"Second elder, what do you mean? Are you trying to say that my grandson deserves more than his death? " Tu Fei's eyes were round and his eyes were filled with anger.

"What do you mean? You know it in your heart. I just hope your good grandson will not cause any trouble to my Tujia family this time." The second elder despised Leng hum. He could kill Tu Weiming, but he didn't even have the chance to escape. It can be seen that his strength is very strong!

In the mainland of magic state, there are not many such powerful forces. Basically, there are six blood lineage families, eight physical families, and then Ling family, Su family and other forces.

Therefore, he can be sure that this time, the people who were provoked by Tu Wei were not simple.

"Hum! Our Tujia is the top nine physique family in the mainland of fantasy state. Who dares to fight against our Tujia? It's just looking for death "The man who dares to kill my grandson is sure not to pay attention to us Tujia! Master, I urge you to find out the murderer for tomorrow and avenge him! Otherwise, will not everyone be able to bully our Tujia people in the future? "

The Tujia master narrowed his eyes and nodded, "that's right. Tuwei is a direct disciple of our Tujia family at any rate. The person who killed him clearly doesn't pay attention to our Tujia family. If we don't find out the murderer, I'm afraid our Tujia's reputation will be reduced in the future."

So the master of Tujia decided to send tufei with two elders and four disciples to investigate the matter.

However, no matter how tu Fei searched, there was no clue. Tu Weiming's body and traces seemed to have evaporated from the human world. It seemed that they had never appeared.

This makes tufei very angry, very angry.

After three months, there is still no clue.

Tu Fei went back to the Tujia family.

"Tufei, are you back? What's the situation? Are there any clues? " The Tujia inquired.

"No, that damned bastard is so well hidden that he doesn't leave a trace when he does things." The earth flies angry way, until now he also did not see tomorrow's corpse, let alone is the murderer.

"Ah, it seems that the murderer is not only powerful, but also careful in his mind." The Tujia master sighed, "let's talk about it later."

"Ah, ah, I am not reconciled! I don't like it! Which bastard killed tomorrow? If I find you, I'll make you worse than dead The earth flies to the sky and roars.

His only grandson has died, has been dead for three months, so far no killer can be found, think about it let him have a feeling of suffocation and anger.

In the hall, suddenly a disciple standing behind Tu Fei said, "I remember. Three months ago, I heard brother Ming say that he would go to Ziyan city. Elder Fei, do you want to go to Ziyan city?"

"Is that the nearby Ziyan city?" Soil flies smell speech, gloomy face is surging doubt.


"What did he do in Ziyan city?"

"It seems that there is a family in Ziyan city who has surrendered to brother Ming..."

"Ziyan city? It seems like a month ago, it suddenly came out that all three families in Ziyan city were destroyed by Jingyue Pavilion. The city of Ziyan was completely controlled by Jingyue Pavilion. Is this related to Jingyue pavilion The master of Tujia asked.

The earth flies to smell speech the facial expression of anger and hatred, "must be Jingyue Pavilion! It must be Jingyue Pavilion! I'll take people to Jingyue pavilion to settle accounts with them now

After that, he turned to leave and was drunk by the Tujia master. He only saw a slight frown on the Tujia master's face, and his expression was somewhat dignified. "Tufei, when you go over, you should investigate the matter first, and then, don't be too impulsive. After all, there is a white house behind Jingyue Pavilion. What's more, it's said that the headmaster of Jingyue Pavilion, mu Qianyue, seems to be a member of his family... "

"Master, what do you mean? Can they kill my grandchildren, and I want to be nice to them? It can't be! I don't care if there is a white family behind them! Whoever killed my grandson will pay a heavy price Tu Fei snorted coldly, took the two elders and four disciples, and quickly turned to leave.


There is a busy scene in Jingyue Pavilion.

Because of the collapse of three families in Ziyan City, Jingyue pavilion has taken over the property of the three families.

These days, everyone is busy handing over. Another point is to expand Jingyue Pavilion.

Originally located in a remote courtyard in the west, Jingyue pavilion has bought a house in the center of the city and started to expand it.

Here will be the headquarters of Jingyue Pavilion development, geographical location, area, room design and so on. Naturally, everything should be planned well.

Apart from that, everything else remains the same.

Although the three families disappeared overnight, it did not have much impact on the people of Ziyan city and other people. We were only surprised for a while, then recovered, and then we went our own way.

Every year, these families fight with each other. They are used to it. No matter how you fight, you just don't want to affect their lives.

It is the same as the people who never care about who is the emperor, as long as they live and work in peace and contentment.At present, the development of Ziyan city is still in full swing, even more prosperous than before, because a pill shop has been opened in Ziyan city. The price of the things sold in it is much cheaper than that in other places, and the efficacy of pills here is much better than that in other places.

There are all kinds of fashionable and colorful ready-made clothes, which attract many passers-by.

In addition, Jingyue Pavilion also opened a material purchasing shop, where all kinds of animal fur, muscles, minerals, blood or tusks, crystal nuclei, etc., will be purchased, and the price will not be cheated.

This not only attracted a lot of martial arts practitioners in the nearby mountains.

Usually they come out to experience, hunt and kill Warcraft, is not to earn money? In addition, there are purchasing stations in Ziyan City, and the price is reasonable, so many people simply choose to sell here, so as not to have to go to other towns.

As for the purchased materials, blood can be used to refine pills and poison.

Fur can be made into exquisite clothes.

Crystals, tusks, ores, etc. can be used to make weapons.

Besides the material purchasing station, there are restaurants and inns In a word, Jingyue Pavilion is like a gold sucking device, which absorbs a large amount of gold coins. With the rapid development of commercial system, Jingyue Pavilion is becoming more and more mature.

In addition, Ziyan city was officially renamed Jingyue City, and the font on the gate has been changed.

Jingyuecheng, three big characters, flying dragon and Phoenix, momentum like a rainbow, if you look closely, you will find that there is a trace of heaven between the fonts.

The most important point is that the city of Jingyue looks neat and clear.

Basically, all the houses have been demolished and rebuilt. The unified style, architectural style, white walls and black tiles have a unique style.

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