"No! We will never be enemies! " Bloom shook his head firmly, "because I'll never do it to my good friend!"

She not only cured his father's disease, but also made him quickly become a fifth level Magic general, and also passed the competition!

The most important thing is that this time he won Huo Jie and trampled him under his feet.

This time, I'm afraid Hodge will not be able to look up in the future.

Mu Xiaoyue shakes his head. It's better not to involve Blu in this matter, so as not to hurt him.

But bloom thought he didn't believe himself. He immediately reached out and swore to the sky, "shallow moon, what I said is true. You are my best and best friend. Even if you die, I will not become the enemy with you! And I won't hurt you! "

"I believe you." Mu said.

Soon, twelve places were selected, including bloom and mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue's election in Jin Dynasty made some people very unconvinced, but they dare not say much. Those who dare to be so dignified must have an iron bar relationship with the nine pylorus, or will the referee be blind? Even the referee didn't dare to say anything, which proved that the power of the person who let the water out was above the law protector!

Hum, this muqianyue is really a good life! No need to go out, so easily promoted to become one of the twelve Shura kings around the ghost Lord!

If the ghost master knew her real strength, he might drive her out of the nine pylorus or kill her directly!

A lot of people think of disaster and joy in their hearts.

In fact, even if those people don't deliberately release water, mu Qianyue is definitely able to win. You know, she is the strength of the Ninth level demon general. It's not easy to be promoted? It's just that you don't have to do it. It saves a lot of trouble and hides our strength.

"Well, now the promoted twelve will follow me." The referee's voice sounded faintly.

Mu Qianyue and bru and others followed him and went to the nine pylorus with him.

Nine pylorus is built in the back mountain of Shura city. It is a towering high mountain, steep and rugged.

The whole mountain is gloomy, and the flowers and trees on the mountain are shrouded in the boundless darkness and evil spirit.

On the hillside, a magnificent and majestic palace appeared in front of you, like an ancient giant beast, with amazing momentum.

Several Dharma protectors directly led mu Qianyue and his party into the nine pylorus, and then arranged for them to go down. Each of them had an independent courtyard, and the benefits were very good, but these treatments had no effect on mu Qianyue.

"Well, you can stay here first. The Lord of the ghost is in seclusion these days. You will be summoned in a few days. Remember, don't go where you shouldn't go, don't look at what you shouldn't see, and don't say what you shouldn't say, lest you don't know how you died. " The Dharma protector threw a word coldly and turned to leave.

And they all parted.

"Shallow moon, we finally enter the ninth pylorus, it's a little exciting!" Bru's face hung an excited smile, looked up, saw Mu Xiaoyue frown slightly, a pair of good-looking black eyes swept around, can't help but wonder, "shallow moon, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing. It's just the first time I came to the ninth pylorus. I'm a little excited and a little curious. " Mu shallow month suppress the excitement in the heart, the black pupil seems to be a calm, in fact, the heart has been surging, she finally entered the nine pylorus!

I don't know where Jing is being held. Is the ghost Lord in seclusion? Is it related to scenery?

Now she felt a confusion in her mind, how could she not understand it. The more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, the more afraid she was. She felt that the whole person was going to be impatient.

No, she has to be calm. She has to be calm!

I'm afraid the ghost will not even be found in the ghost when it comes to the ghost.

I took a deep breath and forced all the emotions in my heart down.

"Ha ha, excitement is normal. Go, let's go back to the yard, consolidate our strength in the past few days, and then wait patiently for the call of the ghost Lord. " Blu chuckled.

They went back to their own courtyard.

It was getting dark at last.

The hell prison also has day and night.

But there's no sun, no sunlight in the daytime.

Nine days above is a large piece of sky like heavy black clouds, no sunshine, no moon, no stars, only boundless darkness.

The night here will be more dark and full-bodied, and countless torches will light up in the city of Shura and Luocha at night, which will make this place more like a ghost city.

It was not until late at night that mu Qianyue summoned Xiao xuan'er out and asked xuan'er to inquire about the situation. Xuan'er, a miniature snake, looked like a little earthworm. It disappeared when it got into the grass. It was easy to escape from the ears and eyes of those shuras and Dharma protectors.

Of course, she did not idle, hiding the breath of her body, using stealth skills to sneak out of the yard.It's a pity that stealth attack can't be invisible for a long time. It only takes five seconds, but it's enough. Five seconds is enough for her to fly hundreds of meters. If she works with phantom footwork, it will be faster, but it will easily cause breath fluctuation and attract attention.

So she can only use stealth.

All the way out of the yard quietly, Xiao xuan'er is toward the East, so she will go to the west to investigate.

After searching around for some time, there was no result, and I didn't feel any breath belonging to nalanjing.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed slightly, her eyes flashed a touch of deep, just as she was about to leave, her heart suddenly beat, a heartbeat that didn't belong to her rang out

His eyes were astonished. There was a trace of excitement and joy in the black eyes. It was the heartbeat of the scene!

He's still alive!!

He's not far around here!

Turning around, his eyes were locked in front of the huge and magnificent palace behind him, and a touch of cold in his eyes quickly flashed, "is the scene locked in this?"

The attack spread out and flew several tens of meters ahead. Suddenly, a small figure appeared, blocking the way. One hand exploded in the air ahead. It was mu Qianyue's hiding place.

"Be bold! Who dares to enter the temple of Si Ming without permission! "

There was a chill and dignity in the tender voice.


A burst of air, Mu shallow moon fell out of the air.

Her eyes sank, staring at the black figure in front of her eyes, and her eyes flashed with surprise. It seemed that she did not expect that the other party found herself so soon.

Looking up, looking at the small figure in front of me, dim and dark, the face of the other party looms, some familiar, some strange, as if I have seen it before, but I can't remember for a while.

"You? Do you admire the headmaster The other side opens a way, the small face shows a touch of surprise and excitement.

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