"Green scorpion died because of Jingyue Pavilion. He is my subordinate and my friend." Mu shallow month eyebrow light frown, cool voice took a trace of dignity, "lead the way."

"Good!" Black scorpion hears speech Mou son is a red again, moved almost to tears.

The members of Jingyue Pavilion were red eyed when they heard the speech, and their hearts were also full of emotion. Especially, some new people who joined Jingyue pavilion after mu Qianyue went to the wild and ancient world. When they saw mu Qianyue's heavy affection, their hearts were filled with ripples.

There are really not many headmasters who attach great importance to love and justice!

It's like the rumor!

Soon mu Qianyue followed the black scorpion to the nearby disorderly burial mound. As for Tianshuo, they stayed in the valley and continued to mine the dark iron ore in the cave.

There was a bad smell coming out of the thick forest. Before we got close to it, we could see a fly flying and making an obnoxious "buzz".

Looking up, I saw that the grass in front of me was full of broken limbs, white bones and some corpses. Some of them seemed to have just died, some of them had died for several days. They gave off a bad smell, and even maggots and insects were crawling on the bodies.

"Third brother!" Black scorpion sends out a exclamation, rushed forward in a hurry, will be thrown in the top of a body picked out.

Green scorpion's face is pale and bloodless, eyes are closed, breath is completely absent, and body is stiff and cold. Maybe it was only a day or two after the death of the green scorpion, so his body did not rot, only some insects and ants climbed.

It's winter, and the bodies decay slowly.

The black scorpion hugged him and cried bitterly.

Looking for the corpse of meidun Pavilion, is it not that the corpse of meidun's member, who has been searching for the corpse of meidun Pavilion, is it not that the corpse of Xiaomu has been found on the upper part of the moon pavilion? What is she still looking for?

"Master, what are you looking for? Do you want us to find it together? " Asked one.

"The arms of the green scorpion." Mu shallow moon head also did not lift, light says.

The girl's Lavender dress brushed into the dust and dirt. She bent slightly, and her black eyes were staring at the ground all the time, looking for it everywhere.

Even though she was in the dirty and disorderly burial mound, she was still breathtaking and clean, just like a lotus flower in the mud.

Out of the mud but not dye, Zhuo Qinglian but not demon.

When they heard this, they suddenly realized that the master of the gate was looking for the broken left hand of green scorpion.

The heart crossed a trace of moving, people also followed to look for up, in the random burial mound turned over, also did not find the green scorpion's arm.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed and her eyes fell on the grass beside her. She saw a trace of dark red blood left on the leaves. Her feet lifted gently and went along the bloodstain. Finally, she found a broken arm not far away.

The green sleeve on the broken arm is the same as the clothes on the green scorpion. I think this is his hand.

There are also a lot of fighting marks on this side, so mu Qianyue concludes that this is definitely the hand of green scorpion.

"Found it." Bending down to pick up the broken arm of the green scorpion, mu Qianyue walked back to the side of the black scorpion.

"Third brother, it's big brother who didn't protect you!" Black scorpion's eyes are full of self reproach and pain. He looks up to Mu Qianyue, and reaches out to touch green scorpion's pale and cold face. "The master of the gate has found an arm for you. At least you will not lack an arm when you go to the huangquan road."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month corner of mouth straight mouth, cool beautiful eyes can't help but turn a white eye, "who said he will go to the yellow spring road?"

Black scorpion a Leng, look up at her, eyes full of puzzled, wipe snot tears, doubt way, "people die not on the netherworld, where to go?"

"He will not die." Mu shallow month light said, "first lift his body back, clean, and then I will save him."

"What? What did you just say, headmaster? " Hearing this, black scorpion opened his eyes in disbelief, and his face was full of surprise. The head of the gate said he wanted to save the third brother. Did he hear that correctly?

Three younger brothers are dead at least two days time, how to save? Can it be saved?

Other people smell speech is also a startled mouth. Ba, a shocked look to Mu shallow moon, eyes full of doubt and curiosity.

The headmaster said it can be saved. Should it be?

Leng for a long time, black scorpion just reacts to come over, burst into tears to smile, "well, I will take my third younger brother back."

Then he picked up the corpse of the green scorpion and ran. He was as fast as a flying horse.

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head in a funny way, and then returned to Ziyan city with others.

Pan San left with some people to continue mining dark iron. Mu rutian and ice flame were also left to avoid accidents.

As for Tian Shuo and Meng Xi Mo, they rushed to Ziyan city with the rest of them.

In the city of Ziyan, there are still three families' surplus power, which naturally needs to be destroyed.

If not for the sudden return of the headmaster today, I am afraid that all the members of Jingyue Pavilion stationed here today would be wiped out.

Therefore, one of the remaining three families will not be left.It was their trap that succeeded. Now the king moon pavilion was driven away.

The survival of the fittest is a constant rule of the game in mainland China since ancient times.

There is no need for compassion and compassion here.

It is enough for Tianshuo, Fengling, xiaoxuan'er, Nalan Xueling and mengximo to take some of their members to encircle them.

As for mu Qianyue, she stayed to prepare to give needles to save people.

Inside the room, the body of the green scorpion has been cleaned, changed into clean clothes, dirty hair has also been cleaned.

Although the green scorpion's face is still pale, but the appearance, has been much better.

Mu Qianyue cleans the broken arm of the green scorpion with special liquid medicine, and then stitches it with the sinews and collaterals of Siling grass.

The sinews and collaterals of silingcao are very thin, as thin as silk, and they are very tough. They can also promote wound healing. It's really good to use it to suture wounds.

After doing all this, mu Qianyue takes out a golden lotus Huisheng pill from the space, melts it with zhenyuanli, and then pries open his mouth, and slowly feeds it into his mouth with a spoon. Bazhong.

Combined with the Yin and Yang needling method, 9981 needles were all punctured in the acupoints of the green scorpion's body. After a while, a faint golden light was emitted from the green scorpion's body.

After about a cup of tea, the green scorpion's eyes trembled and then opened.

Gray pupil a confused, puzzled, puzzled, he sat up, stretched out his hand to scratch his head, looked around blankly.

"Ah! He is awake

"My God! He really wakes up

"Wow! What kind of medicine is this! It's so powerful that it can bring the dead back to life! "

"My God! It's incredible. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a dream! "

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