After death, people have already been shocked by this scene, one by one surprised staring at beads, open mouth, afraid of their own dazzled like!

Shit! Isn't that scary?

Nalan Xueling actually blew up the leader of the Li family with one hand?

It's said that the leader of the Li family is a third-class warrior!!

But Nalan Xueling looks only ten years old. How can he have more strength than the Li family leader!

However, the facts are in front of us, so they can't believe it!

"99, are you ok?" Nalanxieling asked the little man beside him.

"It's OK." 99 calm face, face some not good-looking, purple eyes surging with unhappy color, seems to be very dissatisfied with their own strength at the moment, too weak! It's very unpleasant!

"Boom There was a dull noise in front of him, and a figure rushed out of the tent. The Li family leader's hair was scattered and his clothes were covered with dust, which made him very embarrassed.

He looked up at Nalan Xueling coldly. His eyes were filled with anger and killing intention. This hateful little girl even beat him to fly! I must have been careless just now, so I let her fly! You must have underestimated the enemy!

After thinking about this, his face became more ruthless, and his body moved again towards Nalan Xueling. This time, his palm shadow played a nine layer power!

It's a pity that he was still lightly hit by Nalan Xueling and hit the ground severely. This scene shocked him and was unexpected!

His face was full of horror. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He roared, "how can it be? What kind of strength are you and you? "

Nalan Xueling disdained to snort coldly, and gently raised a scornful arc at the corners of his mouth, "in short, it's more than enough to deal with you!"

He stepped forward and stepped on his chest. "If you don't say why you poisoned me, I know why! You have come to avenge your wicked son

"Hum! pretty good! You killed my son, I come to revenge Li's main idea is that the plot has been found out, so he no longer conceals it, but laughs loudly.

As he said, the hand hidden in his sleeve quietly crushed a jade pendant, "ha ha, nearly 80% of the people in jingyuecheng have already bought my medicine in the past three days! After seven days, they all died of poisoning, ha ha No one can crack this poison. It's a poison from the Xuantian world! You just wait for this to become a dead city! Ha ha... "

All of a sudden, people were shocked by the words, and their faces showed a look of fear one after another. The scream, the fear, the roar and the curse were interwoven into a noisy place.

"Grass! This damned lunatic

"Damn it, I'll kill him! How dare you poison us

"Is he ill? ***Ah... "

"Damned madman! It's none of our business if your son dies

At this moment, they finally believed Nalan Xueling's words, but it was too late. Some of the people present bought the medicine for the second time. They had already eaten the medicine they bought yesterday. However, a small number of people were relieved and ran to the side. Fortunately, they just came to line up!

Otherwise, I don't know how to die!

Nine nine disdain to hook up the lip Cape, now know to be afraid? When my sister explained to them just now, they had a bad look on their faces. I don't know how proud they are. They also laughed at my sister. Now it's time to let them know the taste of fear!

Nalan Xueling saw that the crowd was flustered, and then turned her head. Her eyes fell coldly on the people and swept them one by one. Her tender voice had a penetrating force and amazing deterrent power.

"Now you know the panic? Now you know you're scared? Who believed me when I spoke before

The crowd suddenly quieted down, a look of shame on their faces.

"Hum! Do you know the words "cheap is not good"? It's only 500000 gold coins for a thousand years. Do you think it's a pie in the world? No matter where they are placed, the thousand year old medicinal materials are in hot demand. I don't know that many people are rushing to rob them. The price is too high to be reassured. You are so stupid to believe it! "

The crowd was silent again, sighing, and no one dared to refute her words for a while.

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. I'll find a way to detoxify you. At most, the antidote can be developed in three days. Anyway, you will not be poisoned until three days later."

When they heard the speech, their eyes brightened, and their despairing and sad faces showed a color of excitement. "Miss nallan, thank you so much!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Nalan is so beautiful and kind-hearted. We depend on you for our antidote!"

"All right! Don't flatter me, my antidote is not free, but to spend, which is to let you spend money to buy a lesson! Don't buy or eat anything you don't know about in the future Nalan Xueling said lightly.

"Yes, yes, I must remember." The crowd bowed and obeyed, and then retreated to the side one by one.

"Ha ha, it seems that we are worried. We didn't expect Miss Xueling to deal with things simply and skillfully, and the style of the headmaster is very similar." Pan San said with a smile."Yes! Miss Xueling has such means at a young age. She can still get it when she grows up! " Black scorpion grinned.

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips and drew a faint smile. Just now she didn't rush forward, just wanted to exercise Xiaoling, it seems that she did very well!

Nalan Xueling turned her head to look at the Li family leader. Her eyes were filled with anger and said in a cold voice, "your son has been doing evil in Jinzhou City. He wanted to touch my aunt. At the beginning, we have already let him die. It's because he didn't cherish it. He joined hands with jinmengni to poison us and even more wanted to get his fingers. His actions are punishable and deserve more than death!"

"Hum! Anyway, it's also my son, and I can't help you Li's family master was very angry. His body was constantly struggling. However, he was trampled on by Nalan Xueling. How could he not get rid of it!

Nalanxieling's thin and thin body was as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind, but it was full of terrible power!

"You know what? You are the direct killer of your son! It is because of your boundless indulgence that he is forced to die Nalan Snow's pink face showed a cold and contemptuous look.

"You're talking nonsense!" Li's red eyes roared.

"Don't admit it, do you? Every time he made a mistake, did you teach him well? Did you teach him what is good and what is evil? Is your so-called pet, let him more unscrupulous, bully the weak, once encountered stronger, it is retribution! Cause and effect cycle, retribution Nalan Xueling disdains cold hum. , the fastest update of the webnovel!