On the edge of the altar are carved nine terrifying hellhounds, which have big, hideous mouths, low heads, bloodthirsty and cruel eyes.

Under their heads are nine fist sized holes.

"This is the altar." With a flash of light in his eyes, clan chief Ke stepped forward and said, "although this altar has never been opened for thousands of years, the method of opening the array has been handed down from generation to generation. As the patriarch of the Spanish people, my mission is to protect the peace here and the safety of the people. But you have saved the sacred tree, so I will violate the rules today. I hope the ancestors can forgive me. "

With a flash of his palm, he took out a green scepter and recited the pithy formula in his mouth. A ray of light came out from the scepter and covered the whole altar.

Clan chief Ke slowly opened his eyes, took out a knife to cut his index finger, and bit by bit the blood on his fingertips fell into the nine black array eyes of the altar.

A burst of bright and dazzling light came on, and the whole altar vibrated violently and trembled. A black channel appeared in the center of the altar, and countless cold and terrible death gases burst out from it, with a desolate and lonely atmosphere.

The entrance of the black passage is like a huge black eye, which is very strange and gloomy.

"This is the entrance to the hell." Clan chief Ke's face turned pale, and there was a trace of seriousness and solemnity in his eyes when he looked at mu Qianyue. "Miss mu, this dark prison is extremely dangerous. It can be said that there is no life or death! And I don't know whether this passage can lead to the hell prison, so the rest is up to you! This array can only last for a while. Once you get in, the array will automatically close. If you think of it, you can only find another way. "

"OK, I see. Let's go the rest by ourselves, clan chief Ke. Thank you for your help." Mu said.

Looking at the black entrance in front of the array eyes, there is a deep flash in the black pupil, and a faint excitement. Jing, I'm coming!

I won't let you alone in this dark prison!

Regardless of the mountains and rivers, nine hell prison, I will accompany you together!

Never give up!

All of a sudden, a figure jumped out of the grass on one side and ran into Mu shallow moon fiercely.

"Shallow moon, be careful!" Mu rutian's face changed.

"Sister Yue!" Ke Ying Ying Ying Ying's pupil suddenly shrinks, rushes forward and pushes mu Qianyue to one side. However, her body involuntarily falls into the black channel, and the endless and cold air of death attacks her and instantly envelops her in it.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed, and his eyes were filled with cold and frightening cold. Looking up at the figure, it was Zhou mengran!

Just now I miss Jing so much that I lost my mind for a while. I didn't expect that Zhou mengran would rush out of the grass. Along the way, Zhou mengran followed behind. She felt it, but she was only far behind, so mu Qianyue didn't bother her.

It's not that Mu is soft hearted, but that she is anxious to go to the nether world prison and find the man who can not even die for her

"Yingying!" Ke clan chief's face changed greatly, and rushed to the array eye. He saw that it was dark inside, and he could not see his fingers. For a time, Ke Yingying's figure was gone.

When Ke Ying Ying fell down, Feng Ling and Mu Ru Tian rushed in quickly, but there was a figure faster than the two of them. Without hesitation, he jumped in and it was the twilight!

"Twilight, you..." Zhou mengran screamed, but her words just came out, and the twilight had jumped in and disappeared instantly.

Seeing this, Zhou mengran's eyes were filled with anger and hatred, and he called to the entrance, "twilight, are you so reluctant to part with him? I can't compare with her! Ah, ah... "

"There's no place like her in you." Mu Qianyue's cold eyes fell on her body like a sharp knife.

Hearing the voice behind him, Zhou mengran turned around and looked up at mu Qianyue's eyes full of hatred, "Mu shallow moon, it's all you! It's all you! But for your presence, I would have been with twilight! We were married long ago! Why did you bring Ke Ying Ying back! Now, for her sake, Mu Ze even jumped into the void channel, ha ha I love him deeply, but he abandons his shoes. Why is that? "

Tears ran down her face and looked pitiful.

Mu Qianyue looks at her coldly. There is no sympathy but disgust in her eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with loving someone, but you shouldn't base your happiness on the pain of others, let alone for your own happiness. Even your best friend can design injuries. It's you who don't like it. Although Yingying is not a Dan pharmacist, she is simple and kind, and you have a deep mind. Mu Ze is not a fool. Naturally, you know which one is more suitable for him to love! "

The cold voice fell lightly, and the feet lifted gently, forcing Zhou mengran to the past.

Zhou mengran's face turned blue and blue, which was very ugly. Seeing the cold and frightening chill on mu Qianyue's body, he could not help shaking his body. His steps could not help but retreat back. Behind him was the dark road leading to death.Her feet were empty, and she fell into it directly. The endless darkness submerged her in an instant.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes sank and said to the clan chief Ke on the side, "chief Ke, you go back first. If we can come back, I will bring Yingying back safely!"

Like the days and the wind chimes, Yingying should have nothing to do with it.

The nine pagodas and the nine days are directly absorbed into the space.

Body movement, jump into the black channel.



The breath of cold, bloodthirsty and terrible death came to us, and we could even hear the shrill cry of ghosts, which was extremely frightening.

There is nothing in the passage, and there is no road. It is like a tunnel of time. There are fierce and terrible murders and time-space storms hidden in the gloomy and terrible atmosphere of death.

Ke Ying Ying Ying closed her eyes and suddenly heard a familiar cry, "Ying Ying Ying Yingying... "

The next moment, a warm hand from behind to cover, put her in the arms.

"Twilight?" The man's familiar and warm breath came, Ke Ying Ying opened her eyes and looked at him with an unbelievable face.

She had never thought that the twilight had come down, which almost made her think it was her illusion.

"Last time, ran Ying Shan said that you should not let me protect myself Twilight tightly in her arms, he bent down in her ears whispering, voice is very gentle, full of pity.

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