Then mu Qianyue came to the city Lord's house.

At the gate of the city Lord's house, there were about ten people waiting for their appearance.

Mu Qianyue stood behind the crowd. As for Jiu Jiu and Mo Shang Fengling, they were waiting for her in someone else's place. By the way, they inquired about the news of nine pylorus.

"Let's all follow me in." A housekeeper like middle-aged man came out, looked at the crowd, said a light, then turned into the yard.

Everyone immediately followed up after hearing the speech.

With the housekeeper came to the hall of the city Lord.

"Little Lord, all the elixirs are here."

"Yes." The man uttered a shallow sigh, nodded, turned around, and swept the crowd with his eyes. When he saw the moon, he could not help showing a surprise, "is it you?"

Mu shallow month pupil shrinks, in the eye flash a touch of doubt, unexpectedly is he!

I met the man who paid for them in the restaurant before.

I didn't expect that he was the young master of Luocha city!

"I didn't expect you're still a Dan pharmacist. My name is blu." Blu looks pretty, looks very comfortable and pleasing to the eye, unlike other demons, looks very seeping and weird. He opened his mouth with a kind smile.

When he saw her in the restaurant for the first time, he was deeply surprised by her appearance. However, he had something to do at that time, so he didn't stop and didn't expect that they would meet again here.

"My name, mu Qianyue."

The voice is clear and pleasant.

The other elitists were disdainful to snort coldly and looked contemptuous on their faces.

Isn't this woman more outstanding in appearance? If she is so young, she must have poor Dan skills, but to fish in troubled waters! Will only charm others with looks!

Blu, with a trace of apology on his face, said, "let me talk about the problem. My father has a strange disease and needs to use magic elixir. The magic elixir is a saint level elixir. The success rate of refining is very low, and it is very complicated. Therefore, I will advertise and gather all of you. I hope you can work together to refine the magic elixir. As long as you can refine magic elixir, everyone can get rich rewards. "

"It's easy to say that it's our duty to share the worries and solve the difficulties for the little master." One said, but his eyes were filled with pride.

"Good! Isn't it just a magic elixir? We will certainly refine it for the little Lord

Several Dan pharmacists said.

"That's good. Now we'll work in groups of four. This is the magic elixir." Bru took out a Dan Fang and handed it to the public for everyone to pass on and watch.

Mu Qianyue looks at the name of the medicinal materials on the Dan prescription, and her eyebrows frown slightly, because the medicinal materials written on the Dan prescription are all magic medicinal materials, which are the first-class medicinal materials for the devil man. However, for mu Qianyue, these medicinal villages are all poisonous. No matter which medicinal materials are used for human beings, they will have a great impact.

This is the difference between Ren Dan and Mo Dan.

Because the first time he saw these herbs, he was very strange, so mu looked at them for a while, which aroused the dissatisfaction of several Dan pharmacists around him and exclaimed, "are you really a Dan pharmacist? Isn't it just a few herbs? Why do you need to watch it for so long! "

"Yes! You must not fish in our troubled waters, do not damage our reputation

"Look at her like this, she can't even recognize all the herbs, but she still wants to make pills? I guess he's a liar? "

All of a sudden, people have a lot of discussion, look at the eyes of Mu shallow moon full of contempt and disdain.

Even in the group, everyone disdained to be in the same group with her, so mu was isolated, a group of people.

"Miss mu, you don't have to care. No matter whether you refine or not, your share of reward will not be less." Blue see Mu shallow moon frown, think her heart is not happy, voice comfort way.

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon suddenly return to God, eyes show a trace of moved, smile, "I try to refine magic elixir, will not let the little Lord disappointed."

In fact, Mu Xiaoyue frowned, not because of everyone's discussion and feel unhappy, but because she was thinking about the medicinal materials above the pills, temporarily out of mind.

This bru man is not bad. In the restaurant, he first paid for her without any reward, and now he promised to pay him no matter whether she had refined pills or not. He must have thought that he was in trouble now and was aiming at his reward.

Like, it's almost the same.

She really lacks money or resources that can circulate in the underworld.

In the land of fantasy, or tianwu, her wealth is not only one of the top ten, but also can be ranked in the top ten.

But here, he became a penniless pauper.

"Well, I believe you." Bloom said with a smile, but his words with a trace of comfort, obviously he does not believe that Mu shallow moon can refine magic elixir.

He looked up at a dozen or so Dan pharmacists in the lobby and said, "you have three days to study. After three days, you can start refining pills."The ten or so famous Dan pharmacists were divided into three groups with mu Qianyue as a group.

Because of the need to refine pills, we were all arranged in the city Lord's mansion for the three days.

"Miss Mu is a woman. If she shares the same yard with them, it is very inconvenient. Give her an independent yard." Bloom said to the housekeeper.

Other Dan pharmacists smell speech some dissatisfaction, but also did not say anything, the arrangement of the little Lord they dare not question.

What he said surprised Mu Xiaoyue. When he didn't enter Luocha city before, he thought that all the people in it were evil spirits, ugly faces and vicious people. However, he didn't expect that Blu was gentle and kind-hearted.

So mu was arranged into an independent courtyard, which was obviously a special care for her, while other Dan pharmacists were in a courtyard with several people.

In the past three days, mu Qianyue has been studying the magic elixir and the medicinal materials for refining pills, and carefully analyzing their ingredients and properties.

Until now, mu Qianyue knows that the Dan pharmacists of Youming prison are different from those of human beings. The success rate of their refined pills is very low, and the efficacy is not very good. Therefore, Brucella will recruit so many Dan pharmacists at once.

Youmenghua, Baigu grass, Yinling grass, Youming water, etc. These are the medicinal materials for refining magic elixir

You Ming water is known by mu Qianyue. You used it in practice before.

It's very cold. It's very cold. Just a drop of it almost turns her into a popsicle. It's really difficult to make pills with it!

Although mu Qianyue analyzed the nature of these medicine villages thoroughly, they did not undergo actual combat training, just like talking on paper. , the fastest update of the webnovel!