"I can't do what I can! I'll let you know what difference is Huo Jie sneered, his eyes showed a trace of cruelty, his body moved, also rushed to bru.

The two figures quickly collide with each other, entangle, tear, and each magic bombardment is extremely fierce.

Puff, puff

The black blood was flying in the air and turned into evil Qi in a flash.

Finally, after several hundred rounds of entanglement, the two figures finally separated. One of them fell out and retreated violently. Only when he was able to stabilize himself, he almost fell out of the stage. His face was a little pale, and his mouth opened with a mouthful of blood.

This is bloom.

Huo Jie, on the other hand, just stepped back ten steps to stabilize his body. His breath was slightly disordered, but he was not hurt. Obviously, the situation was much better than blu.

"Haha, bloom, I told you you couldn't be my opponent at all!" Hodge's face showed a proud and rampant smile, scornful and ironic eyes fell on Blu, imposing.

He was shocked when he was fighting with each other just now. He almost lost. Fortunately, his strength surpassed that of bru. Well, there was still some difference between the junior level and the top level of the fifth level.

Hoo hoo, he can't lose to this trash, otherwise, where will his face go?

We must teach him a good lesson, or the evil spirit in his heart will be hard to calm down!

Thinking so, huojie's eyes became cruel and cruel.

"Bloom, if you surrender now, I'll let you go. Otherwise, you must look good

Hearing huojie's words, Blu's face showed a trace of cold, reached out to wipe the blood on his mouth, and snorted, "I'll never surrender until the last moment, let alone admit defeat!"

Shallow month so help himself, let him jump four steps in three days, if so still lose, what does he take to see her?

Although she only helped him out of kindness, he could not let him down. After all, it was the first time that she was attracted to her, even though she didn't like herself!

So, he must win, or talk about guarding her side?

Even if he died, he would exhaust his last breath!

"Hum! If you don't eat or drink, don't blame me for my ruthlessness Hodge snorted angrily and rushed towards bloom.


His body shape flashed one after another. In a twinkling of an eye, he rushed to Huo Jie's face, and the magic sword in his hand suddenly stabbed out. A black sword full of evil spirit was slashed at the top of Blu's head. The sword was roaring like angry thunder!

For a moment, the whole area, above and below, was covered with ferocious and terrifying swords. It was wrapped around bru!

Blu stood still. He looked up at huojie with determination in his eyes. His deep pupil clearly reflected huojie's ferocity and cruelty.

When they saw bloom standing still, there was a look of astonishment and regret on his face. Was Blu stupid?

He did not dodge or resist this terrible move. Why did he stand there?

It's also ah, this move is so strong that he can't avoid it. Even if he can resist it, he can't escape the fate of being seriously injured. In short, he will lose!

Just then, bloom finally moved.

He quickly pinched the formula with his fingers, and the whole person turned into a black sword, fiercely facing Huo Jie's sword.

Seeing this, people's faces were full of fright, and some even exclaimed.

"Shit, is this bloom crazy? Is he going to die? "

"Is he stupid! I dare to face Huo Jie's killing move. It's obviously self seeking! "

"Ah, you hurt the enemy eight hundred times and destroy yourself a thousand! It's not worth it

You don't have to look at it and you know that bloom is going to lose.


There was a tremendous noise, and countless evil spirits were swirling in the air, like a black mushroom cloud, blocking people's sight. The huge roar and explosion sound sounded in the ear, deafening.

For a moment, people couldn't see what was going on inside.

After all the evil Qi dissipated, the figure inside was finally revealed.

I saw a figure lying on the ground dying, motionless, and the man turned out to be Huo Jie!

As for bloom, he was on one knee with his head down. I wonder if he is dead.

The referee was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect this to happen. Just as he was wondering who would win, bloom and Hodge would win. Suddenly, bloom raised his head. At this time, his face was pale and his body was a little light, not as solid as before.

But at least he can move.

Blu stood up and walked towards huojie step by step. Huojie opened his eyes slightly, his eyes were blurred. He seemed to feel that Blu was coming towards him. He had a look of panic on his face. He moved his fingers and tried to get up from the ground, but he failed obviously.Don't say to get up, it is extremely difficult to move the arm.

The next moment a cold face looked down at him, eyes full of cold and arrogant, "huojie, you lost!"

The light voice fell like thunder, pounding into Huo Jie's heart, but these are nothing.

Blu stepped on Huo Jie's chest and curled his lips with a cold radian. "You're the trash! The word "waste" will be returned to you later! "

Then mercilessly kicked it off the test bench.

Huo Jie was so angry that he was so angry that he was kicked off the stage and hit the hard and cold black stone hard. Then he turned his head and fainted completely.

This situation shocked people's mouth, eyes full of unbelievable look.


The most unlikely scene happened!

The one who won in the end is bloom!!

The ending was unexpected!

"This one, brussen!" The referee was stupefied for a moment, suddenly came back to his expressionless appearance and announced lightly.

Bru's face was still calm, but there was a little excitement in the bottom of his eyes. He went straight down to Mu Qianyue.

"Congratulations, you won and became one of the twelve great Shura kings around the ghost Lord." The light voice of the moon floated into his ears.

"Thank you, too." Bloom scratched his head.

"Bloom, if one day we become enemies, what will you do?" Mu shallow moon sighs lightly, do not know let him enter nine pylorus in the end is right or wrong.

She entered the ninth pylorus not for what to become the ghost Lord's hand, but for revenge, which is Bloom's belief and goal.

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