"Mo'er, I'm sorry, this time I will break my promise..." The sky Shuo turns an eye to look at her, the dark blue pupil slowly enlarges, that nostalgic vision actually still tightly falls on that familiar face

It seems that she wants to carve out her face from the bottom of her heart.


There was a dull noise.

It's like farting in this world.

See the sky Shuo expansion of the body quickly shriveled down, like a balloon was released, instantly back to the original shape.

The eye of day Shuo is full of shock, how is this to return a responsibility? Why can't he blow himself up?

"Tian Shuo..."

Dream Xi Mo rushed forward and threw himself in his arms, hugged him tightly, looked up at him, and his cold eyes were full of firmness, "even if we are going to die, we will be together! You don't want to leave me, and I won't leave you! "

She does not want to be separated like a thousand years ago. In the dark time of a thousand years, even if she becomes a wandering soul, she also forgets her love and infatuation for him

The ruthless years of erosion, that endless waiting, wandering pain, she did not want to taste the second time!

"Ha ha, it seems that even heaven won't help you!" Tu Wei Ming saw Tian Shuo's body withered quickly and recovered. He could not help but smile with pride and coldness on his face.

"Is it?"

Just at this time, a cold drink sounded from behind. The girl's cool and elegant voice with a trace of bloodthirsty coldness sounded out of thin air, which scared Tu Wei Ming to change his face and roared to the air, "who? Come out to me! What is hiding behind your back

"Don't worry, I'm coming out!" The girl continued to hum in the air.

Crash, I saw a wave of air waves, space was torn a crack, six figures like fish jumped out of it, fell in front of everyone.

The girl, who was the leader, was dressed in lavender. Her beautiful face was cold. The long and narrow dark Danfeng's eyes were filled with fright. The breeze swept the three thousand green silk behind her head, flying with the wind.

Beside her is a woman in red. The bright red dress makes her white and delicate face incomparable. She is warm as fire, full of body, exquisite in shape, and has a fatal attraction.

Behind him, a man and a woman also have a beautiful appearance,

"master!" Day Shuo eyes a bright, cold face burst out a joy.


Pan San and others are incredibly big eyes, the master is back!!

Their eyes fell on the lavender figure in front of them. Their eyes were filled with excitement, joy and excitement, and their humiliation and oppression disappeared.

The moment they saw the master, they seemed to have found the backbone, and there was no fear in their hearts!

"Master! He killed my third brother When the black scorpion sees mu Qianyue, he can't help but his eyes are red, pointing to the opposite Tu Wei Ming.

His eyes filled with tears, at the moment, he was like a child being bullied. Seeing his relatives coming, all the grievances and anger burst out.

Mu Xiaoyue recognized that he was talking about a black scorpion. His second brother naturally pointed to the white scorpion. He turned his head and looked at the Tu Wei and said, "where did you throw the body of the white scorpion?"

Tu Wei Ming this just from that shock and shock. Yan in the God, micro drooping eyes quickly flash through a flurry, "I threw his body in the nearby random burial mound."

In front of me, this beautiful looking woman is the master of Jingyue Pavilion. Mu Qianyue?

It's said that she's not in the wild old world? Why did you come out all of a sudden?

Tu Wei Ming is not a fool. Naturally, she can see at a glance that Mu's strength is far more than her own, as well as the men and women around her. All of them have excellent strength and unfathomable strength, and their momentum is much higher than him!

With this in mind, Tu Weiming's heart filled with a look of fear and panic. His legs could not help shaking.

"Tu Weiming, you son of a bitch! I will kill you The black scorpion's eyes are red and angry when he hears the words.

Mu shallow month stretched out his hand to stop him, on one side of the street wind bell way, "wind bell, you detoxify for them."

Words fall, raise eyes, cold look at the opposite Tu Wei Ming and others, "these people I will solve."

Tuwei mingshuang. His legs trembled, then he turned and ran. Suddenly, the whole sky suddenly darkened, and countless evil spirits came to his face. Not only he, but also the owners, elders and disciples of the three families also saw thousands of evil spirits. One by one, their faces turned pale and their legs trembled. They thought that they were in the nine hell in an instant.

Kill them, will float their own hand, Mu shallow moon even hand did not move, but directly opened the field of death.

In this field, the weak ones are directly torn into pieces by the evil spirits in the space, or eaten alive.

There's no such thing as the horror of the family, and there's no ability to resist.Tuwei Ming has some ability. He is a descendant of Tujia constitution and a sixth level warrior. Although he is not dead, the situation is not optimistic. His body is covered with scars, bloody and shocking.

"Are you a warrior? Is this domain space? " Tu Weiming's eyes are full of panic. His ancestor of the Tujia family was Emperor Wu, and he had a domain space, so he soon learned that countless evil spirits and evil spirits had been transformed from this field space.

Even so, he did not have the ability to break away from mu Qianyue's death field, and finally he could not escape the fate of death.

The members of Jingyue were not in the area of death, so they could not see the evil spirits and evil spirits in the field. They only saw Tu Weiming and the people of the three families fighting each other in it. Soon all of them died, and no one was alive.

This appalling scene made them stare at each other strangely, and their eyes were full of amazement and surprise. Until now, they did not understand what was going on. How could those people kill each other and die so easily? Is it the headmaster who secretly poisoned?

At this time, moshang wind chime developed an antidote, took the liquid to everyone to drink one by one, people's original green and black nails, slowly restored the original health color.

"Black scorpion, where is the mound?" Asked asamo.

"Headmaster, I'm going to find the body of my third brother." Black scorpion choked.

"I'll go with you." Only hope that the body of white scorpion is still there, or she has no way.

"I'll take you to the gate again Black scorpion road.

The headmaster is so cold and beautiful, how can he go to such a place? He was afraid that the dirty land would stain the master's clothes.

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