In a twinkling of an eye, three days later, it was time to refine the magic elixir.

All of them gathered in the back garden of the city Lord's Association. The elitists were prepared in groups of four. All of them had a plan in mind. Their faces were full of pride and they looked as if they were going to get it.

In front of each of them was a medicine tripod, with neat herbs on the table.

If they can successfully refine the magic elixir today, they will surely become the alchemists of the city Lord's mansion in the future. Not only will there be a huge object like the city Lord's mansion as the backstage, but also there will be countless resources for them to practice and refine pills.

This is killing two birds with one stone!

Mu Qianyue is still a group of people. At this time, she has prepared the pills for refining magic elixir on her desk. Each group has two pieces of medicinal materials. It is obvious that in order to be able to refine the magic elixir, bru has prepared the medicine very well.

People disdain to glance at Mu shallow month one eye, even in housekeeper's eye son also took a trace of scorn.

I really don't understand why the little Lord wants to leave such a person. It is obviously impossible for this woman to refine magic elixir in the city Lord's mansion. It will only be a waste of medicinal materials to let her stay here.

Is it the little Lord who has taken a fancy to her? Yeah! After all, it's really rare for a beauty like her.

It's no wonder that the young master who comes to have a pure heart and few desires will be moved!

It's her life. Well, it's her good fortune to be liked by the little Lord.

Mu Qianyue's idea moved and summoned the glass tripod from the space of Tongtian tower.

The appearance of the glass tripod immediately attracted people's eyes, and their eyes showed a look of awe and salivation.

Such a beautiful and exquisite medicine tripod!

In contrast, the black stone tripods in front of them are very ugly.

"No matter how beautiful and exquisite the cauldron is, it's useless to have no perfect alchemy. It will only spoil the medicinal materials and the medicinal cauldron." One disdained to snort coldly, his eyes obviously twinkled with jealousy.

"Yes! This is more than Dan's skill, not to show off the cauldron furnace. As soon as you look at her, you can see that she has nothing

"Ha ha It's just a beautiful vase. If it hadn't been for the young master's love for her, she would have been thrown out

All sorts of ridicule and disdain were heard.

Mu shallow moon squints, a trace of cold light flashed across the fundus.

"Now that everyone is ready, let's get started." Bloom said, breaking the awkward situation.

When his voice fell, the garden suddenly heard a "Teng Teng" sound, only to see a flame in the cauldron furnace, these Dan medicine masters have begun the most primitive steps, refining medicinal materials.

"It doesn't matter. You can refine it at will." Blu smiles at Mu Xiaoyue, obviously comforting her.

After that, his eyes were fixed on the three groups of people, staring at the medicine tripod in front of them without blinking, and his expression was slightly nervous.

Mu takes a deep breath, abandons the miscellaneous thoughts in his heart, and prepares to start refining medicinal materials.

She never cares what other people's eyes look at, because these people are not worth her attention at all. She was just worried. After all, it was the first time to refine magic pill!

The palm of the hand flickers, summoning the green dragon hell fire. The hot flame makes the temperature in the air rise straightly, which dispels the coldness in the air.

The appearance of qinglongming fire immediately suppressed other people's flame momentum, sending out a faint light, flickering in the cauldron furnace, dying.

"Shit! What the hell

"What's going on? Why has my flame cooled down? "

"Why? How did the flame get smaller? "

A series of startled voices sounded, and his face was full of doubts. Even Bloom's face was shocked.

Glancing at a circle of people, I found that the flames of all the people were weakened a lot. The weak light of the fire seemed to be extinguished at any time. It was also like crawling on the ground and kneeling to the king.

This scene surprised bloom.

When he saw the flame in Mu Qianyue's cauldron stove, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. Her flame was not affected!

At the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and he clearly felt that the momentum just like a king was emitted from the medicine tripod before mu Qianyue. Was it her flame?

Other Dan pharmacists also saw the clue, and Xiangmu's eyes were full of dissatisfaction and low voice curse.

"She is so mean! They even deliberately beat us down with fire! "

"Yes! What a shame! First of all, he seduced the little Lord with his beauty, and now he deliberately suppressed us with fire! Hum

"Shameless! It's bad luck to make pills with her


With a dull sound, all the flames in their cauldrons were extinguished in an instant, neat and unified, as if they had been negotiated in advance.

One by one, their eyes widened in surprise. After reaction, they raised their heads and glared at mu Qianyue. Before they could scold, they saw the cold and frightening eyes cast by the woman."First, refining pills depends on one's ability. The magic elixir has not been refined yet, and no one can be sure who refined the best pill! Second, your own flame is not as good as mine, but blame me? If you continue to abuse me, none of you will try to refine magic elixir

The girl's cold voice with startling arrogance and anger, so that everyone is a Leng.

For a moment, one after another reaction, the face is not good-looking, but no one dare to insult a word, in case she really obstructs their alchemy, this is bad!

Hum, let her be proud for a while. When they have refined the magic elixir and cured the city Lord's disease, they will be the meritorious officials of the city Lord's mansion. Then she will definitely look good!

Mu Qianyue's dark pupil flashed a faint light, continued to bow his head to refine pills, and ignored them.

People also summoned the flame again and began to refine pills.

Fortunately, they just started to calcine the medicinal materials, and the flame was suddenly interrupted, which was not affected by most of them.

You know, there are only two herbs in each group!

If you destroy one, you will lose one!

Time passing by


There was a dull noise.

Mu Qianyue was the first to hear a muffled sound from the cauldron furnace in front of her body. The medicinal materials exploded and the medicinal materials were destroyed. A thick smoke was emitted from the glass tripod, which immediately made mu Qianyue pale and embarrassed.

She frowned, her black eyes staring at the medicine tripod without blinking, as if thinking about something.

"Ha ha ha She blew up the stove

"I don't want to see her at all!"

"Why don't you cook in the oven

The voices of ridicule rang out.

"BAM Bang Bang..."

There were three muffled sounds again, and there was also an explosion in the tripod of three people.

Obviously, their fate is the same as that of Mu Qianyue! , the fastest update of the webnovel!