Mu Xiaoyue's face is black: good, I'm not polite!

You can't be polite. Just talk about business?

Well, get down to business.

Their eyes met, and they had talked for several rounds in their hearts.

"I haven't seen each other since the last farewell in the holy warrior tomb. The calculation time is six or seven years. The time is really fast!" Nangong Yu's eyes are filled with a sigh.

I still remember the scene when I first saw mu Qianyue. She went to Fengyun chamber of Commerce to persuade him to invest as a Dan pharmacist. At that time, she was just an ordinary student in Qingfeng college, and she was a smart warrior. In a flash, six or seven years later, she had already grown to a height that he could not match!

Her strength, her talent, really terrible! set the Thames a great coup!

He was glad that he had decided to cooperate with her, which not only made him rich, but also won a lot of fame. He also virtually won the relationship with Jingyue Pavilion.

"Yes, the time is really fast. Young master Nangong, your Fengyun chamber of commerce is really powerful. I didn't expect to have a place in Yanhuang city." Mu Xiaoyue sincerely praises that Fengyun chamber of Commerce was only opened in tianwu mainland, but Nangong Yu opened it in Yanhuang City, and the scale is still so large. It is really a bit of strength to be able to do this.

"Thank you for your coming to the mainland." Nangong yujunlang's face showed a slight smile.

Mu Xiaoyue is surprised. Is it because of her?

"Yes, Miss mu, after the tomb of the warrior was separated, the young master always said that you are a woman warrior who is not inferior to men. You have a unique talent, but you are not arrogant, angry or greedy. You also practice hard every day. Especially in the imperial flag gate and the Saint doctor's gate in tianwu land, you seem to be the top existence in tianwu. As a result, after we came to the land of unreal state, we heard about your reputation everywhere, which made the little Lord more determined to explore the world here! " Purple frost smile way, she looks to the south palace Yu in the vision is full of tenderness.

Over the years, she has always been with the little Lord, no matter how many hardships, they all came together.

"Frost son, these years have been hard for you." Nangong Yu can't help but take a tender feeling to her eyes.

Looking at the two people's expression of affection, Mu shallow moon could not help covering his mouth and chuckling, "Congratulations, when will you treat me to a wedding banquet?"

I remember that Nangong Yu didn't like zishuang at the beginning, but treated her as a friend and subordinate. However, zishuang's sincere love for each other over the years has moved him. Even though the hard heart will be melted, Nangong Yu has already accepted zishuang's love.

"Maybe in a few years, the foundation of Fengyun chamber of commerce is not very stable here. It will take several years to stabilize." Nangong Yu said truthfully, reaching out and holding zishuang's hand, zishuang was not dissatisfied with it, but looked at him with a smile, "little Lord, no matter how long I am willing to wait!"

"What a love Mu shallow moon praises a way.

"Lady, don't we love each other?" Nalanjing took the opportunity to embrace her slender waist.

Mu Xiaoyue depressed a corner of the mouth, raised his hand to hold his face, "love, more than anyone love, we are model husband and wife."

"Model couple? Well, that's a good title Nalanjing nodded with satisfaction.

Xuanye and cangming sighed, "master and mother are going to show their love and abuse the dog again..."

Mu shallow month speechless stare at them two people one eye, "say you two also old big big, how return single? Is it a girl you don't like? "

"Oh, no need. We think it's very good. We don't have to look for a daughter-in-law in a hurry, right?" Xuanye laughs awkwardly, and grabs Cang Ming's shoulder with one hand. They are both good friends. Cang Ming also laughs, "yes, yes, we are not in a hurry to find a daughter-in-law, as long as the master, son and mother are happy!"

Mu Qianyue's hands around her chest, and her playful eyes swept around them, "should you two be true love?"



Cang Ming and Xuan ye were stiff at hearing the words. They looked at each other with a look at each other. They quickly let go of their hands and looked at each other in disgust. "Bah, who is the true love with him?"

"Cut, do you think I want to love you? I am a man, and my sexual orientation is quite normal! "

"Nonsense! My sexual orientation is more normal, male and female

"Hum! You are so ugly that whoever marries you is blind. "

"You are ugly! Your whole family is ugly

Mu Xiaoyue smile, these two people are still as lovely as before, it is not changed at all! It is clear that a good brother cares about each other's death, but he still keeps hitting each other, referred to as the "awkward beast".

"Ignore the two of them. Let's go on." Mu shallow month raises head to see to a face startled and stunned south palace Yu and purple frost, smile way.

Nangong Yu suddenly came back to her senses. There was a trace of envy in her eyes. She and nalanjing did not have any airs for their subordinates. They were like old friends who had known each other for many years. This kind of relationship is really good"Miss mu, what's important for you to come to Yanhuang city this time?"

"There is something important." Mu Xiaoyue frowned slightly, looked at him and asked, "I heard that there had been ninghunhua news in Fengyun chamber of Commerce, so I came here to have a look."

"Ning Hun Hua?" Nangong Yu's eyes flashed quickly, and he was surprised, "Miss mu, what do you want to do with hunhunhua? That's useful for the dead who have lost their souls Is it... "

"Yes, I need it. Young master Nangong, do you have a soul coagulating flower Mu shallow month did not conceal, frankly said.

Although I haven't seen Nangong Yu for a long time, the relationship between them is not strange, but a familiar partner and a trustworthy partner!

Nangong Yu's brow could not help wrinkling tightly, and his eyes showed a strange look, "you are very unlucky. Yesterday morning, the eldest princess of the Yanhuang Empire came and bought the ninghun flower with a high price."

"It's not so much buying it, it's better to replace it with something of high price." Purple frost road.

The eldest princess of the Yanhuang Empire came here in person, and they had to sell that face. After all, the Fengyun chamber of Commerce had only been established here for five years, and its foundation was not stable, so it could not fight against such big forces as the Yanhuang empire.

But they never thought that mu Qianyue would need ninghun flower. If they knew, they would keep ninghun flower for her anyway!

"The eldest princess?" Mu shallow moon Dai eyebrow light Cu, "is which long princess?"

"There is only one long princess in Yanhuang Empire, which is Yan Qingya." Nangong Yu's face showed a trace of guilt, "Miss mu, I'm really sorry. We didn't know in advance, otherwise..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!