"Good! I am my father's son. " 99 hands around the chest, a face fart, "my father did not come."

"Your father didn't come?" Jun Lin Tian's eyes brightened, and his mouth bent up with a bad smile. He looked down at him and pinched Jiu Jiu's face mercilessly. "Stinky boy, I'm afraid of your father, but I'm not afraid of you!"

"Ah, ah Let go! Let go Jiu Jiu's small arms and legs are constantly struggling.

King Lin day proud smile, "don't let go! Don't let it go! If you can bite me

"I scratch you Nine nine angry.

It's a pity that he's too young to be a warrior. He's not the rival of king Lin Tian. He's very upset about being bullied!

"Jun Lin Tian, do you want to point your face? Bullying 99 is nothing!" Xu Yurong rushed forward and rescued Jiu Jiu from the claws of Jun Lin Tian.

Suddenly, a sword awn came from the side, which scared Jun Lin Tian's step and quickly flashed to the side. The sword fell on the place where he had just stood, and the marble was instantly twisted into pieces by the sword.

"Shit! Who? So cruel? Is naranjing here? "

Jun Lin Tian turned his head and saw a little girl carved with Pink Jade, staring at her beautiful black eyes and looking at herself with displeasure.

He couldn't help but sniff, "who are you? Why do you do it to me? "

"You bullied my brother!" Nalan Schering road.

Bullying her brother? Jun Lin day a Leng, this just remembered that she refers to the younger brother is 99, that small meat bun!

He turned his head and looked at the moon. He was surprised and said, "you How old is your daughter? Is that too fast? "

Mu Xiaoyue smiles and does not agree.

"What happiness! Now it's both children Jun Lin Tian envies the way.

"Don't hit my mother's attention." Ninety nine looked at him warily.

"Stinky boy, if your father hadn't done it quickly, your mother would have been my wife. You're my son now, don't you?" Jun Lin Tian hands akimbo, disdain cold hum.

"Pooh, Pooh! I don't want you to be my father. You are so ugly 99 one face disdain.

King Lin days smell speech is very hit, he seems not ugly! His appearance is also a handsome pot!

"Nalanjing is a monster, abnormal! A big man looks better than a woman. Why? Men should be like me! Do you understand? Sunny and clear, natural and unrestrained in the wind

"Hum!" Nine nine disdains to turn head, cold hum.

"Stinky boy, he has a big temper, just like nalanjing." Jun Lin Tian laughs and pinches again on Jiu Jiu's cheek.

"No more pinching my face!"

"Just pinch, pinch!" Nalanjing bullied himself a lot in those years. Now that he sees his son, he has to trample on him. Ha ha

"Hum! When you have a son, I pinch him into buns every day Nine nine angry road.

Smell speech, king Lin day mouth corner mercilessly a draw, toward him erect thumb, "calculate you cruel!"

The appearance of this belly black, this look of revenge is really the same as Nalan Jingru!

Mu Xiaoyue raised a helpless smile and looked at Jiu Jiu and Nalan Xueling and said, "he is your uncle and gentleman. Children can't be rude. Uncle Jun was joking with you just now

"He will hold you when he comes." Nine nine is not pleasant.

Mu was speechless, "don't call uncle Jun quickly."

"Uncle Jun." Exclaimed Nalan Schelling.

"Uncle Jun," he said

"Ha ha ha His possessiveness is the same as nalanjing! He is indeed his son Jun Lin day suddenly happy, Xu Yurong in his waist hard pinch a, "dare to say that you really love me! When you see the moon, you can't remember who you are? "

"Pain, pain, pain..." Jun Lin Tian canthus grinned, "I am not active! Xiaorongrong, be good, let go of it quickly... "

Xu Yurong then released her hand, raised her mouth, showed a bright and playful smile, looked at Jiu Jiu and Nalan Xueling and said, "you two don't be afraid. With me, I won't let him bully you."

"Sister Rong is better." Jiu Jiu and Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

King Lin day was pinched pain of the waist, unhappy way, "by what call her sister, call my uncle."

"Because you are old, sister Rong is young and beautiful." No. 99.

Jun Lin Tian mouth a draw, obviously this boy is in revenge.

Turning his head and looking at the moon, he said with a smile, "shallow moon, how can you suddenly come to the city of the sea?"

"Something." Mu shallow moon light return way, "pour is you how to build a team here?"

After that time, she decided to go with her on the way to the mainland.

Unknowingly, they came to the dead sea, where they also made a lot of friends, so they set up a team called Tianyu group.At ordinary times, they just take others to sea to earn some commission. Of course, sometimes they go to sea by themselves and look for some treasures in the dead sea. They have gained a lot in these years.

Although the dead sea is full of danger, but the chance is also very big, so their strength has been promoted very quickly in recent years. Now junlintian is a sixth level warrior, and Xu Yurong has the strength of a fifth level divine warrior.

"Ha ha, it's rare to see my old friends again. I won't go to sea these two days. We'll have a banquet tonight and we'll drink together." Jun Lin Tian smiles and says to the members of Tianyu group.

"Since they are big brother's friends, they are also our friends!"

"Not bad!"

The members of Tianyu group are not many, only about 30 or 40, but they are frank, heroic and easy to get along with.

On that night, Jun Lintian set up a banquet in Tianyu group to entertain mu Qianyue and his party. Mu Qianyue also happily stayed in Tianyu group. Since Jun Lintian and Xu Yurong have lived here for two years, they are more or less familiar with the situation of the dead sea.

Mu Xiaoyue picked up her glass and sipped it gently. She looked at Jun Lin Tian and asked, "do you often go to sea? What is the danger under the dead sea? I often hear people say that the dead sea is extremely dangerous, but I don't know what the dead sea has. "

Hearing the speech, Jun Lintian's face was dignified and said slowly, "the dead sea seems calm, but in fact it is extremely strange. The near sea area is relatively safe, and the far place is not clear. There are not only Saber Toothed fish, sea lions and so on, but also black holes occasionally appear. Once you encounter this, it's basically a life of death. "

After a pause, he looked to admire the moon, with a firm look in his eyes, "shallow moon, do you want to go to sea? I'll lead the team myself! No matter where you want to go to the dead sea, I will accompany you

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