A puff of smoke came out of their medicine cauldron, which made the three people equally disheartened. Several people close to them were affected. The medicine cauldron swayed for a while, and then the situation of collective explosion occurred.


People's faces were shocked and wrong. Then they were depressed and distressed. If the stove was fried, there would be less medicine.

"Haha, fortunately, I bought a white bone grass at a high price. Although it is a little painful, it can at least make up for one chance."

"I also made preparations before, hey hey, I don't have to worry about the lack of medicinal materials."

All of a sudden, they took out the prepared herbs one by one. Although there were a lot of herbs needed to refine the magic elixir, they could still afford to buy a few from their own pockets.

They see mu Qianyue still staring at the remaining herbs on the table, can not help but sneer.

"She must not have a chance this time."

"Ha ha, I can't even afford to buy medicinal herbs. What a poor man!"

"You don't have to look. She's going to lose. There's still a piece of herbal medicine left. With her experience, it's impossible for her to refine magic elixir!"

For people's ridicule and disdain, Mu shallow month did not pay attention to, but tightly frowned, attentively looking at the medicinal materials on the table, seriously thinking, just the steps, no problems, how can the furnace?

Is it a matter of fire?

No, it's not the flame, it's the dark water!

It seems that after joining the netherworld water, I immediately burst the stove!

The water of the nether world is extremely cold, and the fire of the green dragon is extremely Yang. When the water meets the high temperature flame, collides and explodes

After thinking about the reason clearly, mu Qianyue's dark pupil flashed a touch of essence. Now that we have found the reason, we have to find a way to solve this problem.

Now she has only one medicine left!

So we must be more careful and never lose!

After taking a deep breath, mu Qianyue began refining again. After refining baigucao, youmenghua and other medicinal materials one by one, they were wrapped in zhenyuanli, and they were separated into medicine drops of medicine tripod.

Then, carefully poured the last drop of dark water into it.


A wisp of white smoke brake time from the medicine tripod, the whole glass tripod vibrated violently.

When the extremely cold water meets the flame, it is like a violent and terrible collision and friction between two extreme people.

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, and her eyes were filled with solemn and firm expression. All of her soul's strength poured into the glass tripod. She controlled the water of the nether world and controlled the flame of the green dragon to the lowest.

The temperature fell down in an instant, and the weak flame was emitting a faint light, as if it was going to be extinguished at any time. However, no matter how the small flame swings, no matter how strong the wind is, the small flame is still very strong and invincible.

The dark water gradually quieted down, flowing in the medicine tripod, and finally no longer collided. Seeing this, mu Qianyue relaxed her breath, but still did not dare to be careless.

Although there are some differences between the magic pill and the human pill, the refining process is the same, but the drug properties are different, the flame control and temperature requirements are different.

The Yin and cold Qi of the nether world water was discharged and became much milder.

Dan, the next step is finished.

Slowly and carefully, the medicine liquid and the nether world water are fused together. At the beginning, although there are some repulsion, collision and entanglement, after mu Qianyue's control, they gradually settle down, and gradually begin to have signs of fusion.

And a faint fragrance of medicine came from the opposite medicine tripod, which diffused in the garden. It was obvious that it was going to become a pill!

Bru was very happy to see that someone was finally going to refine the magic elixir!

The other two groups of elixir see the first group of people have become Dan, after a while can be out of the oven, not from the heart anxious.

"Bang!" A big bang.

The explosion was heard again in the cauldron, which was obviously the second refining failure.

"Shit! What's the matter? Why did it blow up again? "

"Where were you looking at just now when you got married?" One curse after another is not full.

But they still have the last medicine. Fortunately, they were resourceful and prepared one before! In this way, they have three chances.

"Well, don't quarrel. Let's make alchemy. Time is running out!"

"You can't fail this time. This is the last chance."

I don't know whether it's the cause of the hurry or what. This time they didn't even reach the step of connecting Dan. There was an explosion in the cauldron again. They exploded again!

Haste makes waste.

One by one, they were disheartened, and they cursed and resented each other.

"I blame you! I told you to control the fire carefully. Why did you blow up the stove? "

"How can you blame me! Grass! I told you to put the dark water later. Before I was ready, you threw it in. Could you not blow up the stove"It's your fault and you want to deny it!"

"It's your fault! You stupid pig

Scolded and scolded, rolled up his sleeves, as if there was a big fight.

"Ha ha ha They failed, and we still have a chance... " The last group was supposed to be Dan, but they were distracted by their quarrel and blew up the stove accidentally!

Two groups of three opportunities, all failed!

It seems that this is extreme joy leads to sorrow!

No, it should be said that it is too early to make fun of the disaster.

From the beginning to the end, mu Qianyue kept a good attitude. She ignored all the noise around her, as if she had not heard it. She has been paying attention to the movement in the cauldron

At this time, the only group that became the pill had successfully refined the magic elixir and presented it to blu.

Holding the hot pill in his hand, Bloom's face was filled with joy and excitement. His father's illness was saved!

"Shit, this woman is going to be Dan

"Is there any mistake? She's the one who can't make alchemy

"Yes! What the hell! We've all blown up the stove, but she hasn't

"Ha ha What if she didn't blow up the stove? The quality of the pills she refined must be very poor. There is no difference between the pills with no efficacy and those with waste pills. "

"Yes! In the end, I think Shaozhu will still choose a group of pills. "

They all talked about it one after another, and their eyes twinkled with jealousy and depression.

Hearing the voices of all the people's comments, bloom noticed that mu Qianyue was still refining pills with great care and concentration.

The Housekeeper on one side asked in a low voice, "little Lord, do you want to announce the end now?"

He didn't think much of this woman anyway.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether she can refine it successfully or not. Where can the efficacy of her refining be better?

Bloom waved his hand. "When her refining is over, she has become Dan. It's OK to wait a little longer."

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