The forbidden area is in the forbidden mountain.

In the past, this mountain was not called Forbidden mountain, because there was a forbidden area that people were afraid of. Over time, it was called Forbidden mountain.

Just arriving at the entrance, mu Qianyue and his party felt a strong sense of death, which permeated the whole mountain forest. From a distance, the whole forbidden mountain was gloomy, but other places were sunny and clear.

"Here you are. This is the entrance of the forbidden area. I will take you a little way ahead, and you will be on your own." Said chief Ke.

Mu shallow month nodded, "thank you."

After all, the spirit of death is very corrosive. If you don't use the soul armor to protect your body, it's easy to be invaded by it. If you don't use the soul armor to protect your body, you'll be easily disorganized. If you don't, you'll get mad. If you don't, you'll die.

As we go deeper, the spirit of death grows stronger.

Gradually, Ke clan chief and Ke Ying Ying Ying two people's facial expressions are some pale.

Mu Qianyue and mu rutian are both the inheritors of Qinglong's blood, and they have some resistance to the spirit of death. Moshang Fengling is an eight level emperor and martial artist, so they have not had much influence on love.

But Ke clan chief and Ke Ying Ying Ying, a junior emperor and a martial god, had a great influence. Their faces were not very good-looking.

On the other hand, Nalan Xueling and Jiu Jiu Jiu, their faces are as normal as before, and their breath is normal and incomparable. It seems that they have not been affected.

This makes mu Qianyue a little surprised. Xiaoling is the spirit of heaven and earth, and may have innate resistance to death. But what about 99?

He is the body of all the fetus, she was born in October!

Is he also immune to death?

Nine nine walks in Mu shallow month's body then, the face is not red, the breath is short of breath, does not have the slightest influence.

This makes Ke clan chief and Ke Ying Ying Ying both look at each other with great respect.

But when they think of Mu's strength and metamorphosis, they are immediately relieved that there is such a perverted mother. As her son, how can they be weak?

In this way, after another hour of walking, they had completely arrived at the interior of the forbidden mountain.

"If you go straight ahead along this road for about an hour or two, you will see a black stone tablet. There is an altar there. It is said that there is a passage under that altar, which leads to the hell. As for whether it is true or not, I will know whether it is true or not

Clan chief Ke wiped the sweat on his head, and his face was a little pale. When he arrived here, he would not go in again. The breath of death inside was too strong. If he went on, I'm afraid he would not be able to hold on!

"Chief Ke, thank you very much. Let's go the rest of the way by ourselves." Mu said.

"Yingying, let's go back." Ke clan chief waved to Ke Yingying.

But she shook her head, beautiful green pupil burst out an unprecedented firmness, "Dad, I want to accompany sister Yue, they go to the hell prison together!"

"Silly child, can you go to the netherworld prison? You are just a warrior. I'm afraid you will be invaded and killed by the terrible death gas before you get to the hell prison!" Ke clan chief hears speech facial expression a change, the eye light is slightly heavy, softly drinks a way.

Ke Ying Ying Ying's face appeared firm, "I'm not afraid of death!"

"Ying Ying Ying, this is not a matter of fear of death, but that you go to die without any use at all!" Ke clan chief is not happy.

"Yes, Yingying, you don't want to go. You'd better go back." Mu Ru Tian said.

"Brother mu, sister Yue, I will accompany you! There is an array in that sacrificial platform, which can't be opened without the blood of our Spanish people! What's more, only the clan leaders of the past dynasties or the next patriarch can understand how to open the array. " Ke Ying Ying Ying said seriously.

Mu Qianyue squints at the smell of speech.

"It's true." Ke nationality sighed, "Ying Ying Ying, you go back first, I will take them. If I can get there safely, I will open the array for them. Can you be satisfied?"

He can't watch his daughter die! So I can only fight in person!

"Dad, I'll take them!" Ke Ying Ying Ying said.

"I'll go! Good! Be obedient and go home Ke clan head a face serious scold way.

"You two don't have to be nervous. I have a pill here that can keep you from being eroded by the spirit of death for three hours. You two take it first

Mu shallow month light says, palm a shake, take out a bottle of Dan medicine to pass them two people.

If really Ke patriarch father and daughter took the pill, their faces immediately improved a lot, no longer so pale and frightening, but also became more energetic.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect there were such pills in the world." The chief Ke was surprised.

Mu Qianyue gave all the pills left in the bottle to patriarch Ke as a reward for sending them into the forbidden area.

With the elixir in hand, clan chief Ke was not afraid of the death. He led the way smoothly and quietly. After about an hour, mu Qianyue and his party finally found a black stone tablet, which was engraved with complicated and incomparable characters. Those words were so strange that they could not understand them!"Chief Ke, what are these words?" Mu shallow moon doubts to ask a voice.

"Well I don't know what the words on it mean, and I haven't seen it before Ke clan chief face embarrassed say.

"Isn't this the language of your people Mu shallow moon surprised way.

Patriarch Ke shook his head, "No. Although I can't recognize the above words, but the history of our shark people has been recorded. It seems to say that this road leads to the ghost prison of the nether world. No living people are allowed to pass through, or they will die. Therefore, in the past ten thousand years, no one has ever dared to set foot here. "

Is the public doubts between the time, suddenly one side rings the sound of the wind chime on the street.

"This should be ancient writing."

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon black bright eyes in the quick flash a wipe of surprise, "wind bell, how do you know? Do you recognize these words? "

The wind bell on the street shook his head, "I don't know. But I once saw this kind of writing in an ancient book, as if it were ancient times. "

"Ancient times?" Mu Ru Tian doubts the way.

"Ancient times, also known as the Honghuang era, was the most primitive time. Countless gods were born in this world, as well as countless demons and ghosts In short, it was an era of chaos. " The sound of wind chime on the street has a trace of emotion about the history of the years.

After going on a long way, I finally saw a huge circular altar.

The whole altar is made of black weird stone, engraved with various patterns of complaining spirits, ghosts and demons. The expression is angry, ferocious and crazy, which is very frightening. , the fastest update of the webnovel!