Mu shallow month thought, ready to go up the second floor, but was guarded in the stairway of the guard stopped down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is not the time for the trade union to open, so the second floor will not be open to the public temporarily." The guard voice said respectfully.

Those who can come here are either rich or expensive, and their strength must be superior, so the guards dare not have a trace of contempt.

"I want to see your little master." Mu Qianyue said to the point that this is the auction of Nangong family.

The guard was stunned for a moment and then said, "I'm sorry, my little master doesn't see any guests today..."

"If you go and report, it's an old friend, and he'll come out." Mu shallow moon light says.

The guard's face was hesitant, but still stood still. "Sir, I'm sorry..."

One side of the gold from the night directly angry, "mistress, and he so much nonsense to do, we go directly in."

A fierce momentum from his body, directly lifted the guard out, smashed the fence made of white stone, instantly fell out of internal injury, spit blood.

The movement here immediately attracted the vigilance of the surrounding guards. One by one, they drew out swords in their hands, and their eyes were alert. They surrounded mu Qianyue and his party. One of the leading men said angrily, "who are you? Why make trouble here? "

"My mistress has something important to see your young master. Originally, she wanted to ask the guard elder brother to report it. But he was so mean that he was so mean to others that we got angry." Gold from the night face is not red, heart does not jump said.

In any case, he was determined to back the black pot, who let him push three hindrances?

The guard leader's face was cloudy and sunny. The wounded guard almost had no breath when he heard the words. He trembled and pointed to Jin Li and said angrily, "you, you are bloody..."

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I'm afraid it won't go well." The guard leader said without expression.

Several people on the opposite side looked at China with extraordinary momentum, but they could not hurt people here for no reason. Even if the guard was rude first, he Fengyun chamber of Commerce would give corresponding punishment, but they had violated the regulations of Fengyun chamber of Commerce!

Mu shallow month raises an eye to look at him, eyebrow is light pick, the eye ground accumulates a touch of cold light, "do not know what kind of statement do you want?"

"Compensate Fengyun chamber of Commerce for the loss, and then apologize."

"What if I don't?"

"Then we have to arrest you and hand them over to the young master." The leader of the guard had a selfless face and said coldly.

When the atmosphere was stiff and solemn, a woman's voice rang out, "what's the matter?"

Mu shallow month raises an eye to look, then looks to wipe familiar figure, purple frost.

After several years, the woman is still sexy and enchanting, full of charming amorous feelings, with a generous and appropriate smile on her face.

"Lord zishuang, you are here. These people are making trouble here..." The leader of the guard said something about it. Zishuang looked up at Mu Xiaoyue. She could not help but tremble fiercely, "Mu girl? Is it really you? "

"I haven't seen you for a long time. How is your little master A faint smile rose from the corner of his lips.

"Thank you, Miss mu. My little master is very good." Purple frost smile way, eyes gush a ray of joy, "by the way, Mu girl, how can you come here?"

Those guards had already been silly. The purple frost, who had always been strict with matters, didn't care about their rudeness, but still looked so happy! It seems that purple frost and they are familiar old friends!

Although the appearance of zishuang is always charming and charming, everyone knows that purple frost is the worst one to be provoked.

If anyone makes a mistake here, he will be severely punished, even the Royal Children of the Yanhuang people are no exception, it can be said that half face is not given.

But she showed a sincere smile when she was talking to several people.

"There's something passing by, so come in and have a look." Mu shallow moon laughs a way, here the person is many eye miscellaneous nature can't casually say the thing of Ning soul flower.

Zishuang was a smart man. She saw that mu Qianyue had something to do with her, so she said, "you should follow me first. The main thing is to know that you are here, and you will be very happy." After a few steps, she stopped and looked back at the guard leader and the wounded guard. "You two are not members of the Fengyun chamber of Commerce since today."

The two men immediately turned pale and begged for mercy.

The welfare of Fengyun chamber of commerce is very good, and they have worked here for nearly ten years. If they leave suddenly, they will lose their livelihood and can no longer support their families

Therefore, they did not want to leave at all. They could only desperately beg for mercy, hoping that zishuang could be spared.

"Zishuang, it's not their fault. We're also wrong." Mu shallow month eyes gush a silk embarrassment, "after all, they are also loyal to their duties."

"Then you two go to the darkroom and get the punishment." Purple frost cold voice said.

Hearing this, the two men repeatedly said thanks, but they were sweating all over their clothes. They bowed their heads, reached out to wipe the sweat on their faces, and went to the darkroom to receive punishment, which was much lighter than driving out of the Fengyun chamber of Commerce. They could still bear the trauma.Mu Xiaoyue and his party go to the second floor with zishuang. Jin Liye takes a few steps and turns back to make a face at the guard leader, which makes the two men bow their heads in a hurry, for fear of offending Jin Liye.

At the same time, the two of them secretly congratulated themselves that they did not say anything ugly and contemptuous, otherwise the end would be really miserable.

A luxurious box on the second floor, the door was pushed open, zishuang walked in with a light step, smiling.

"Young Lord, who do you think is coming?"

In front of the table, the man wore a dark black shirt, looked down at the account book in his hand, and casually lifted it up. He said faintly, "who's here?"

When his eyes fell on Mu shallow moon's face, not from a Zheng, and then excitedly stood up from the position, "Mu girl? It's you! What an accident

While saying, he hastened to meet him.

"I haven't seen you for several years. Nangong Shaozhu is as handsome and charming as ever." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile and praise. Unexpectedly, she received a cold look. Nangong Yu just wanted to reply with a smile. When she felt the coldness and jealousy beside her, she couldn't help smiling. "Ha ha, Miss Mu flattered me. Who knows that the king Shao Lord is the real peerless style. I dare not compare with him."

This is a madman who hears words from far and near. He'd better be careful.

Mu Qianyue speechless puffed the corner of his mouth, raised his eyes and glared at nalanjing. Nalanjing was wronged and pouted. You have never praised me so much. Now you praise other men in my face , the fastest update of the webnovel!