"Young master Nangong, it's not your fault. You don't know." Mu Qianyue said lightly, her beautiful face was calm, but her heart was full of waves

Looking up to the side of Nalan Jing, his purple eyes like glass are also surging with a deep and frightening essence.

Yan Qingya's body is occupied by Yan Shu, but that day in the city of dreams, Yan Qingya's body has been destroyed!

So what's the matter with the flame and elegance now?

Although I don't know what's going on, what mu Qianyue can be sure is that she can't get rid of the relationship with Yan Shu, and she definitely bought the flower on purpose!

But how did she know that she came here to look for ninghunhua and bought it in advance?

Thinking of the peeping eyes last night, mu Qianyue's heart is filled with a trace of uneasiness, no matter what tricks she wants to play, this time she will not let her succeed!

Have already conghunhua not here news, Mu shallow month and Nangong Yu, purple frost chat for a while and then left.

Then he went to his secret base in Yanhuang city with nalanjing. After checking, he finally returned to the restaurant.

For Yan Qingya, Chutian song is not familiar with, nor do they know what happened in the city of dreams. After mu Qianyue's explanation, he understands that the golden pupil is full of anger and murderous spirit! This woman he won't let go of her!

However, when he learned that nalanjing had been locked in the ghost chain for the sake of Mu Qianyue for a year, he was greatly shocked and more and more convinced of him.

This man is worth paying for him!

"She took the ninghun flower to deal with me. As long as she wanted to do something to me, she would definitely show up and would never easily destroy it. So now all we can do is wait. " Mu shallow month thought for a time, light said, the black pupil between surging firm sharp edge.


It was night, the moon was high, and there was silence all around.

It's a bit cold in the autumn night. By midnight, there are very few pedestrians in the street, and there are hardly any figures. People who have been busy and tired for a day have already fallen asleep.

Mu is sitting cross legged on the bed, began to practice again, feeling the small world.

And nalanjing strangely didn't come to disturb her.

Looking up at the woman who is practicing with her eyes closed on the bed, a trace of softness rises in her purple eyes, and she raises her hand to lay a strong defense barrier. Then she moves, and she goes straight out of the window towards the deep and boundless darkness.

In a moment, I fell on a cliff. Under the light light light, I could see a graceful woman with a slender figure. Her hair was flying in the evening wind, with a trace of sadness and love.

But nalanjing was not moved, and her beautiful purple eyes were still indifferent and heartless, "is it you? Is it pure and elegant? "

"Brother Yan, I knew you would come to see me!" The woman turned her head and showed a beautiful and pretty face under the moonlight. She even looked like the moon had seven or eight points in common.

Seeing the shock that flashed in nalanjing's eyes, she contented herself with the radian of a smile and reached out to touch her delicate and soft face, "brother Yan, this is my new appearance, do you still like it?"

It has to be said that her appearance is seven or eight points similar, and her height is similar to that of Mu Qianyue, with her charm. At this moment, she is really nine points similar to Mu Qianyue, just like a pair of twins.

If you are not familiar with mu Qianyue and Yan Qingya, it is easy to be mistaken for the same person.

"Do you think if you look like a month, I'll see you more?" Nalanjing's pupils narrowed slightly and his face showed a look of disgust.

"Brother Yan, I know that you have a deep relationship with Xiaoyue. You can rest assured that I will not destroy your husband and wife's feelings. I just want to stay with you, even if I am a concubine or a housekeeper. I can satisfy you both physically and psychologically! If you don't want to be known by her, I will never come out, even if it is secretly serving you, I am willing to There was a very serious look in her eyes.

Eyes like autumn water gaze at him closely, full of deep feelings, tenderness, but also contains a trace of tension, expectation and shame.

I have to say that she is very lovable like this.

If she was seen by her man, I'm afraid she would have agreed to her request. After all, such a good thing can't come. The beauty takes the initiative to send her arms, or to be an underground lover. Who doesn't want to?

But nalanjing was not moved. Her cold and lustless eyes looked at her coldly, "do you know why I came to see you?"

Yes, when he felt her breath, he came immediately.

It's not to kill her, but to see her! In order not to let this hateful crazy woman threaten yue'er again, so he decided to solve her secretly and avoid future trouble!


Yan Qingya eyes gush a layer of joy, Yan brother is moved by his deep feelings? Did you agree to her request? As long as brother Yan agrees, even if she is a concubine, she will!At that time, she can slowly deal with mu Qianyue!

"Because I'm here to kill you!" Nalanjing fell cold and mercilessly, and his own magic weapon had already formed. He stabbed Yan Qingya on the opposite side with a fierce sword. Yan Qingya seemed to have been on guard for a long time. His body moved, so he quickly hid from the side, and his body was in a bit of a mess.

The smile and excitement on her face faded into a look of anger and sadness, "why? Why don't you give me a little bit of love? I love you so much, but you kill me three times! Brother Yan, I am the one who loves you most in the world

"Hum! You kill my wife and daughter, but you still say you love me? Your love is terrible! Being liked by you is the biggest sorrow in my life Nalanjing disdains to hum, and the area protected by the holy hall unfolds, and immediately envelops the flame and elegance in this space.

"Blood pressure, dragon incomparable!"

The power of blood spread out, a majestic and terrifying giant sword fiercely bombards the past towards the fire and elegance!

Hearing only a dull sound of "bang", countless sword lights were swirling around, illuminating the night. She was shocked by her elegant figure, and a trace of blood flowed from her mouth. Her body quickly retreated back several tens of meters, until she reached the cliff air and stood in the air.

Her beautiful face was filled with anger, "brother Yan, you can't kill me! My strength is not as good as you, but I have the ability to defend the king of God's attack, so no matter how strong your move is, you can't kill me! "

Her hands were tearing the void, and she was about to escape into the darkness. Suddenly, a sword like the blood moon stabbed her from the front. "Puff Chi" stabbed her chest without hesitation

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