Ye Wenyuan was not in the field of death, so he could not see those evil spirits. He only saw Yan Yi, who seemed to be crazy, chopping and chopping in it. His face was full of panic and fear.

What's going on? What did the headmaster do to him? Let Yan Yi, an emperor warrior, be afraid of this?

Mu Qianyue's eyes were coldly locked on Yan Yi's body. "Originally I should have killed you, but you still have some use. I'll spare your life for the time being, but you must obey me unconditionally after that."

Hands pinch Jue, a ray of light, fell on the head of Yan Yi, quickly into his mind.

Yan Yi hugs his head in pain and struggles constantly. He only feels that there is a divine consciousness that does not belong to him in his mind, and then devours his divine consciousness and occupies the body

Although he doesn't know what happened, one thing he can be sure of is that if this God consciousness which does not belong to him occupies his body, he will die and become no longer himself

So he kept struggling and resisting, but it was a pity that his struggle and resistance didn't have much use.

God's blood contract is unrivalled and mercilessly devours his divine consciousness. His eyes gradually become dazed, and his eyes are empty and confused.

"Yan Yi, from now on you will obey my orders. Remember, I will be your master from now on." Mu Qianyue stepped forward and clapped on his shoulder.

Yan Yi's originally empty and confused eyes gradually became full of luster, no longer like a soulless puppet. He bowed respectfully to Mu Xiaoyue, "yes, master."

At the moment, Yan Yi is no longer the former Yan Yi. His thoughts have been completely changed and he is completely loyal to Mu Qianyue.

This is mu Qianyue's second use of God's blood contract after refining muyifeng.

If it is not to deal with the burning emperor, Yan Yi still has some use, otherwise, what Yan Yi did to Ye Wenyuan, would have been damned!

"You go and let them go." Mu shallow moon light says.

"Yes, master." Yan Yi stepped forward and took out the key and opened the chain that locked several people in the night Wenyuan.

Mu qianyuesheng's field started, directly cured the wounds on the five of them, and then took out the bodies of five bodyguards from the space of Tongtian tower, "change their clothes."

Ye Wenyuan's five people naturally understood the meaning of Mu Qianyue. They quickly stripped off the clothes of the five guards and put them on.

"Headmaster, although we have changed our clothes, but this appearance..." Ye Wenyuan hesitated.

"Don't worry. I was ready." Mu shallow month lip Cape draws up a shallow arc, take out five human skin masks, "you put on this."

Ye Wenyuan's face was happy, "the master of the gate is really thoughtful."

Without any hesitation, the five of them put the human skin masks on their faces, and the faces of the five guards were astonished.

After that, mu Qianyue destroyed the faces of the five guards with the miesheng sword, and made a lot of sword wounds on their bodies. Then he raised his head and looked at Yan Yi, "do you know what to do?"

"Master, you can rest assured that your subordinates will be perfect." Yan Yi looked at the corpse on the ground coldly.

Mu Xiaoyue nodded and quickly left with the five men of yewenyuan. Before leaving, he took out the silver needles on the four guards at the gate of the black prison. The four men woke up and turned around with a puzzled look in their eyes. They seemed to have fallen asleep just now?

If your majesty and the fourth Prince know that they fell asleep when they were guarding, they will definitely take their heads!

So the four made up their minds not to say anything about tonight.

Just at this time, just listen to the roar of inflamed wings coming from inside, "come on."

The four guards changed their faces and ran in. They bowed their heads and said respectfully, "what do you want from the fourth prince?"

"Drag out the bodies of the five and feed them to the snake demon!" Yan Yi said coldly.

Four guards nodded respectfully and hurriedly went out with five bodies. They didn't know what happened in the black prison

After Yan Yi got out of the black prison, he went straight to the palace where the emperor lived.

"Wing son, how is the situation?" Yan Huang sees Yan Yi to come over, not from voice ask a way.

"Father emperor, those five people inside are really damned. I'd rather die than tell the Dan Fang of blood vessel pill. I've killed them and dragged them to feed snake demons. They said that it is no longer important for them not to say the prescription of blood vessel pill, but mu Qianyue is more useful than them. " Yan Yi light answer way.

"Well, you're right. Since they won't say it, it's OK to kill them. Mu Qianyue must make good use of this chess piece. She can bring us endless wealth and strength to the Empire of inflamed wings The essence of Yan Huang's eyes twinkled.

The role of senior Dan pharmacists is infinite. At the moment, Yan Huang's heart is thinking about a better life in the future, how to control mu Qianyue to refine for himself, how to dominate the magic state and even the Xuantian realm. He has no idea that the good son standing in front of him at the moment has already become Mu's puppet.Mu shallow moon is also in order not to let the burning emperor doubt, so let Yan Yi come to reply, or as usual, so the burning emperor simply did not think that Yan Yi was not his wing.


"Thank you for saving your life. If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid we would all die in Yan Yi's hands." Ye Wenyuan looked in awe at the moon and bowed deeply.

In addition, the four people also made a deep bow to him, "thank you very much."

"Four elders, five elders, you are originally from my Jingyue Pavilion. You can be regarded as my martial uncle in terms of seniority. I should save you both in love and in reason." Mu Qianyue quickly helped him up.

"How could you fall into the hands of Yan Yi?"

"Well, here's the thing..." Ye Wenyuan sighed and said the general process of the matter. He looked up and looked at mu Qianyue. In the light of his eyes, a touch of doubt flashed in his eyes, "master, if you put Yan Yi, will he not reveal anything? And how did he suddenly recognize you as the Lord? "

"That's one of my secrets. He's completely at my command now. You can rest assured." Mu's beautiful face shows a confident look.

After that, mu Qianyue told the five of them about his plan in Yanhuang palace. Yewenyuan, five of them, were saints and followed her from tianwu. Naturally, they were trustworthy people, so there was nothing to hide from them.

Time goes on like this. Every three days, Yan Yi comes to Mu's hospital to "monitor" her. In fact, she reveals information to her.

Yan Huang didn't know that his good son had betrayed him long ago. He thought that his good son was checking the poisoning of Mu Qianyue and nalanjing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!