"Yes! It's amazing! Green elder all died for two days, but he was saved by the master! The headmaster is really good

"The headmaster is powerful! The headmaster is powerful

Around the sound of a cry of surprise, everyone's face showed a look of shock incomparable, a pair of eyes stare bigger than the copper bell.

Hear everyone's exclamation and laughter, Mu shallow month hook hook lip corner, show medical skills, she did not hide from you.

Since they were all curious and wanted to watch, she never cared.

It's just that no one can learn from the Yin Yang God needle.

However, some knowledge of acupuncture points is still simple.

In this way, we can also improve our combat capability, and it is easy to find out where the enemy's weakness lies when confronting the enemy.

"Third brother! Third brother! You're really alive! You're really alive! Great The happiest person is the black scorpion, his face full of excitement, rushed forward to embrace the green scorpion.

"Big brother, what's going on? Why is everyone here? Why do you look at me like this Green scorpion looks confused.

"Third brother, don't you remember?" Asked the black scorpion.

Smell speech, green scorpion's face shows the color of thinking, think about a time carefully, just think of the last scene, he was killed by Tu Wei Ming! And a broken hand!

With this in mind, he quickly looked down at his own broken arm, but saw that it was completely connected with his body, and there was no scar mark, which made him almost think that he had just had a dream.

"Big brother, what's going on? I, I, I, I'm not... "

"Yes, you are dead, but you are alive again. The headmaster came back, or he saved you. Otherwise, you would have died. Maybe the beast would have taken the corpse to eat. " The black scorpion's face was proud and excited.

If it wasn't for seeing it with my own eyes, I didn't dare to think about it!

It's amazing!

"I remember! Tu Wei Ming that son of a bitch, he dare to cheat me! What about others? I must go and kill him Green scorpion angry way.

"He has been killed by the master."

The green Scorpion was stunned at the speech, looked up and saw a slender Lavender figure standing at the door. The golden light was shining on her body, and the cold was with a trace of confusion and gentleness.

"Master!" Green scorpion yelled, jumped out of bed, quickly walked to Mu Qianyue's face, kneeling on one knee, bowing with hands, and floating on his face was earnest and moved.

"Thank you for your help! I have no green scorpion to repay, this life will be more dedicated to the service of Jingyue Pavilion! Jingyue Pavilion, I will be there! If anyone dares to attack Jingyue Pavilion, I will fight with him! "

"And me The black scorpion also came over and knelt down on one knee to Mu Qianyue with both hands bowing, "master, thank you for saving my third brother. I will live and die with Jingyue Pavilion in the future

Mu Xiaoyue's sleeves were gently brushed, and zhenyuanli gushed out, holding up their brothers, and with a smile on their beautiful faces, "what are you two doing so unfamiliar and polite? As the elder of Jingyue Pavilion, you have been running around for the development of Jingyue Pavilion. You are the people of Jingyue Pavilion and I admire the moon. If I do not save you, will I not be ungrateful? "

"I'm really proud to have such a master! The best and right choice I have made in my life is to join Jingyue Pavilion Green scorpion road.

"Me too!"

"Me too! It's so happy to have such a master! "

They all said.

The headmaster is not only approachable and has no shelf. He has not only refined Dan skills, but also medical skills to bring the dying back to life. The most important thing is that the headmaster attaches great importance to love! They never look at their current people, and will not shout at them!

Unlike the heads or elders of large families, their nostrils look up to the sky and their eyes look up to the sky.

Of course, if you make a mistake or do something sorry to Jingyue Pavilion, the headmaster will never be merciful.

The headmaster is such a clear-cut gratitude and resentment, love and hate!

Especially when the green scorpion heard the black scorpion say that the head of the gate was buried in a mess of corpses and dirt on the ground, looking for his broken arm, his eyes turned red and he almost agreed with him.

"Bah, master, I don't want you to agree with me!" The black scorpion said with a smile.

"I mean it! Even if the headmaster dislikes me, I don't mind. I'd like to bring tea, water, wash feet and shoes for the headmaster! " The green scorpion laughs.

"You want it, but you don't want to." Black scorpion gave him a white look, and his face was also full of smile.

The surrounding people also roared with laughter when they heard the speech. The tense and solemn atmosphere was covered up, and everyone's faces were full of laughter.

Before long, Tian Shuo, Meng Ximo and others all came back, and all the remaining power of the three families were eradicated.

"Master, the Tuwei is from Tujia. Now that he is dead, it is estimated that Tujia people will come to the door soon. Shall we get ready now? " Asked one member."What are you afraid of? If they dare to come, they will kill them directly. Our Jingyue Pavilion is not so easy to bully Black scorpion disdains cold hum.

Day Shuo you blue eyes surging cold, "black scorpion said good, if they dare to come, directly kill. Our Jingyue Pavilion is going to set up a headquarters in Ziyan city. It's inevitable that some people will come to make trouble, so we should just make an example to others. "

Mu Qianyue nodded and agreed.

When it spread to Ziyan City, it caused a lot of changes.

I didn't expect that Jingyue pavilion was so tough. At first, she killed three families and quickly controlled and occupied the whole Ziyan city.

As for the news of Mu's return, it has not yet spread out.


Ziyan city and tuzhou city are not far away, about 200 miles away.

In the ancestral hall of Tujia, a jade card suddenly broke up without any reason, and the watchman went to report it.

When the master of the Tujia family and the elders learned that tuweiming's life card had been broken, their eyes were shocked, followed by a burst of contempt and regret.

"Which damned beast killed my grandson! Ah, ah, ah! I must kill him! Skin him alive An old man with gray hair said angrily. His blue veins on his forehead jumped violently. His face was filled with anger and hatred. His body was shaking and his face was aching.

This elder is Tu Weiming's grandfather, Tu Fei.

"Tuwei is a sixth level warrior. Who killed him? So that he doesn't even have a chance to escape? " The master of Tujia asked.

"Who knows, his strength is not weak, but it should be noted that there are people outside the people, and there is a heaven out of the sky. Like him, he is so arrogant, so selfish and domineering. If he does all the bad things, he may encounter someone more horizontal than him! You know, if you walk too much at night, you will meet them. " An elder disdained to snort.

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