"Shallow moon, you, you When did your medical skills reach such a terrible level? " Xu Yurong glared in surprise.

"It's not medicine, it's domain space." Mu shallow month light says, "how can you be here again?"

"It's a long story. Why don't you go with me? I'll tell you slowly. Jun Tianlin is here. If he knows you're here, he will be very happy! Let's go Xu Yurong said with a smile. She looked at the people around her and asked, "shallow moon, are they all your friends?"

The three men and three women in front of me are all beautiful women!

"Yes, all my good friends, just like you." Mu shallowly nods, eyes overflow with smile, light as breeze, warm as sunshine.

"Hello, my name is Xu Yurong. I'm a friend and a classmate of Xiaoyue. We studied together in Qingfeng college at that time." Xu Yurong Chaotian Shuo, Mo shangfengling and others smile.

"My name is Xiao xuan'er. I'm very glad to meet you. You used to be a classmate friend with the master son?" Xiao xuan'er is cheerful and naive, and very easygoing.

"Yes Xu Yurong's mouth raised a smile, thinking of the day qingfengcheng met, the expression on her face is very emotional, very wonderful.

At the beginning, she was arrogant and arrogant, deliberately looking for the trouble of the shallow moon, but she also helped herself. If it was not for the shallow moon, I'm afraid she was still a arrogant young lady! Therefore, in addition to friendship, her heart is more grateful!

Suddenly, Xu Yurong's eyes were stunned and looked at Tian Shuo and Bing Yan and asked, "are you two twins?"

Ice flame has a head of ice blue hair, ice blue eyes, cold with a proud breath.

Tian Shuo has a head of dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, evil charm face with a trace of evil ruffian Qi.

"I'm not twins with him. This guy is obviously imitating me!" Day Shuo disdains a cold hum.

Ice flame mouth grinned with sarcasm, "you look so ugly, who has nothing to imitate you? I am an ancient ice snake, this is my feature! Hum

Mu shallow month smoked a corner of the mouth, these two guys before not less because of this matter quarrel, before two people did not meet good, after meeting is you stare at me, I stare at you.

"Hum! Originally I was unique, but now because of the appearance of this guy, I was mistaken for having a twin brother. Xiaoyueer, you don't want him, OK? I'm already handsome. " The sky Shuo frowns and looks at the eyes of the moon full of coquetry.

Nalan snow Ling covered the corner of his mouth with a smile, "brother Tian Shuo, sister mor are jealous!"

Dream Xi foam corner of the mouth light bend, the expression is gentle and gentle, "I will never eat the vinegar of the moon."

"Sister Mo'er, you are used to him. It's not right. My mother said that men can't get used to it, they will spoil it!" Nalan Xueling said with a straight face.

Smell speech, Mu shallow month corner of mouth a convulsion, facial expression black black, "when did I say such a word?"

"Hee hee You said it to my little aunt Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

Well It seems to have said it, but I have forgotten it for so long. OK! The little girl has been remembering it all the time! Mu is speechless.

"Wow! Is she your daughter, too? Well Why is your daughter so old? Remember when we separated, you were not pregnant! It seems that she is ten years old... " Xu Yurong's face was shocked and surprised. She couldn't help reaching out and touching Nalan Xueling's hair. "It's so beautiful. It's as beautiful as your mother."

This is the problem again!

Whenever this question, she has no way to answer it!

"Well She's over nourished and eats so well. " Helpless, can only use this excuse again to prevaricate.

Hearing this, Xu Yurong covered her mouth and chuckled, "I forgot that you are the herbalist Dan. Ha ha I can only say that you raise too good! If you have more, you will be fat; if you have less, you will be thin. " She looked at the crowd and asked, "why didn't you see nalanjing? Didn't he come along?"

"No Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head, and her dark pupil is filled with a faint light.

Before I know it, I have come to Xu Yurong's team.

There are three big characters on the plaque in front of tianyutuan.

Mu shallow month Mou son light lift, look at her: "this is your team?"

"Yes! It's not long since it was founded. It's not very stable. Please come with me. " Xu Yurong's face showed a touch of bashful color, took the lead into the yard, opened his mouth and cried, "Jun Lin Tian! Get out of here! Hurry up and see who's here

Mu Xiaoyue and his party followed her and entered the yard.

"Who's here?" Jun Lin Tian came out of the house. His face, which was slightly green and astringent at the beginning, had become mature. He had a little more fortitude and a little more healthy color. He murmured, "look, you are so happy that you can't be your old lady, OK?"

"You're right. It's my old lady." Xu Yurong said with a smile.Jun Lin Tian frowned when he heard the words. He looked up and saw mu Qianyue walking behind Xu Yurong. His step was not help but hard. The expression on his face seemed to freeze in an instant. He looked at her like a fool.

I still remember the last time I left, it was five years ago.

At that time, she also liked such a light purple dress, now she still likes light purple!

At that time, she was very beautiful, beautiful and elegant with a trace of young girl's green and immature.

Five years later, when I met again, she was still as beautiful as a painting, but there was a trace of femininity and maturity in her actions, and the charming amorous feelings between elegance were more attractive!

"Why don't you know me?" Mu shallow month lip Cape raises a light smile gently, walk forward slowly, Mou son is smiling looking at him.

The woman's clear and pleasant voice fell like a wind chime and fell in his heart, making him momentarily distracted.

"Shallow moon, it's really you! It's really you King Lin day finally returned to God, could not help but quickly stepped forward, went to her in front of him, stretched out his hand and hugged mu Qianyue in his arms, "it's really you! Ha ha ha Ah

All of a sudden, there was a deep pain in his leg, which made Jun Lin Tian "Shua" release his hand. He frowned and looked down at the meat bun in front of him, "where's the wild boy?"

"You are the wild boy! bad guy! Don't try to take advantage of my mother! My mother is mine, my father's! All men are not allowed to hold my mother except me and my father Jiujiu meat Du Du Du's small hand stretched out, mercilessly twisted Jun Lin Tian's thigh, a face solemn and fierce incomparable said.

Smell speech, king Lin day mercilessly took out the corner of the mouth, "are you nalanjing's son? What about naranjing? "

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