His eyes quickly flashed a flurry, his mouth scolded and grinned, "young age is so vicious, even framed us! You must have sent someone from Yuege to make trouble for me

"I recognize that she is the daughter of Mu Qianyue, the master of Jingyue Pavilion. Her name seems to be Nalan Xueling." Suddenly someone in the crowd said.

"Yes, I know her, too. I didn't expect Jingyue pavilion to send a child to make trouble for fear of being robbed."

"Tut, I didn't expect Jingyue pavilion to look like this!"

"Well, I used to like Jingyue Pavilion, but now I don't like it. It completely subverts the beautiful image in my heart."

People have a lot of discussion, or regret, or sigh, or disdain.

Hearing the speech, the big man showed a touch of pride on his face.

Nine nine disdains to hum a, this group of ignorant human, is poisoned not to know, but also rushed to reincarnate like to buy poison.

If it was not for jingyuecheng, which his mother had worked hard to establish, he and his sister would not have enough to find trouble.

They deserve to die!

Nalan Xueling's mouth aroused a cold feeling, so that she had an impulse to beat these people to death. She was kind enough to save them, but also insulted the Jingyue pavilion that her mother had worked hard to establish!

Jingyue city is the foundation of Jingyue Pavilion. The life and death of the people in the city is also very important. If a large number of people die in the city, Jingyue Pavilion will be really destroyed!

Therefore, she must endure these anger, step by step, break through the enemy's mask of hypocrisy!

Otherwise, she would have been rude, would she still talk nonsense with them?

"I have a way to prove that these herbs have been poisoned..." Nalan Xueling said, reaching out to get a medicinal herb on the table, he was suddenly pushed out by the big man.

"Smelly girl, can you touch these herbs? Can you afford it? Get out of here as soon as you can... " The big man scolded and grinned, but his words had not yet finished, and then he was fixed there forever.

"Looking for death!"

The murderous opportunity flashed on Jiu Jiu's face, and no one could see how he acted. The big man on the opposite side was shocked. His face turned pale in an instant. A mouthful of blood gushed out, mixed with broken viscera, and then he died with two eyes.

This scene makes people's faces change greatly, one by one startled staring beads, that looks strange and funny, in an instant, all the noise also converged clean!

"Kill! Kill

The crowd was suddenly flustered. There was a lot of noise in the mixture of screams and screams.

"What are you doing with him? Just kill him. It's easy." Nine nine cold hum a, blow blow to blow the small fist of the powder tender, raise head to see to Na LAN snow Ling to say with the tone of a pair of lessons.

"All right." Nalan Xueling turned her mouth speechless. She knew that she could do it directly. These people are all fools. If you tell him the truth, you won't listen. If so, let them all be poisoned.

"Who are you two? How dare you make trouble here? "

A cold drink was heard nearby. The Li family leader came over with a gloomy face, looked at the corpse on the ground, looked up at Jiu Jiu, and finally fell on Nalan Xueling's body. His eyes suddenly shrank, and his eyes twinkled with calculation and coldness.

It seems that these two people are mu Qianyue's children!

Before he came to Jingyue City, he naturally inquired the news of Jingyue pavilion very clearly. Moreover, mu Qianyue has a pair of children, which is no secret.

Mu shallow moon, you kill my son, then I can only kill your two children, revenge for my dead son, also let you taste the taste of bereavement!

"Hum! Are you in charge here? There are two ways for you. First, tell us the destination of the poison in the medicinal materials. Second, death Jiujiu tender soft waxy voice from the lip overflow, full of bloodthirsty cold.

This is a strange thing to say from a one-year-old child's mouth, but it can't make people laugh, because they all feel the killing intention from this small body.

Is that too much?

A one-year-old baby, even the road is not stable, how can there be such a strong and terrible killing intention?

"Hehe, when will a baby who hasn't been weaned be so arrogant? How dare you threaten me? " Li's family leader disdained to snort coldly. His eyes were not covered with any explanation. Originally, he intended to sell these poisonous medicinal materials to the people in Jingyue city at a low price, so that this place would become a dead city, and Jingyue pavilion would become the target of the magic land!

But I didn't expect that her two children would come out. What a surprise to him!

Now he killed these two baby babies. The plan behind is very important!

He believes that the death of these two baby babies will cause a blow to Mu Qianyue, which will be 100 times and 1000 times greater than that of Jingyue city! Then cut off their heads and put them in front of Mu Qianyue. I believe she will be crazy at that time!

Ha ha ha As if to the scene, Li's face is more ferocious and chilly.Suddenly, the two of them rushed to the mountain and shot them!

Because the distance is very close, so these two palms will be in front of you!

He believed it was enough to kill the two little ones!

Everyone was shocked and surprised. Was the leader of the Li family crazy? Dare to open the two children of muqianyue outside the city of Jingyue! Doesn't he want to live?!

Oh, my God! Where on earth did he come from!

This scene, so many people can't bear to close their eyes, it seems that the next scene can see two baby baby tragically died in the hands of the master Li!

"Little master!"

Pan San, black scorpion and others were shocked.

They are not worried about Nalan Xueling, because Nalan Xueling is a seventh level warrior, and can cope with Li's attack.

But 99 is just a warrior!

They moved quickly towards the front, but it was too late. The road ahead was blocked by the crowd and could not rush through at all!

Mu Xiaoyue stood still, her beautiful face was leisurely and leisurely, and did not show a flustered look because she knew that 999 could cope with it!

However, a scene that made people astonished happened, and saw that 99 hid in an extremely strange and elegant posture.

However, Nalan Xueling did not retreat, but advanced. She also raised her hand fiercely. Her tender and slender palm, with its surging and frightening power, pounded into the shadow of Li's palm.

Just listen to a loud bang, the two palms are entangled and collided with each other.

At the next moment, Li's body flew backwards and smashed into the tent with a loud noise.

I saw that the temporary tent collapsed in an instant, burying him in it, raising the dust all over the sky

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