin Yicheng to quit in order to avoid causing some bad things."Threatening me? You're not qualified for that! " Jin Yicheng said with cold eyes.

"Come on, how do you want to get out of this? It's not good for you to mix in. As long as you don't care about the moon now, I can marry my niece Mu Ru to you. She is the talent of the Mu family, and her blood has reached the perfect level. Moreover, her appearance is no worse than that of Mu Qianyue. How about it? " Mu Chang thought and wanted to say.

Jin Yicheng so regardless of the danger of life in front of Mu Qianyue's body, is not it that she took a fancy to her face? He promised to be a beauty, but his appearance was absolutely first-class.

She has absolute confidence, gold will absolutely agree, such benefits, do not agree is a fool!

Besides, he was lucky to marry Ke'er, and he was the son-in-law of the Mu family. His status and status were immediately superior to those of others. How many people could not get it! But she doesn't think about it. Is she qualified to make a decision for muruke's marriage?

What's more, she doesn't know why Jin Yicheng wants to protect mu Qianyue.

Mu Changsi looked up at Jin Yicheng with a smile. He thought he would be excited, and thought he would be grateful. Unexpectedly, he saw his colder face than before, and the murderer in his eyes was still strong. He could not help but say, "Jin Yicheng, I have promised you enough benefits. Don't be ignorant of good or bad!"

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