Jin Yicheng's face was gloomy, almost gnashing his teeth and saying, "how dare you insult my affection for xiaoyueer! She's my niece! Mu Changsi, you are a woman with a vicious mind and a changed attitude. Today I will kill you! "

Body movement, without hesitation toward Mu Changsi rushed in the past.

Mu Changsi is shocked. What? Mu Qianyue is his niece?!

How could that be possible? Why have you never heard of it before? Is not Jin Yicheng following her to admire the appearance of the moon? But now there is no time to think about it. Mu Changsi quickly flashes to the side, avoiding Jin Yicheng's attack.

Under Jin Yicheng's crazy and fierce attack, Mu Changsi is immediately in the downwind and is in a state of embarrassment. This makes Mu Changsi very angry.

After evading Jin Yicheng's attack, Mu Changsi quickly retreats a few meters. She holds a long sword and looks at Jin Yicheng coldly. She says angrily, "Jin Yicheng, you're toasting, not eating or drinking! If so, don't blame me for being ruthless! "

By pinching the formula with her fingers, Mu Changsi immediately opened the green dragon's blood talent. Her strength instantly increased from the top to the peak of the seventh level divine warrior, and her momentum was much higher than that of Jin Yicheng.

The inheritors of Qinglong's blood have the ability of cross level combat, which is why the family with blood inheritance is stronger than other families.

When Jin Yicheng saw her exerting the blood of the green dragon, she immediately opened up the force of the five elements and the physical strength of the Jin family.

"Boom There was a tremendous noise.

The two people's attack again hit hard together, burst out deafening sound.

Jin Yicheng had suffered a lot of injuries in order to get out of Chongwei. Most of the Zhenyuan strength was lost. He had a fight with Mu Changsi just now, so in this move, Jin Yicheng failed.

I saw his body like a boat, hard fell out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, floating in the air, like a blood rain.

Mu Qianyue's body moved, caught his falling body, and quickly fed a Liao wound pill into his mouth. He said in an irresistible voice, "don't move. Sit down and breathe with cross legs."

Jin Yicheng shook his head! I must protect you! Seventeen years ago, I was too weak to protect xiner. Today, I can't repeat the same mistake! Even if I fight for my life, I can't let you suffer any harm! "

With that, he stood up shaking, but he was injured too much, just stood up, a mouthful of fresh blood gushed up from his throat, he tightly shut his mouth ~ wish to swallow back.

No, he can't fall. He must stand up. He must protect xiaoyueer!

"I told you not to move, but to move! I don't want my uncle to die like this. " The girl's cold voice rings in his ear, and Jin Yicheng is shocked all over. She looks up at her with unbelievable and joyful face. Is xiaoyue'er willing to recognize herself? Did he hear right? You can hear Xiao Yueer calling her uncle, even if it's death, it's worth it!

He struggled to stand up again, wiped the blood on his mouth, grinned with a bright smile, "since you called my uncle, I should protect you more! Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my sister

"You are so tired and disobedient." Mu shallow month is very speechless stare at him, simply finger in his chest ~ before quick point a few times, press him back to the ground.

Jin Yicheng was shocked to find that he could not move!

"Niece, what have you done to me? Let me go quickly. You are not mu Changsi's opponent. Let me come, and I can fight! "

"You just sit down and I'll take care of the rest." Mu Qianyue didn't look at him, but looked up at Mu Changsi.

Mu Changsi suppressed the constant tumbling Qi and blood in his body, raised his head, and said coldly, "Mu Qianyue, this time even gold can't protect you. You'd better take the initiative to hand over the things, and then offer your blood. I'll save your life with kindness. Otherwise, when I make a move, it will not be so easy to talk about. "

I didn't expect that Jin Yicheng was so difficult to deal with that she almost got seriously injured. Fortunately, Jin was hurt more than himself, otherwise he might be planted here today.

"Yes? Let's see if I need human protection! " As soon as mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, her body suddenly disappeared from her original place. She disappeared without a trace, but there was no trace.

Mu Changsi is shocked, and his face suddenly changes. His mental strength spreads out everywhere, but he can't lock Mu's figure! What's going on? Their own strength is obviously higher than mu Qianyue, how can you be unable to lock her in?


The sound of the sword piercing into the chest is so clear and penetrating!

Mu Changsi felt a pain in his chest and looked down at the sword penetrating his chest from behind. His beautiful big eyes were full of shock and wonder! She roared, countless real Yuan Li surging, in an instant broke free from the chest ~ in front of the long sword.

She turned her head, looked up to Mu shallow moon, shocked and angry, "how could you hurt me?"

"Nothing is impossible." Mu Qianyue's eyes are light and cold. The light on the miesheng sword in his hand is very bright. The red blood drips from the tip of the sword, and the rest is swallowed by the sword, releasing bursts of red light. It seems that he is excited by the blood.Sitting on the ground, Jin Yicheng's eyes were also full of surprise. Just now, the sword was so fast that he didn't see how xiaoyueer shot, so he stabbed Mu Changsi's chest.

There is also xiaoyueer's body method, which is really weird and incomparable, coming and going like the wind! Look, I'm really worried! Xiaoyueer can kill Chu Mingzhi, how can she be afraid of Mu Changsi? But he forgot that sometimes when people are nervous, they are easily confused and can't remember these things.

There is no doubt that he is in this situation now.

"You are obviously a fourth level warrior. Why are you so powerful?" Mu Changsi's eyes quickly flashed a touch of fear. The feeling of palpitation was just like the feeling that Yu Yunfeng gave her. You should know that Yu Huafeng is a nine level warrior!

"This must be attributed to the tower of heaven! It must be the tower of heaven Suddenly, Mu Changsi's face became ferocious and crazy, with excited and greedy eyes flashing in his eyes, "Mu Qianyue, I must kill you. Only by killing you can I get the tower of heaven! Even my grandfather can't get my home! Ha ha... "

Grandfather? Mu Qianyue's face is cold. Is she one of Mu Linggang's grandchildren?

Between the black pupil, the light gradually cooled, cold and sharp.

Mu Changsi didn't notice these things at all. He was full of thoughts about how to get the Tongtian tower, how to become the master of Mu family and dominate the land of magic state.

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